We have started the sharing of experiences, Nora Londoño, Agronoma and myself, in Germany, after a long trip, caused by the strike of Avianca, and the usual of a trip, canceled flights, loss of connections, that I will not to go into details, since even in what seems a contrariety, for us it has been a good experience good and rich in wisdom, for the lessons left.
We are under the welcome and solidarity of our brothers and sisters from Pax Christi-Germany, who care for us with affectionate affection, making us feel that we are under the care of our Father-Mother God.
Given the great concern worldwide, for the care of the Common House, suggested and beautifully slapped in Laudato if , from Francisco, we find ourselves sharing the experiences lived on the care of the Environment. It has been fascinating to visit the Edible City, Andernach, and especially the Lebenswelt Farm (The world of life). Being there reminded me of my experience at the Santander School in Rionegro-Antioquia. In the School, there was a lot, and every afternoon after school, we would run, prepare our era, scramble the soil, sow the seeds, pour the water, and enjoy, how germinating and sprouting. seeds. It was a nice way to learn to care for the earth, and to know the process of life itself, through plants.
On the farm of Andernach of the Rhine, rural, historic, very old district, (over 2000 years old) we saw wonderful things that have not yet gone out of style and are enjoyed. We saw the dump, which carries plants to the Schools, so that the students, know the care and the process of the plants. The land of the Municipality, in which an entire rural cultural program of love for the countryside is carried out, carried out by fundamentally older people, who have put and continue to make every effort to love the land. The program has made Andernach, known today, for tourism and its love for the care of the Common House. In its streets, you can find planters, with medicinal plants, flowers, or vegetables, which so many citizens and visitors can take and use freely. As many parks as the planters,
The wheelbarrow leading to the Schools, to teach students about handling agriculture and plant development.
Silvia, shows us with much love the beautiful cultivation of "Cachaquito de muladar", pure vitamin "C" you can eat her flower.
Silvia, the guide of the farm, shows us with all her enthusiasm and charisma that does not fit her body, which she lives on the farm and vibrates for her love of nature!
Impossible, to go through the beautiful Dahlias and not see them! Gerd and Norita enjoy the beauty of the countryside.
The sheep, which are cute, are seen in their environment. The boundaries are demarcated by the undergrowth itself, in a natural way.
The experience is not left alone in the Farm, it reaches the village. These medlars, are in the urban area of Andernach.
In the village we find reference of the plants and flowers, in the parks and platforms that the tourist can enjoy the same as in the market.
"From the bottom of the earth, the seed germinates; at the top of the sky, the ripe grain; Thanks to the sustenance of the earth and the heat of the sun; Thanks to the flash of water and the whisper of the wind; Thanks to the freshness of the forest, to insects, birds and other wonderful beings; Thanks to the work of man and woman, The love of father and mother; Thanks to the table that serves us and those who accompany us today. Thank you, Our Father. "(1)
- Taken from the book "The Flavors of the Field" Nora Helena Londoño Fernandez.
NOTE: We will continue to share with you, as much as possible, different activities. Thanks for joining us.
* Roman Catholic Presbyter
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