
Sunday, December 25, 2011

We, from the Good Shepherd Inclusive Catholic Community in Fort Myers, Florida wish you a Blessed Christmas!

Here are some pictures of our young people who acted out the Christmas Story with the Luke 2 Gospel Reading during Christmas Eve Mass. Ty is 18 today, and Jolinda is 14 and Keion is 10 and Jakeriya 9. Jakeriya took me to task to make sure girls could be shepherds! She was so right. We had no camera during Mass so these pictures were taken afterward during our fellowship, hot Christmas Meal and Sunday School Classes. Only three years ago our children had no idea of what happened on Christmas or Easter, now they are all baptized and deeply love the Christ they celebrate at Christmas. We are so thankful for our whole community, and for those who could not be there and for our faithful supporters. About 35 people attended our special Christmas Eve Mass and celebration. There was such joy and love-we knew Christmas had really come and we wish all of you the love of Christmas.

Pastor Judy Lee, ARCWP,Priest

Judy Beaumont, ARCWP Deacon

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