
Monday, March 25, 2024

DECRUCIFYING CHRIST: Olga Lucia Álvarez Benjumea ARCWP he March 24, 2024

                                     It is the Christ who unclasps himself to give us his hand and resurrect us.

What title is that? Decrucifying Christ.

Very bold of me, but I have to do it.

Many people are afraid of Christ crucified. I remember on one occasion I showed Christ to a child, his name: Samuelito.

As soon as he saw him, he began to scream frightened, frightened, with fear and ran into the arms of his father, who hugged him and kissed him, tenderly to take away that infamous fear.

With this experience in my life, I began to see the Christ differently. Samuelito, he was giving me a lesson.

Another story. A girl made her First Communion, they had told her that she was going to receive the Body of Christ... well, when the priest gave her her Host, she took it out of her mouth and said: I don't want to eat the Body of Christ.

For me, these have been very strong lessons that make me see that a Reform is needed in the rituals of the Church, which is why I share them today.

We are afraid of the unknown. We are afraid of encountering Christ, because we do not know him, he has not been introduced to us. Apart from that, they have placed it very far away from us…

We always find Christ in the most serious problems of life, such as illness, a natural disaster, an earthquake. And we began to search for the one we had never sought or found, within our self-sufficiency.

We have to decrucify Christ, to feel your arms that cover us, protect us and guide us.

Don't be afraid of him. It is time to see him RESURRECTED, full of life.

The time has come to prepare to be resurrected in Christ.

The Mothers of Candelaria, the Mothers of Soacha, the families of the disappeared, the women victims of femicides, the children abused by pedophiles need to be resurrected. They need to resurrect the dead from the mass graves. They need to resuscitate the terminally ill, or those in danger of death. 

Colombia needs to resurrect from so much violence, from so much infamous injustice.

Let's celebrate Easter with Christ decrucified, protecting us, covering us, loving us.

It is up to us women to make this mission a reality, involving men, since the Good News is not a question of gender, but of a lot of PEACE AND LOVE.

"Do not be afraid: go tell my brothers 

let them go to Galilee; you will see me there"

Saint Matthew (28,8-15)



Envigado, March 24/24

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