
Monday, November 27, 2017

Liturgical Prayer: "Seize the moment: Authors say it's time to roll back the 2010 missal"

My Response: Catholics around the world deserve inclusive language liturgical texts for the celebration of sacraments.
Our women-priests' led Catholic communities use inclusive language in our liturgies.  

I agree with John Wilkins that it is time to seize the moment if the church does not want to stay in the Middle Ages and reflect a theology many of its members no longer believe! The 2010 translation, for example, has a preponderance of male-only pronouns for God and for people. 

You can check out our inclusive liturgies on this blog and on  the ARCWP website:
Bridget Mary Meehan ARCWP

..."In an interview with NCR, John Wilkins explained that his research for his chapter in the book is based on "access to all the essential sources — not just people but also documents."
Paying tribute to O'Collins' "extremely impressive scholarship" and his "stringent comparison" of the two translations, Wilkins said it shows how the 2010 missal translation fails to advance what the Second Vatican Council mandated, namely the full participation of priest and people. O'Collins also critiques the unsatisfactory principles prescribed by Liturgiam Authenticam.
The book's purpose, O'Collins writes, is to show how far superior the 1998 translation is to that of the 2010 missal.
"I have written out of a desire that the English-speaking conferences of bishops will act quickly and, by introducing the 1998 Missal, allow the presiders and congregations to celebrate the liturgy in what is truly their own language," O'Collins states.
He is highly critical of the 2010 missal's "quest for a mythical 'sacred vernacular' " that favors "odd, 'stately' words, obsequious ways of addressing God, and a non-inclusive language that leaves out half the human race."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I an a Roman Catholic priest and I am a woman. I have no problem using the liturgy as prescribed currently in the 3rd Roman Missal for Mass. To come from a place that the Divine has a gender is making the Divine human. Whi/le such notion is preposterous, I choose to simply use the given text and appreciate it as it was written in a time that reflected their understanding of the Divine. I don’t take it personally, nor do I worry about it. I know who I am. I know the Divine knows me as well. I look at it more as our history, not unlike the writings of Huckleberry Finn or Tom Sawyer. While some might say these novels are racist, it is better served to see them as a text of the times in which they were written. Do we know better now, of course, but to tamper with them would be destroying the work itself. Men don’t have multiple wives, stone them for adultery, or sell them for a cow, but I will still read the stories, because the Divine has a message for me in all of it.