"Pope Francis, Women are Waiting" by Carol Costello/ "Young Catholic Women Wanted for a Holy Shakeup" by Bridget Mary Meehan, ARCWP
"According to a 2014 Pew Research study, just 16% of American women between 18 and 29 identify as Catholic. The low percentage is troubling enough, but Cummings puts the numbers into stark perspective. "For the first time in history, young Catholic women are more disengaged than their male counterparts," she told me. "That is a huge, important shift. If you don't have women, you lose the children." .... According to Vatican Radio, just 18% of the Vatican's workforce is female. Keep in mind that workforce includes Vatican museums, post offices, and the Holy See that governs the Roman Catholic Church."
Bridget Mary's Response:
Thank you Carol Costello for raising this issue. I understand the reasons why young Catholic women are not putting up with the sexism of the Catholic Church. Until we have full equality for women in the church, including ordination, they won't be back. However, I wish that Carol Costello considered the fact that the hierarchy is not the church, the entire people of God are the church. All of us together make up the Catholic family. We are the church and we are losing our sisters because they are sick of the discrimination and subordination. A few women who head select Catholic organizations doesn't cut it. These amazing, gifted young women get it. They know that they are spiritual equals. Clearly the Vatican doesn't get it, or care enough to treat women as equals and put them in the top jobs in the church. These women are not fooled by tokenism. I'd like to invite young women to join our international women priests movement to shakeup the old boys network! We need your help! Bridget Mary Meehan, ARCWP, www.arcwp.org, sofiabmm@aol.com
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