Review by James Martin, S.J. in America

“It is fortunate because this death can be the occasions for a metanoia in the church,” he writes in Flying in the Face of Tradition: Listening to the Lived Experience of the Faithful (Acta). “Sexual abuse, corruption, authoritarianism, lack of transparency, and cover-ups have all been collapsing into and on top of the institutional church….The 'tipping point' has been reached, and the moral authority, honor and respect that the institutional church once elicited from most peoples and secular institutions around the globe no longer exists.”
Brother DeThomasis, now 70, views this as a positive spiritual development. “However, if there is metanoia and transformation within, then there will and can be a 'resurrection' for the institutional church." His brief book (102 pages) touches upon what he calls the “subversion” of Vatican II, the proper use of tradition and what is bound to be the most controversial topic: the ordination of women. “After listening to the arguments put forth by the institutional church that Jesus would demand anything other than the full complete and total equality of all persons in his church and finding those arguments completely unpersuasive and often silly," he writes, "we the faithful believe that the ordination of women not only should take place, but must take place soon."
What is perhaps most surprising about this book is that Brother DeThomasis writes from within the heart of the institutional church, as a member a large religious order, after many years in a leadership role (he served as president of St. Mary's from 1984 to 2005) and still in active ministry: he runs the Christian Brother Investment Services, and lives in Rome. (Acta is also a well-known Catholic publisher, which publishes books and offers parish resources on church history, religious education and prayer. One of its authors last fall was Pope Benedict XVI.)"
Bridget Mary's Reflection:
More evidence of my premise that a spiritual uprising is rocking the Catholic Church. I am very happy that Brother supports women's ordination and soon. We already have Roman Catholic Women Priests. I fully agree that the total equality of all is a major issue that the church must address. It is the elephant in the living room with LCWR too!
You go Brother De Thomasis! Another must read book, Flying in the Face of Tradition! All you need is the Inquisition men in Rome, your neighbors, to condemn it! Thanks to James Martin for bringing it to our attention. One of my books, A Promise of Presence was published by ACTA too!
Bridget Mary Meehan, arcwp
It's funny how the very people responsible for many of the Church's woes are the one's calling for women's ordination today. Perhaps this was planned all along?
Just because I'm a delusional paranoid schizophrenic doesn't mean I'm not doctrinally right.
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