
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

A Prayer for Healing During the Coronavirus

We pray for all who are suffering  from the virus, their loved ones and care-givers .
May they receive the tender care and resources they need to heal.
We trust that You, Holy One, are working through doctors, nurses, health care professionals, and first responders  who are doing all they can to help those affected by this world pandemic.
Your strength, your healing and your compassion is active in every effort they make to help those who are seriously ill.
In Your infinite love, we believe that all things are possible.
Jesus said: "The truth of the matter is, anyone who has faith in me,  will do the works I do and greater works besides.”(John 14:12)
As we share small acts of  kindness to lighten the burden of those who are heavily burdened by this life-threatening virus we are the hands and feet of Christ healing the world. 
Bridget Mary Meehan ARCWP

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