
Thursday, July 16, 2020

Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests: Our Inclusive Communities and Values

We believe:
  1. Equality
We believe women and men are created whole and equal by God and as baptized persons can equally represent Christ. We ordain women and men in Apostolic Succession as a matter of justice and faithfulness to the Gospel. Because equality is a human right, we are called to work for structural, systemic change that eliminates discrimination and sexism in the church and in the world.
  1. Justice
We strive to live as justice makers in right relation to self, to others, and to the earth. Aware of the interconnectedness of all, we believe that action on behalf of justice is constitutive to the Gospels. Because we understand how unjust structures marginalize people on the basis of class, race, gender, sexual orientation, and mental and physical challenges, we collaborate to create alternative structures that are inclusive of all and are deeply based in the traditions of social justice within our church.
  1. Accountability
Accountability is a hallmark of our commitment to circular leadership.  We are co-responsible to live our vision of a renewed priestly ministry in a community of equals.  We are called to be open to the Spirit as our movement evolves and grows. As models of empowerment, we are united in vision and mission, and respectful of our differences, and we open ourselves to ongoing discussion and prayer in actualizing this responsibility. 
  1. Collegiality
Our vision is to live as a community of equals in decision making as an organization and within all our faith communities. We make decisions by using a circular model including consensus and/or democratic vote of all members. We reject all forms of domination and control.
  1. Prophetic Obedience
We are called by the Spirit to read the signs of the times and to respond in solidarity with the human rights and justice movements of our times. As disciples of Jesus, we stand on the margins with the marginalized, advocating for justice rising up in our church and world.  Illumined by the mystical and prophetic tradition, we use the insights of evolutionary, feminist, liberation, womanist, and mujerista theologies in our spiritual and professional ministerial development.    
  1. Spirituality:
Spirituality is at the heart of our commitment to the Holy One. We are called to be women and men of prayer and action.  All of life is sacrament, a sign of God’s presence that reflects our holiness as co-creators in the community of life. Through conscious awareness and committed activism, we work for a more just, peaceful and egalitarian church and world where all beings thrive together.  As members of the Community of the Baptized, we are aware that the entire church celebrates sacraments. We preside at sacramental liturgies in inclusive, empowered, egalitarian communities where all are welcome to experience God’s extravagant love. 
  1. Compassion:
Compassion allows us as healers to enter into the journey of others in times of heart break, grief and loss.  In all our communications, we strive for deep understanding, and we respond with openness to listen, to learn, and to love and to share God’s faithful presence always with others in their struggles. 
The Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests (ARCWP) is an international community within the International Roman Catholic Women Priests Movement.   As a community of equal disciples, our calling is first and foremost to follow Jesus the Christ, our model of liberation, and to grow in unity with all in the heart of God. Aware of our deep connectedness to one another, and to the community of creation, our mission is to live Gospel justice and inclusiveness by ordaining women and men as equals and partners in the Roman Catholic Church.

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