
Monday, November 21, 2016

"Diversity and Unity Rally" by Ann Harrington ARCWP

Rally in Greenville, North Carolina

I am a follower of Jesus the Christ.  When I became aware that Jesus never said to worship him, but said to follow him, my consciousness made a big shift. So, how might we follow Jesus in building  communities where diversity is embraced, where peace and justice reign?  Love God, Jesus said, wholeheartedly, love your neighbor as yourself and love your enemy.   A rather simple program, it just hasn't been tried very much.   So here we are a group of citizens dedicated to the proposition that all are created equal. We believe in the dignity of all our brothers and sisters and we want the world to know that.  We thought the days of exclusion were coming to an end,  we thought the hard work we had done was bearing good fruit. But it is clear we must do more work to counter the energies of hatred and fear and greed that threaten to engulf our nation. Let us not play the victim.  We must remember  to not give in to the temptation to return hate with hate. Let us stop reacting to the vitriol of the recent political campaigns.   Let us live in the present and respond in the spirit of love to that which is, right here, right now.

Be the change you wish to see in the world, give the love you wish to receive, radiate the peace you long for.  Everything we think, every story we tell, everything we say or do matters. These are the tools with which we build tomorrow.

I encourage all of us to spend much time in prayerful meditation between now and the inauguration.  Send light and love to our leaders, those you like and those you don't. And believe me, I am having difficulty doing this!!!  One of my favorite spiritual teachers, James Finley said in a recent reflection that, "God is hopelessly in live with Trump".  Of course She is as She is hopelessly in love with everyone and everything She has created.

Before Jesus began his public ministry he spent 40 days in the desert in communion with God.  It is out of this communion that Jesus proclaims;  (and I will use the Inclusive Language Version of the Gospel of Luke 4:18)

The Spirit of Our God is upon me,
because the Most High has anointed me
to bring Good News to those who are poor,
God has sent me to proclaim liberty to those held captive,
 recovery of sight to those who are blind  
and release to those in prison--
to proclaim the year of Our God's favor.

God has given it to us to make this world a safe and inclusive place.  Thank you for being the eyes, the ears, the mouth, the arms and the feet of The Holy One. Continue working for justice. Keep shining your light!!!

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