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Elena Garcia ARCWP presides at Liturgy |
THEME: “And this is the marvel
of marvels, that He called me Beloved.” (C.S. Lewis)
and Comments followed by a moment of silence to find our still point where the
Holy One calls us to gather in song and prayer to adore Her Divinity.
Opening Song: “Wade in the Water” refrain only 3x
Presider: Let
us begin in
the name of God, our father/mother, and of Jesus Christ Sophia, and of the Holy
Spirit Wisdom.
All: Amen.
Presider: Spirit of God, you moved over the waters breathing
life, freedom and joy into creation. Fill us, bathe us, drench us with your
healing, refreshing love. Make us a life-giving river spilling over and
splashing justice, truth and love over all. All: Amen
Blessing of the Water:
Presider: May this water remind us of the holiness of
earth. May the Spirit of God move in this water once again and make us a
wellspring of love spilling over with compassion for all. All:
Blessing of the People:
Presider: May you be blessed and renewed in your
baptismal promises to God, yourself, and the People of God! (Sprinkle all, including
presiders, with blessed water.)
Penitential Expression and
Community Forgiveness
Presider: My sisters and brothers, God is with you! All: And also with you.
Presider: Let us pause to reflect on God’s boundless love and
our need for forgiveness and healing. (Silent Reflection) (All
extend hands and recite prayer of general absolution)
All: Our loving merciful God, through the death and resurrection of Jesus, has
reconciled the world and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of
sins. Through the ministry of the Church, may God give us pardon and
peace and absolve us from our sins in the name of Jesus,
the Christ, and
of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Presider: May the God of love, forgive us our
lack of trust in God’s Spirit moving within us, in us and through us as witnesses of God’s love
for all. All:
All: Glory to God in the highest, and
peace to God’s people on earth. O loving God, we worship
you, we give you thanks, we praise you for your glory. O Jesus, Christ
Sophia, You take away the sin of the
have mercy on us. You who are one with our God, receive our prayer.
For you alone are the Holy One; you alone are Messiah. You alone are the
Most High, Jesus, Christ Sophia, with the Holy Spirit, in
the glory of God. Amen.
1st Reading: Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7 All: Thanks be to God
Psalm 29 Response: Give praise to the Beloved; Sing of
Love’s glory and strength.
2nd Reading: Acts 10: 34 – 38 All: Thanks be to God
Gospel Acclamation Before and After: Alleluia
Gospel: Story of Jesus’ Baptism All: Thank you Jesus
Homily and Community Sharing
(Taken from “The Friends in Faith” and shared by Joan Meehan)
ALL: Gathered together as people of faith, we profess our belief in a God
who is larger than we can name, unable to be contained, yet present in each one
of us. We have come to know this God in the living of our lives, and in the
holiness of the earth we share. We believe in a God revealed in all peoples—all
genders, religions, and orientations. We embrace a compassionate God, who
champions justice and mercy, and is always faithful when we call. Our God gives
and forgives, patiently loving without conditions. We gratefully believe in a
God who feels our deepest struggles, and celebrates our greatest joys. A God
who both dances with us in celebration, and holds us when we cry. This God is not
“other” to us, but shares our breath in every moment, and promises we are never
alone. We believe in a God who believes in us - believes that we are precious
and incredible gifts, worthy to claim image and likeness to the divine. We hold
fast to our God who journeys with us, who continually calls us to choose the
shape of our days through the choices we make. This God accepts us as we are,
and shares each hope we have for our becoming. This is the God in whom we
believe, our Creator, our Mother and Father who became human in Jesus, our
brother. Our God is the Spirit of Life, the voice that continues to speak love,
and asks us to answer. In this God we choose to believe. AMEN
V: The Holy Spirit hovered over Jesus and a
voice declared him the beloved One of God. We pray to him:
All: Blessed be God who comes to save
V: Jesus, servant of God , you listened
to the Spirit and were led to the Jordan to be Baptized.
All: Open our minds and hearts to your
call to conversion.
V: Jesus, Word made flesh, you listened to
the Spirit and were led to the desert to prepare for your mission.
All: Teach us to pray that our ministry may proclaim the good news
of the fullness of life.
V: Jesus, savior of us all, you listened to
the Spirit and encouraged John in his time of doubt.
All: Help us to live the truth of our
baptism so deeply that we may be guides to one another.
V: Jesus, our peace, you listened to the
Spirit and were covered with the waters of the Jordan.
All: bless all who are dying and enfold them in your mercy.
V: What other concerns do we pray for at
this time?
After each petition all respond: Come Holy Spirit
Presider: Let us pray. Jesus,
you were sent by God to save us, and you so loved the world that your every
deed was inspired by Holy Spirit. Your mission was God’s mission, and you gave
your life to fulfill it. Teach us to listen to the Spirit in our hearts. Help
us to love as you have loved us, that we may continue your mission. Loving
God, we have spoken of our needs and hopes and some of them remain silently in
our hearts. Listen to the fullness of our petitions and help us to effect these
changes for the better in our world. We ask this in your name
. Amen
Presider: Blessed are you, God of all life,
through your goodness we have bread, wine, all creation, and our own lives to
offer. Through this sacred meal may we become your new creation. All:
Blessed be God forever.
God dwells in you. All: And
also with you.
Presider: Lift up your hearts. All:
We lift them up to God.
Presider: Let us give thanks to our God. All:
It is right to give God thanks and praise.
All are welcome to participate in the prayers of Consecration and
receive Holy Communion
Voice: We
praise you, Wellspring of Love, in whom we live and move and have our being.
You have sent Jesus, Sophia's child, the Wisdom of the Ages, to show us that the
heart of religion is worshipping you in spirit and in truth. You revealed your
identity to the Samaritan woman at the well. You continue to reveal your
identity to us today. You embrace every nation, race, creed and culture as your
All: O
Divine Companion, you look at each of us with great tenderness. May we see
ourselves loved by you totally. God of relationships, you reveal yourself in
other people. Holy One, Compassionate One, Gracious One, your glory
embraces heaven and earth. Like sun-drenched waters that sparkle, all human
faces reflect your radiant splendor. You love each of us as if we were the only
person in the world. Blessed is Jesus who comes in the name of Sophia! Hosanna
in the highest.
Voice: O surging Ocean of Grace,
you energize us with Spirit and passion, connecting us with all creatures in
the depth of your unending love. You wash us clean of resentment and hostility
and scrub away the debris that pollutes our spirits. We ask you to make us new
as you did in the waters of our baptism. Immerse us in the Love that dances for
joy in your presence. We gather to celebrate our sacred stories as we welcome
all people around this banquet table. We remember Jesus-Sophia who invites us
to come and drink of the waters that will quench our thirst forever.
all extend hands as we recite the consecration together)
All: The night before
pouring forth his love for all people, Jesus took bread, broke it and shared
it with his beloved companions, saying:
Take this, all of you, and eat it. This is my body which
will be given for your healing. (PAUSE)
All: Then, looking with tender
warmth on his friends, Jesus took a cup of wine, praised Sophia, and shared the
cup, saying:
this all of you and drink from it; this is the cup of my blood, the blood that
will satisfy the longings of human hearts for all times. It will be poured out
for the healing and wholeness of all creation. Remember always you are a
reflection of divinity.
Presider: Let us proclaim the mystery of our dying and rising
in Christ:
All: Jesus-Sophia
comforts us in our losses, cries with us in our sorrow, and promises that our
innermost beings will flow with rivers of living water, even in the midst of
our suffering and pain.
Voice: As we
share this holy meal, we remember the holy men and women who drank from
Wisdom's well and showed us how to live as courageous disciples: the prophet
Miriam, the woman at the well, Paul of Tarsus, Prisca and Aquila, Clare and
Francis of Assisi, Dorothy Day, Ita Ford, Bishop Oscar Romero and all those
companions we cherish and who bless and
challenge us on our faith journey.
Voice: May
the Church be anchored in the still waters of your presence where abundant
blessings flow forever. O Holy One who lives in our hearts, we celebrate your
radiant image in men and women everywhere. Your creativity flows through our
beings. Your joy fills us. Your blessings are the wellspring of grace all
around us. Your mercy is fresh, like dew, every morning. Your healing liberates
us from all darkness and oppression. Your empowerment bubbles up inside
All: For you are the
Love that dwells in our depths, the Wisdom of the Ages that speaks through us,
the Divine Connection that makes us all one Amen.
Father and Mother…(Sung)
Presider: Peaceful Waters, we share the abundant love that
flows among us as we embrace each other with open hearts. Look on the
faith of all and grant us the peace and unity of your kindom where you live forever. All: AmenPresider: May the peace of Christ Sophia be always with you. All: And
also with
you. Presider: Let us offer each other a sign of peace as we
sing “Peace is Flowing Like a River” – Peace, Love,
Healing, Alleluia
All: Loving
God, You
call us to speak truth to power, have mercy on us. Loving God, You call us to live the
Gospel of peace and justice, have mercy on us. Loving God, You call us to be Your
presence in the world. Grant us peace.
Presider: Let us share the Body of Christ with the Body of
Christ! All: Amen.
PRE COMMUNION CHANT: God prepare me, to be a Sanctuary, pure and
holy, tried and true. With thanksgiving I’ll be a living, sanctuary for you. 3x
Presider: O God, thank you for refreshing us in your
sacrament. May we experience your life-giving waters welling up within us as we
serve others with glad hearts. All:
Presider: Jesus Sophia is with you. All:
also with you.
May the Spirit who moved over the waters of creation renew the earth. May Jesus
Sophia satisfy our thirst for living fully. May the God of play fill our
hearts to overflowing that we may live in the joy of being
loved All:
Presiders: Go in the peace of Jesus Sophia. Let the service begin!
Thanks be to God.
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