Song: O Come All Ye Faithful #79, vs. 1-2
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Bridget Mary Meehan and Karen Hylen Co-Presiders at MMOJ Christmas Liturgy 2016 |
Opening Prayer. Presider
God of love, You became human in Jesus and showed us how to live life
fully. May we, like Mary, rejoice as we give birth to God within us in everything
we say and do. ALL: Amen.
ALL: Angels we have heard on high
#82 (Gloria
in excelsis Deo)
Liturgy of the Word
Reading: Isaiah 62:1-5
Response: Go Tell it on the Mountains #99, vs. 1,2,
Reading: Hebrews 1:1-6
Acclamation (Sing): Alleluia!
Gospel: Luke
Response. ALL:
Glory and praise to you, Jesus the Christ!
Dialogue Homily:
Journey Towards Justice Christmas Day, pp.30-31
Dialogue Homily: Journey Towards Justice Christmas Day, pp.30-31 (Karen and Bridget Mary)
“Jesus, the human being, the Incarnation of God’s Word had to have had an ordinary birth and subsequent childhood to have become who he became for us. Jesus taught us through his exaample that our quest is to fully embrace all the facets of our humanness while relying totally on a passionate and vibrant relationship with a God who is intimately and mysteriously involved and in love with us.“ (Journey Towards Justice, by Cathy Woodson, Sr. Anne-Louise Nadeau, SNDdeN, Published by Pax Christi)
Question for Reflection and Sharing by Presiders and Community:
What does Jesus’ humanness teach us about our spiritual path?
of Faith. ALL: We believe in God who is creator of all. We believe in Jesus,
the Christ, who is our love, our hope, and our light. We believe in the Holy
Spirit, the breath of Wisdom Sophia, who energizes and guides us to build
caring communities and to challenge injustices.
We believe in the communion of saints our heavenly friends, who support
us on life’s journey. We believe in the
partnership and equality of women and men in our church and world. We believe that all are one in the community of creation. We
believe that God calls us to live fully, love tenderly, and serve
generously. Amen.
Community Petitions.
Presider: For a deeper coming of Christ
in our world, we pray.
Nurturing God,
hear us.
Presider: May we experience the coming
of God anew in our lives, we pray. R.
Presider: May people who suffer from destitution & despair
experience the mothering comfort of God, we pray. R.
Presider: May the sick and suffering
receive the healing love of God, we pray. R.
Presider: May those who have died rest
in God's eternal embrace, we pray. R.
Offertory Song: Mary, did you know?
Presider: Blessed are you, God of all
life, through your goodness we have bread, wine, and our own lives to offer.
Through this sacred meal may we become your new creation.
Presider: God is with you. ALL:
And also with
you. Presider: Lift up your hearts. ALL:
We lift them up to God. Presider: Let us give
thanks to our God. All: Amen
Eucharistic Prayer.
Voice: Mothering God, you brought forth all creation from your
life-giving womb. O Love of the ages, we praise you and leap for joy in your
Voice: Holy One of ancient Israel, you
revealed yourself in Mary's womb, in a shining star, in humble shepherds, in a
baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. You embrace us with infinite love in every
situation and relationship. You dwell in the depths of our hearts.
Voice: As God’s beloved, we celebrate
our own sacred presence on the table and around the table in joyful song.
ALL: Holy, Holy, Holy (Karen Drucker)
Voice:, God, of all people. we glorify
you for the dawning of the sacred promise of God's Anointed, fulfilled in
Jesus, the Christ.
Voice: We celebrate the birth of
Jesus, our newborn Emmanuel, who came to share your extravagant kindness. During
this holy season we share the bread of hope and lift the cup of life.
All (with hand extended to invoke the Spirit): Indwelling Spirit
deepen your Presence within us and in these gifts of bread and wine, that they
may become the Body of Christ.
Presider: As Jesus gave birth to the new
covenant, he took bread, gave thanks, broke the bread, and shared it with all
those present saying:
Presider: Then Jesus took a cup of wine,
blessed you, Loving God, shared the cup with all those present saying:
ALL: Take this all of you and drink
from the covenant, poured out for you and for everyone. Do this in memory of
Presider: Let us proclaim the infinite love of our
nurturing God:
ALL: Christ, by your life, death and
rising, you have blessed us with abundance that will never end.
Second Invocation of the Spirit: All (with hand on next
person’s shoulder): God of all people, you call us "beloved." Give us courage to accept your faith in us and to
live your compassion in the world. You infuse us with Sophia, Holy Wisdom, to
serve you in the last and the least.
Voice: As we wait with joyful hearts
for the fulfillment of your loving presence in our lives, we remember the
saints who have gone before us:. (Community names mentors they want to
remember, living and dead.)
Voice: God of Inclusiveness. may we work
for justice and equality for all God’s people and for the healing of our earth.
ALL: Through Christ, with Christ, in Christ, all praise and glory are
yours, Holy God, through the power of the Spirit. Amen.
ALL: Our Father and Mother….
Sign of Peace. Presider: Let us join hands and hearts and pray for peace in our world
as we sing “Let there be peace on earth”
Litany for the breaking of bread. ALL: Loving God, you call us to speak truth
to power. We will do so. Loving God, you call us to live the Gospel of peace
and justice. We will do so. Loving God,
you call us to be your presence in the world. We will do so.
Presider: This is the banquet table of
our brother Jesus,. All are invited to the feast. ALL: May we be who we are, the Body
of Christ. In our world.
Presider: Let us share the Body of Christ with the Body
of Christ! ALL: Amen.
Communion Hymns: O Holy Night, Alicia Bartol Thomas (solo)
Silent Night #89
Prayer after Communion.
Presider: God of promises thank you for opening our hearts to your
Spirit of love flowing through us this Christmas Eve. May Jesus’ humanity help us to embrace our
humanness and grow in love each day.
ALL: Amen.
Final Blessing. ALL (with hand extended in prayer): We bless one another with love, peace and
joy as we celebrate the birth of Jesus in history and the Christ Presence in
our cosmos.
Presiderr: Let us birth Christ anew in
our world today. Go in the peace of Christ.
ALL: Thanks be to God.
Joy to the World #80, vs. 1-2
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