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Published in 1999 by ACTA (Assisting Christians to Act) |
Chapter 2:
Discovering Your Vision
Write the vision;
make it plain on tablets .. .
For there is still a vision for the appointed time . ..
If it seems to tarry, wait for it;
it will surely come, it will not delay.
Habakkuk2:2-3 (NRSV)
Writing the "vision" for our life, community, ministry or organization can be an energizing and challenging experience. It often involves soul-searching, such as listening to the stirrings of Spirit-Wisdom speaking to us in the quiet moments of life. It also involves conversing with others. Even our struggles and conflicts can reveal God's direction for our lives.
One example from my own faith journey comes to mind. I was working in a small parish with a priest whose vision differed from mine, causing us frequent arguments over women's equality issues in the Church. One day, totally frustrated, I complained to God that nothing would ever change in this hierarchal, male dominated Church. As I stilled my soul, I heard God speak to my heart: "Go within and discover who you are as a powerful, passionate reflection of the Feminine Divine." I realized that I was called to become the message and live the vision "as if' it is already now.
This prayer encounter began an inner journey that radically altered my entire perception of who I am, who God is, and what I am called to do with my life. It led me to celebrate the feminine face of God in my own life and to find "her" all around me-everywhere and in everything. As a result, I began writing books about feminine images of God, conducting retreats on the topic, initiating women's spirituality groups, and even playing games that introduced children to Mother God's nurturing love. What a relief to find that I no longer needed to "convert" others to my way of thinking. All I had to do was simply be who I am called to be. I could then live God's vision for my life more freely, fully, and joyfully and let others do the same.
God has a plan for each of our lives that is unique and special. We are one of a kind and God has something wonderful for each of us to do. The challenge is to be receptive and to pray for Wisdom's guidance.
God's plan for us can come in a moment of insight. More often than not, however, God will speak to us through the people and circumstances around us, shedding light on the particular path we are to walk. It can involve a change of heart, attitude or lifestyle and could possibly point us in a completely new direction. It can deepen our understanding of our life choices and commitments.
No matter what God calls us to do or be, we will experience deep peace and joy as we respond to the divine whisper in our souls that takes us toward discovering our own vision. Then, as the vision unfolds, we can write it boldly by living passionately. In doing so, we make the world a better place, following the way of the prophets and saints of old.
Make this your prayer today:
Loving Mother, embrace me in your nurturing arms. Hold me close to your heart. May I experience your tenderness and com passion, your strength and wisdom. Open my spirit to experience the depths of your love for me this day. Reveal your vision, your hopes, your dreams for me.
This reflection calls you to discover your vision for your own life.
Be receptive. Place yourself before Spirit-Wisdom with open hands. Make this your prayer today:
Are you calling me, God, to touch life deeply in some special way? Lead me that I may see the way and take the path. Speak, God, I am listening.
List your hopes and dreams on paper. Put your list in a sacred place as a reminder that your hopes and dreams are precious, holy and possible. Make this your prayer today:
Source of Visions, I share my deepest hopes and dreams with you this day. Be for me passionate love that stirs my heart and moves my soul.
Imagine one of your hopes or dreams coming true today. What might occur? How would your life be different and/or the same?
Then see yourself acting "as if' this hope or dream is a reality. Share your feelings, thoughts and insights with Spirit-Wisdom.
Practice mindful breathing today as you experience God's presence all around you. Breathing in, see yourself living your vision. Breathing out, smile. Breathing in, experience joy, peace and
love- whatever you feel the Spirit giving you with all creation. Breathing out, share joy, peace and love-whatever you feel you have to offer all creation.
Make this your prayer today:
Sophia, Holy Wisdom, I hear you calling me to share my gifts, to enter the sacred circle of relationships, to dance the cosmic dance with all creation. Your music is like magic in my soul, stretching me to horizons yet unseen, where mysteries- like grace-laden opportunities-await me, skipping like clouds across a peaceful blue sky.
Listen as God speaks to you in this way today:
You are my hope. You are my joy.
You are my passion. You are my delight.
You are my (hear God call you something special).
In you, my beloved, I am well pleased.
My deepest desire for you is (hear God's special joy for you).
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