
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Vatican Applauds Media for Watchdog Role/Sincere or Damage Control?
Bridget Mary's Response:
When the sexual abuse allegations against priests first hit the fan, the Vatican blamed the media, now they have come full circle.
What has changed?
Over 2 billion in payouts in the U.S.
More damaging reports from national commissions in Ireland and elsewhere of a cover-up that leads to the present Pope's door.
In the U.S., Cardinal Mahony's efforts to keep records sealed by years of legal manuvering, resulted in more money( millions?) squandered.
Cardinal Law after the clergy in Boston called for his resignation, awarded a cushy job in Rome.
Cardinal Rigali? Has he been held accountable?
The lists go on and on...

Now all of a sudden the media is a hero in this story according to the Vatican!
It gives one pause for thought! Is it spin or damage control?
Bridget Mary Meehan, arcwp


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