World Day of Peace and Mary Queen of Peace
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Mary Mother of Jesus Catholic Community Celebrates Liturgy for World Day of Peace |
December 31, 2016
Presiders Katy Zatsick and Elena Garcia ARCWP
Music Ministers: Linda Lee Miska,
Welcome! Gathering Song: Come Mother Eagle (song sheet)
Opening Prayer. Presiders God of love, You became human in Jesus and showed us how to live life fully. May we, like Mary, rejoice as we give birth to God within us in everything we say and do as we act for Peace and Justice. All: Amen.
Opening prayer All: O Giver of Hope, you delight us through Mary and Joseph with the birth of Christ in whom we find strength, wisdom and grace. Renew our vision of justice and peace during this season that we may reach out to the needs of others in our families, our neighborhoods, and places of work. In confidence we pray that we may always find hope in your birth especially in our new year. Amen.
Liturgy of the Word First Reading: Numbers 6:22-27 Response: Psalm 72 # 785 All: Justice will flower in their days and profound peace, till the moon is no more
First Reading: Janet
Second Reading: Katy
Liturgy of the Word First Reading: Numbers 6:22-27 Response: Psalm 72 # 785 All: Justice will flower in their days and profound peace, till the moon is no more
First Reading: Janet
Responsorial Psalm: Russ
Second Reading: Katy
Second Reading: Pope Francis
“Involvement in politics is an obligation for a Christian. We Christians cannot “play the role of Pilate,” washing our hands of it—we cannot. We must be involved in politics because politics is one of the highest forms of charity, for it seeks the common good. And Christian laypeople must work in in politics. You will say to me, “But it isn’t easy” Nor is it easy to become a priest. Nothing is easy in life. It is not easy; politics has become too dirty, but I ask myself: why has it become dirty? Why aren’t Christians involved in politics with an evangelical spirit? I leave you with a question. It is easy to say, “It is so-and so’s fault.” But me, what do I do? It is a duty! Working for the common good is a Christian’s duty! And often the way to work for that is politics. There are other ways: being a teacher, for example; teaching is another route. However, political life for the common good is one of the ways.”
The inspired word of Pope Francis All: Thanks be to God.
(Politics: A Christian Duty: Dialogue with Students of Jesuit School of Italy and Albania, Paul VI audience Hall, June 7, 2013 from Pope Francis Speaks to our Hearts, Words of Challenge and Hope, 2013)
Gospel: Luke 2:16-21 Response. All: Glory and praise to you our Brother Jesus the Christ!
Homily: Katy Zatsick
Dialogue Homily
Homily: Katy Zatsick
Dialogue Homily
- How have I experienced Mary’s intersession in my life? What is my relationship to Mary?
- Pope Francis teaches we must work for the Common Good. What can I do? What can MMOJ as a community do to work for peace and justice?
- As we close 2016, how will I thank God for being present in my life this past year?
Profession of Faith. All: We believe in God who is creator of all. We believe in Jesus our Brother the Christ, who is our love, our hope, and our light. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the breath of Wisdom Sophia, who energizes and guides us to build caring communities and to challenge injustices to bring peace to our communities and the world. We believe in the communion of saints our heavenly friends especially Mary mother of Jesus, who support us on life’s journey. We believe in the partnership and equality of women and men in our church and world. We believe that all are One in the community of creation. We believe that God calls us to live fully, love tenderly, and serve the work of our Common Good generously. Amen.
Community Petitions. Presider: Prince of Peace, you forbade Peter to use the sword; enable us to resolve conflicts between persons and nations through dialogue rather than violence, we pray. Response: Jesus, Mary and Joseph hear us.
Presider: God, our Mother, you share with us the strength and beauty of giving birth: may we draw upon your strength in times of birthing new energy, insight, and integrity lino our country’s institutional structures we pray. R: Jesus, Mary and Joseph hear us.
Presider: Christ, proclaimer of peace, enable us to speak honestly and truthfully for the sake of peace and justice in our country and world, we pray: R: Jesus, Mary and Joseph hear us.
Presider: Christ, sign of peace, be with us in our efforts to be women and men with peaceful hearts and may the prayers of contemplative people bring peace to those in need of healing and reconciliation, we pray; R: Jesus, Mary and Joseph hear us.
Presider: May the sick and suffering receive the healing love of God, we pray. (please name out loud or in the silence) R: Jesus, Mary and Joseph hear us. (Other Intentions)
Offertory Song: Taize Ubi Caritas (see sheet) during collection Presider: Blessed are you, God of all life, through your goodness we have this bread and our own lives to offer. This bread is our Mary Mother of Jesus community seeking to work for the Common Good and that your justice will prevail for all life and our planet. Through this sacred meal may we become your new creation. All: Blessed be God forever.
Presider: Blessed are you, God of all life, through your goodness we have this wine and our own lives to offer. This wine is our Mary Mother of Jesus community working for the Common Good that your peace will prevail throughout the earth and all peoples. Through this sacred meal may we become your new creation. All: Blessed be God forever.
Presider: God is with you. All: And also with you. Presider: Lift up your hearts. All: We lift them up to God. Presider: Let us give thanks to our God. All: Amen Eucharistic Prayer. Men: Mothering God, you brought forth all creation from your life-giving womb. O Love of the ages, we praise you and leap for joy in your presence.
Women: Holy One of ancient Israel, you revealed yourself in Mary’s womb, in a shining star, in humble shepherds, in a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. You embrace us with infinite love in every situation and relationship. You dwell in the depths of our hearts.
Men: As God’s beloved, we celebrate our own sacred presence on the table and around the table in joyful song.
All We are holy…you are holy…I am holy…we are holy(Karen Drucker)
Women, God, of all people. we glorify you for the dawning of the sacred promise of God’s Anointed, fulfilled in Jesus the Prince of Peace.
Men : We celebrate the birth of Jesus, our newborn Emmanuel, who came to share your extravagant kindness. During this holy season we share the bread of hope and lift the cup of life.
All (with hand extended to invoke the Spirit): Indwelling Spirit deepen your Presence within us and in these gifts of bread and wine, that they may become the Body of Christ. Presider: As Jesus gave birth to the new covenant, he took bread, gave thanks, broke the bread, and shared it with all those present and with us today saying: All: Take this all of you and eat it. This is my body.
Presider: Then Jesus took a cup of wine, blessed you, Loving God, shared the cup with all those present saying: All: Take this all of you and drink from the covenant, poured out for you and for everyone. Do this in memory of me.
Second Invocation of the Spirit: All (with hand on next person’s shoulder): God of all people, you call us “beloved.” Give us courage to accept your faith in us and to live your compassion in the world. You infuse us with Sophia, Holy Wisdom, to serve you in the last and the least.
Women: As we wait with joyful hearts for the fulfillment of your loving presence in our lives, we remember the saints who have gone before us:. (name mentors they want to remember, living and dead.)
Men: God of Inclusiveness. may we work for justice and equality for all God’s people and for the healing of our earth.
All: Through Christ, with Christ, in Christ, all praise and glory are yours, Holy God, through the power of the Spirit. Amen.
All: Our Father and Mother…. Sign of Peace. Presider: Let us join hands and hearts and pray for God’s peace for all our world in 2017 as we sing #535 All: “Peace is flowing…, Love is flowing…Joy is flowing…Alleluia…
Litany for the breaking of bread.
All:: Loving God, you call us to speak truth to power. We will do so. Loving God, you call us to live the Gospel of peace and justice. We will do so. Loving God, you call us to be your presence in the world. We will do so. Amen
Presider: This is the banquet table of our brother Jesus,. All are invited to the feast. All: May we be who we are, the Body and Blood of Christ for peace and justice in our world.
After Communion sing “Mary” on song sheet Prayer after Communion.
Presider: Mary Queen of Peace and Jesus Prince of Peace, thank you for opening our hearts to your Spirit of love flowing as we begin our new year 2017. May Jesus’ humanity help us to embrace our humanness and grow in love each day. All: Amen.
Thanksgiving/Introductions/ Announcements
Final Blessing.(please extend hand in blessing)
All: May our Brother Jesus and his mother Mary bless you and keep you! May Our God’s face shine upon you, and be gracious to you! May Our God look kindly upon you and give you and your family peace in the coming year of 2017! Amen.
Presiders: Let us be the Peace of Jesus in our world today with Mary as our loving Mother. Let us go in the peace of Jesus our Cosmic Christ to work for and to serve the Common Good. All: Thanks be to God.
Recessional: When the Saints Going Marching In
Adapted from a Liturgy by Bridget Mary Meehan,
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