
Friday, November 24, 2017

ARCWP. Pax Christi-Medellin-Erftstadt Germany. Celebrating Thanksgiving. November 10/17. Olga Lucia Álvarez Benjumea *

Being in Germany, we had the opportunity to share, not only the situation of our country, in the face of the post-agreements, in the challenge of Peace and Reconciliation, the Environment, and Climate Change, but also to share our faith and celebrate life, with the members of Pax Christi Erftsadt-Germany.
This is how on the eve of our return, we gathered to celebrate the Eucharist at Karin and Tony's house, with the rest of the Pax Christi members and team.
We began the celebration invoking the Divine presence, remembering the Easter of Father Alvaro Ulcué, indigenous, murdered on November 10, 1984.
We encourage this celebration to be grateful, as gratitude is the Eucharist itself, for having found us and to have shared fraternally, learning from each other of our experiences between Germany and Colombia, during a month rich in experiences and fraternity together, in the same table, as the logo proposed and prepared by the team of German brothers, for this exchange. We appreciated, every detail, of how well organized, the dedication and patience during a year, preparing, our meeting.
The texts were those of the day,  31st week of ordinary time :

Ijerka, Bernard, Tony, Bernard and Gerd, participating in the celebration.
Karin, Barbara, Helena, Rosa, Annie, and Ijerka, attentive following the readings.
Karin, after the consecration, distributes the Eucharist to us.
Alexandra receives the Eucharist from Karin.
Final song.
The Eucharist finished. Norita, on behalf of Colombia, gives each of the participants a small plant.
With much love and fervor each participant, they were receiving their little plant, as if Colombia stayed with them. Nora and I, we brought with us many seeds and a little soil, meaning that we brought the affection, affection and solidarity of Germany, towards our people.

* Catholic Presbyter.

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