Loving God, we gather there in the Spirit of your won Jesus who revealed to us our intimate connection to him. Jesus said, "I am the vine, you are the branches. Without me you can do nothing." We are united in our effort, as Mary Mother of Jesus (MMOJ) community of faith, to shine your light on the School of the Americas and its training of police and military of Central and South America. we remember that six Jesuits and their housekieepers, the four women maryred in El Salvador, Bishop Oscar Romero and countless others tortured and murdered by graduates of this school. Bless these MMOJ members representing us as we stand in solidarity with the peoples of Central and South America for justice and peace in their countries. May these members representing all of MMOJ stand in solidarity wth Fr. Roy Bourgeois and his sacrifice to openly support Roman Catholic Women Priests for justice in the Catholic Church. We ask to bless their travels and their witness for justice and peace at the gates of Ft. Benning. May the doors of the School of the Americas be closed forever. Amen.
From left to right Melo, Russ, Terry, Don, Katy Zatsick, members of MMOJ going to
SOA Vigil Watch at Ft. Benning, GA. Nov. 21-23,2014
Visit: www.marymotherofjesus.org
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