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present read the prayers of anointing for Caroline.
the liturgy Paddy asked for anointing and the community anointed him and also
prayed for the healing of his back.
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Theresa anointing
Caroline for healing. All present anointed Caroline |
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Maria receiving communion from
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left to right: Katy and Elana |
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Left to right Elana, Roman, his sister Connie, Marie Mary Lou Hamilton, Katy, Suzanne, Caroline
is our Sun and Sofia gifting us with growth in wisdom. Amen
All: Opening Prayer:
O God we stand at the beginning of our new year. We know you journey with
us each day of our lives. May we experience fully the meaning of being a man
or a woman on our journey home to you, our Beginning and our Destination.
Be with us in our joys and sorrows, our comings and goings, our beginnings
and endings this year 2016. Amen.
First Reading: Farewell and Hello by Jan P
Farewell to arms, to terror, and crimes against nature.
Farewell to half truths, deception, political subterfuge.
Farewell to jealousy, fear, pressure to be, to do,
to behave this way and that.
Farewell to pettiness of logic and laughter,
to wishing it were otherwise,
to pretty soon, any day now, almost ready.
Hello to yes, to this is the time.
Hello to I deserve this, I created this,
I make all things new.
Hello to abundance begins with myself,
to this is my one life,
to these are my holy and precious hours.
Hello to saying what is true,
knowing what is mine.
Hello to this is what I am called to do.
This is why I came.
Sixty-six times I have stood
at this threshold,
I have seen this happen:
there is a door, a light in the distance,
a slight trembling in my legs,
the taste of the unknown,
and always the question,
coming at me like a wind
Do you mean it this time?
Are you coming?
By Jan Phillip
This too is an Inspired Word
All: Thanks be to God
Psalm Response: Psalm 136, from Psalms for Praying -An Invitation to
Wholeness by Nan C. Merrill
All: Your Love creates and sustains us
O sing praises to the Beloved,
Whose Love sustains us;
Yes, give thanks to the Heart of all hearts,
And bow down before the Most High,
Whose Love sustains us!
All: Your Love creates and sustains us
To You, who call us to repentance and rebirth,
To You who accompany us as we face our fears,
Your Love sustains us.
To You who liberate us to live into our birthright,
Who sends the Counselor to lead us on paths of peace,
Who comforts us in times of sorrow and loneliness,
Your love sustains us.
All: Your Love creates and sustains us
To You, who instruct us in truth and justice
To You who open our hearts to the cry of the poor,
You call us to radiate your Love to the world,
All: Your Love creates and sustains us
Second Reading Christopher Fry his play "A Sleep of Prisoners"
"Dark and cold we may be, but this is no winter now,
The frozen misery of centuries breaks, cracks, begins to move.
The thunder is the thunder of the floes, the thaw, the flood, the upstart
Thank God our time is now, when wrong comes up to face us everywhere,
Never to leave us till we take the longest stride of soul men (and women)
ever took. Affairs are now soul size. The enterprise...is exploration into
This too is an inspired word. All: thanks be to God
(Taken from "Abounding in Kindness" Elizabeth A Johnson. Pg 34.)
Gospel Reading: Taken from the scriptures
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth...
Human kind was created as God's reflection: in the divine image God created
them; female and male, God made them. (Gen 1:1, 27)
In the beginning there was the Word; the Word was in God's presence, and the
Word was God...The Word was present to God from the beginning. Through the
Word all things came into being, and apart from the Word nothing came into
that has come into being. In the Word was life, and that life was
humanity's light---a Light that shines in the darkness, a Light that the
darkness has never overtaken. (John 1:1-5)
Here begins the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God: as it was written in
Isaiah the prophet: to prepare your way, a herald's voce in the desert,
crying, 'Make ready the way of our God. Clear a straight path.'" (Mark
From the beginning of Creation, "God made them male and female. This is why
one person leaves home and cleaves to another, and the two become one flesh"
(Mark 10:6-8)
Nation will rise against nation and empire against empire; there will be
earthquakes throughout the world and famines---yet this is only the
beginning of the labor pains...Say whatever is given to you at the time, for
it will not be you speaking, but the Holy Spirit." (Mark 13:8, 11)
I too have investigated everything carefully from the beginning and have
decided to set it down in writing for you...(Luke 1:2)
(On the way to Emmaus Jesus appeared to two disciples) Then beginning with
Moses and all the prophets, Jesus interpreted for them every passage of
scripture which referred to the Messiah. (Luke 24:27)
The way in which I (Paul) was raised as a child, beginning among my own
people and later in Jerusalem, is well know among the Jewish community.
They have known fro the beginning and could testify, if they were wiling,
that I have lived the life of a Pharisee... (Acts 26:4-5)
This is the Good News of Jesus our brother.
All: Praise to you our brother Jesus
Dialog homily:
What new beginning do you see for yourself in 2016? Family, community?
-emotionally, spiritually, physically?
What may you have to leave behind as change comes as Jan writes in her poem?
How might you deepen your relationship with God in 2016? To begin again?
How might your relationship with God change?
Anointing for Caroline
Prayers of the community
Response: All: God calling us to begin, hear our prayer.
Co-Presider: Blessed are you, God of all creation, through your goodness we
have this bread to offer which earth has given and human hands have made.
This bread is our faith community seeking knowledge, consciousness and new
beginnings in faith. May we individually and as a community live your
vision of peace and healing for all. This will become for us the bread of
All: Blessed be God forever.
Co-Presider: Blessed are you, God of all creation. Through your goodness we
have this wine to offer, fruit of the vine and work of human hands. This
drink is our desire to bring new beginnings to all and to your earth. This
wine and juice will become our spiritual drink.
All: Blessed be God forever.
My sisters and brothers let us pray together that our gifts may be
acceptable to God our Creator and soul's beginning.
All: May God accept these gifts from our hands, for the praise and glory of
God's name, for our wisdom and the knowledge of all the People of God.
Co-Presider: Ever gentle God, We give you thanks for the blessing of
worshiping you as a community. Accept our gifts and our worship. By
offering ourselves may we be filled with your Spirit Source of new
beginnings-spiritually, emotionally, and physically. We ask this through
Jesus Christ, our brother. Amen.
Eucharistic Prayer from sheet
Our father/mother recited by all:
Sign of Peace...sung, Peace is flowing...Love is flowing...Alleluia,
The bread is broken.
All: This is the Creator of our past, present and future. Our God of
Evolution is the source of all who calls each of us to nourish all
beginnings in Jesus our Brother. How blessed are we who are called to the
supper of Jesus. May we be who we are--the Body of Christ. May we be what
we eat--the Body of Christ. Amen
Passing the bread "We are the Body of Christ."
Passing the wine "We are the Blood of Christ"
Prayers of thanksgiving and final thoughts
Closing Prayer All:
We give you thanks in calling us together at the beginning of our new year.
May we journey with each other, sharing our lives and your compassion.
During the coming year, in times of beginning and ending may we experience
your loving presence with us. As always we pray in the name of Jesus, our
brother and your beloved son. Amen.
Blessing. Raise hands in mutual blessing
All: May our evolutionary God of Wholeness bless all gathered here and all
those in our families and community. We ask for God's Healing Presence for
all in the name of our Creator, in the name of our Brother Jesus, and in the
name of God's Spirit Sofia as we minister to one another as the People of
God. Amen
Co-Presiders: Go in the peace of Christ, let our service continue! May this
new year bring the happiest of beginnings for ourselves, our family and
All: Thanks be to God.
Anointing of the Sick
January 14, 2016
We are gathered to anoint Caroline our sister in faith. She has asked for
our prayers as Caroline continues to receive treatment for her illness.
A reading from James 5:13-14
Are any of you in trouble? Then pray. Are any of you in good spirits? Then
sing a hymn of praise. Are any of you sick? Then call for the elders of the
church, and have them pray over those who are sick and anoint them with oil
in the name of Christ.
A reading from Luke 7: 19-23
When the disciples of John came to Jesus they said, "John the Baptizer sends
us to you with this question: "Are you He who is to come? Or do we look for
some one else?"...Jesus gave this response, "go and report to John what you
have seen and heard. The blind recover their sight, cripples walk, lepers
are cured, the deaf hear, dead men are raised to life, and the poor have
good news preached to them.
Presider: Let us bless this oil by raising our hands and asking the Spirit
to be present.
All: Life giving and healing Spirit Sofia the Consoler enter this precious
oil, this soothing ointment, this rich gift, this fruit of the earth. May
this oil be a healing balm for our sister Caroline. Bring her body healing
freeing her from all illness. Holy Spirit fill her heart, mind and soul with
healing comfort. Blessed be God who heals us in Christ in whom we trust. As
always we pray in the name of Jesus our brother and your Beloved Son. Amen
Presider: My brothers and sisters, in our prayer of faith, let us appeal to
God for our sister Caroline.
Come and strengthen her thorough this holy anointing we pray:
All: Loving God hear us.
Free Caroline from all harm we pray
All: Loving God hear us
Assist all those who are dedicated to the care of Caroline in her illness we
All: Loving God hear us.
Give life and health to our sister Caroline whom we anoint this day in your
name, we pray.
All: Loving God hear us.
Anointing with oil takes place
Closing prayer by all
May our loving God of Wholeness be with you to protect you Caroline.
May God guide you and give you strength
May our Loving God watch over you, keep you in God's care,
and bless you with the peace of Jesus our brother.
May our Loving God bless Caroline and each of us. Amen
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