Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community Liturgy, Celebrating The Easter Women on our Journey to a more Inclusive, Just and Equal Church, Presiders: Bridget Mary Meehan, Music Minister Mindy Lou Simmons
Bridget Mary Meehan ARCWP and Kevin Connelly Co-Presiders
Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community Celebrates Liturgy, Recites Eucharistic Prayer around table- CoPresiders Bridget Mary and Kevin Connelly
Woman’s Spirit
words and music: Marvella McPartland
& Lynn Fugua
sung by: Karen Drucker
Woman’s Spirit is beauty
Woman’s Spirit runs deep
Woman loves with compassion
Our perfection is complete…
Woman’s Spirit is graceful
Woman’s Spirit is wise
Woman’s Spirit is moving
Bringing love into our lives...
Woman’s Spirit is passion
Woman’s Spirit is birth
Woman’s power unfolding
To honor life on earth.
Presider 1: We gather
joyfully and begin in the name of the Infinite Love that is the Source of all
Being, Eternal Word and Holy Spirit, Amen.
Opening Prayer
Presider 2:Holy One, You
comforted Jesus hanging on a cross- when the men had fled in fear- through the
ministry of women :Mary of Magdala, Mary, mother of Jesus, Salome, Mary of Clopas
and Mary, Mother of James
ALL: May we reach out with the
gift of support and encouragement to those who suffer rejection, abuse and
violence. May we work for sytemic justice for all who are treated as second
class citizens.
Presider 1: Holy One, You
spoke through Mary of Magdala, apostle to the apostles, who encountered the
fullness of divine life after death in the presence of Jesus on Easter.
ALL:May the Spirit of extravagant giving at work,
within people of good will everywhere, foster abundant life and joy for all.
Presider 2: Holy One, the
Easter Women were the last at the cross and the first ones to encounter the Risen
ALL:May we, like the Easter women, be the bearers
of the good news that the Spirit that dwells within us is faithful and empowers
us to be the face of God in our world.
Presider 1:Holy One, may we rejoice with Mary of Magdala
and the Easter Women on our path to celebrate our oneness with everyone and
with everything in creation.
Gloria Sung: All: Glory to God, glory, O praise God
alleluia, glory to God, glory, o praise the name of our God.
Mary of Magdala instructing male apostles
First Reading:
The Gospel of Mary
"Go then, preach the good news about the Realm. Do not lay down any rule
beyond what I determined for you, nor promulgate law like the lawgiver, or else
you might be dominated by it." After the Risen One had said these things, he
departed from them. But they were
distressed and wept greatly. "How are we going to go out to the rest of
the world to announce the good news about the Realm of the child of true
humanity?" they said. "If they did not spare him, how will they spare
us?" Then Mary stood up. She
greeted them all, addressing her brothers and sisters, "Do not weep and be
distressed nor let your hearts be irresolute. For his grace will be with you
all and will shelter you. Rather we should praise his greatness, for he has
prepared us and made us true human beings." When Mary had
said these things, she turned their heart toward the Good, and they began to
debate about the words of the Teacher Peter said to
Mary, "Sister, we know that Jesus loved you more than all other women.
Tell us the words of the Teacher that you remember, the things which you know
that we don't because we haven't heard them." Mary responded, "I
will teach you about what is hidden from you." And she began to speak
these words to them. She said, "I
saw the Teacher in a vision and I said to him, ' Jesus, I saw you today in a
vision.' He answered me, 'How wonderful you are for not
wavering at seeing me! For where the mind is, there is the treasure.' These are the inspired
words of Mary of Magdala
envelope me in love when I am in dire distress.
You are
gracious to me, You hear my prayer.
dwell with all who are filled with love.
and cry
out within us
move through us when we feel anger and do not give into fear.
love in us, Heart of our hearts
As we
rest in silence and in all of our encounters
love fill us with joy.
peace we will spend our days and sleep at night.
For you
teach us the way of wisdom
And the
path to justice.
from Psalms for Praying by Nan Merrill, pp. 4-5
Anna Davis proclaims second reading
Reading: “How Easter Became a
#MeToo Movement" by John Blake, CNN
Some of
the same behavior that led to the #MeToo movement also shaped the Easter story,
some scholars say.
For billions of Christians around the world, Easter Sunday is a celebration of
a risen savior. Yet what happened to Mary Magdalene shows that Easter can also
be seen as something else -- a #MeToo moment, some pastors and biblical
scholars say.
They say Easter is also a story about how charismatic female leaders such as
Mary Magdalene -- and even Jesus himself -- were victimized by some of the same
behavior that sparked the #MeToo movement: the sexually predatory behavior of
men, the intimidation of women and an orchestrated attempt to silence women who
drew too much attention when they spoke up.
Easter were an action movie, the men would have the juiciest parts. There's the
crafty villain Judas, who betrayed Jesus for a payday; the blustering Peter,
whose bravado quickly melted when Jesus got arrested; and "Doubting
Thomas," who spoke for so many when he said he needed proof before he
But a closer look shows that women are the real action "heroes," some
pastors and scholars say.
They were the ones who stood by a tormented Jesus hanging on a cross when the
men had long fled in fear. And they were the ones Jesus first appeared to, not
the men, all four Gospel accounts say. A woman, Mary of Magdala, not a man, was
the first person to preach an Easter sermon, according to the Bible.
“Meanwhile,Marystoodweepingbesidethetomb.Evenasshewept,shestoopedto peerinside,andthereshesawtwoangelsindazzlingrobes.
One wasseatedatthehead and theotheratthefootoftheplace where Jesus’body had lain.
Heaskedher‘whyareyouweeping!For whomare you looking?’
him away,tellme where you’ve
laid him and Iwill takehim away.’
“Jesus said toher,‘Mary!’
“She turnedtohim
and said,‘Rabboni!’—whichmeans ‘Teacher.’
“Jesusthensaid,‘Don’tholdontome,forIhavenotyetascendedtoAbbaGod.Rather, goto
the sistersandbrothers andtell them ‘I’m ascendingto
myAbbaandto yourAbba, my Godand your God!’
sheannounced.Thenshe reportedwhathe
had said toher” (Jn 20:13–18)
the Gospel of Luke:
two disciples recounted what had taken place on the way (to Emmaus) and how
Jesus was made known to them in the breaking of the bread. “
At the conclusion of the story of doubting
Thomas, the Risen Christ tells the disciples. “You are witnesses of these
are the inspired words of Luke 24:35, 48
HOMILY Starter: Bridget Mary Meehan ARCWP
we celebrate Mary of Magdala and the Easter women as role models of courage who
accompany us on our journey to a more inclusive, just and equal church.
These faithful women were the last at the cross
and the first to proclaim the good news. John’s Gospel describes a scene of tender
embrace between Mary of Magdala and the Risen Christ which ends with her apostolic
mandate to preach the first Easter sermon. The disciples of Emmaus, one of whom,
may have been a woman, encounter Christ in the breaking of the bread.
Our first reading from the Gospel of Mary
recounts the leadership role of Mary and the challenges she faced as she
ministered to Jesus’ male disciples after the Resurrection.
Our second reading makes the connection between
the failed attempt of the male apostles to silence the Easter women and the #
Me Too movement.
It wasn’t easy then and it sure isn’t easy now as
the Vatican hierarchy finds ways to block out women’s voices—as if that is
effective in our social media facebook and twitter world
In March the former President of Ireland, Mary McAleese
had to speak outside the walls of the Vatican because Cardinal Kevin Farrell
banned her from speaking at a conference to be held within the Vatican on
International Women’s Day.
McAleese reproved the Vatican as it prepares
for an upcoming papal visit to Ireland on August 25-26th for its century-old misogyny:
"I believe that women should be ordained,” she
told reporters in recent weeks. I believe the theology on which (the ban on
women’s ordination) is based is pure codology. I’m not even going to be
bothered arguing it. Sooner or later, it’ll fall apart, fall asunder under its
own dead weight.”
Continuing the firestorm, Dr Sharon Tighe-Mooney, author
of What About Me? Women and the Catholic Church, wrote
in the Irish Times: “The Catholic experience continues to be male-centred, male
focused and disseminated from the male perspective. However, she is hopeful
because women are rising up and speaking out. She concludes: “Women who see
clearly the reality of how they are judged by the church are no longer willing
to remain silent. In December 2017, three Catholic organisations, FutureChurch,
Women’s Ordination Conference, and Call To Action, launched a new initiative,
#CatholicToo. It joins with movements such as #MeToo, #EverydaySexism and
#TimesUp, in the international initiatives by women to announce that being
silenced and being subject to unfair and often abusive treatment because of
their gender is no longer tolerable in any setting."
(Women no longer content to be silent
on lack of church role,”Sharon Tighe-Mooney Tue, Apr 3, 2018, Irish Times)
In conclusion, in a commentary on Pope Francis' recent encyclical:"Should women rejoice over 'Gaudete et Exsultate'?"
Jamie Manson writes in an insightful article in the National Catholic Reporter:
"Francis' prescribed path to holiness for women will remain narrow as long as he celebrates the patriarchal idea that God created men to be leaders and action-takers and women to be nurturers and servants. The path will remain truncated as long as he continues to exalt ideas that justify the rule of men over women.Can women really achieve wholeness is an institutional church that does not see them as equal? Can women grow into holiness under a pope who insists that they are incapable of administering sacred rites? Can women reach the fullness of life to which God calls them in a church that rejects their gifts and bars them from ministering to the body of Christ? As long as these limits remain on a woman's ability to be fully alive in her church, there will be serious limits on the extent to which she can truly rejoice and be glad."
As we celebrate the role of Mary of Magdala
and the Easter women in our MMOJ inclusive Catholic Community, we know that Christ
is rising today in the new movements for
gun control, for justice for young immigrants in DACHA, and in many other ways.
Through each of us and all of us together, Christ is loving, healing, empowering
and transforming us and making our church more equal, more inclusive and more just. We are the change we have been waiting for. Hallelujah!
I conclude with
an inspirational song sung by Mindy Lou Simmons.
As Mary of Magdala experienced deep trust in the Risen Christ holding her and calling her to be an apostle, so we do too.
Song: “God is
holding me” Karen Drucker and Michael Hatfield
“God is
holding Me Now”
Hatfield and Karen Drucker ( Sung by Mindy Lou Simmons)
ALL:We believe in the Holy One who loves
passionately, embraces all and forgives everything.
We believe in Jesus who accompanies us on our journey and
shows the way to the fullness of life.
We believe in the Divine
Spirit, the breath of Wisdom Sophia, who energizes us as co-creatorsof caring communities that challenge oppression,
exploitation and injustice.
We believe that we are radiant images of God called to live
fully, love tenderly, and serve generously.
We believe in the communion of saints, our heavenly friends,
who support us on life’s journey.
We believe in the partnership and equality of women and men
in our church and world.
We believe that we are one in the Heart of God.
Presider 1:Aware that the Holy
One is present in all who encounter oppression, abuse and pursue justice, we
now bring the women and men in our lives, in our church and world, before You.
Response: Holy One, You hear our
Presider 2:For those who have
been abused, we pray for liberation and empowerment.R.
Presider 1:For those who have
confronted their abusers, we pray for courage.R.
Presider 2:For those who have
been sexually exploited, we pray for healing.R.
Presider 1:For the men and
women who accompany the abused and abusers on the path to hope and healing, we
pray for strength. R.
Presider 2:For all those who
need our prayers. Please share your intentions now.
Presider 1: We can do all things in the power of Your Spirit working
through us.
ALL: Amen
Presider 2:Blessed are You, O
Holy One, through Your divine providence we have this bread to offer, it will
become for us the Bread of Life.
ALL: Blessed are You forever.
Presider 1:Blessed are You, O
Holy One, through Your divine providence we have this wine to offer, it will
become our spiritual drink.
ALL: Blessed are Youforever.
Presider 2:Nurturing One, we
are united in this sacrament by the love of Jesus in communion with all who
proclaim the liberating power of your Spirit,
rising in our midst.
Presider 1:O Heart of Love, You dwell in us,
ALL:And we dwell
in You.
Presider 2:O Pursuer of Justice, You speak truth through
ALL:In service
to our sisters and brothers.
Presider 1:, O Source of All Life, in you we live and move
and have our being,
All: All the
days of our lives.
Voice 1: O Holy One, You love through us as we reach out to our
sisters and brothers who are abused and exploited. Your Spirit, who raised
Jesus from the dead, is rising up in all who work for justice. With thankful
hearts, in the company of Mary of Magdala and the Easter women, in the company
of the angels and saints, your liberating Spirit rises up within us and works
through us.
ALL:We are holy, holy
holy, You are holy, holy, holy, I am holy, holy, holy. (Karen Drucker)
Voice 2: O Liberating One. You are the Heart of Love. Your Spirit
moved through Mary of Magdala and the Easter women as they stood by the broken
body of Jesus and encountered the Risen One.Your Spirit moves through us as we serve the broken body of Christ
rising up for justice and equality today.
Presider 2:Please extend Your hands in blessing.
ALL:You pour out Your
spirit anew upon this bread and wine and upon us as we become more deeply the
Christ Presence in our world
On the night before he died, Jesus
came to table with the women and men he loved.Jesus took bread blessed and broke it, saying, “Take, eat, this is my
body. Do this in memory of me.”
After supper, Jesus poured a cup of
wine and shared it with his friends, saying, “This is the cup of the covenant
of my love. As often as You drink of it, remember me.”
Presider 1:Let us proclaim the
mystery of faith:
ALL:Christ has
died in all those abused and exploited.
Christ is
rising in all those working for transformation, justice and equality.
Christ comes
each day in our work for a renewed humanity in our evolving cosmos.
Voice 3: O Empowering One, we give thanks that Mary of Magdala and
the Easter Women accompany all who rise up for non-violence, justice and
equality in our world today. We give thanks for Your Enfolding Presence empowering
survivors of abuse and harassment on their journey to healing and
wholeness.As we welcome everyone to this
sacred banquet of love, we are filled with courage to speak truth to power to
break the bonds of violence and oppression.
Voice 4: Source of All Life, we remember all people throughout the
world, as we grow in love, together with Francis our pope and our community
leaders.We remember our brothers and
sisters who have suffered abuse, bullying, and violence. We hold them in our
hearts and will work with others for just policies and laws to protect them.
Voice 5:Embracing Presence,
we remember all the companions who have gone before us:Mary, Mother of Jesus, Mary of Magdala, Junia
and Andronicus, Dorothy Day, Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Bishop Oscar
Romero, Ita Ford, and all holy women and men who have witnessed for justice
throughout the ages. Like Jesus, their courage inspires us to confront all
forms of intimidation, discrimination and work for equality. For it is…
ALL: through living as Jesus lived,
and loving
as he loved,
that we
awaken to Your Spirit
us to work for justice.AMEN
The Prayer of Jesus
Presider 2:Let us pray as Jesus taught us.
Sign of Peace
Presider 1:Jesus said to his
disciples, “My peace I leave You.My
peace I give You.”
The peace of
the Holy One is also with You.
Let us hold hands in a group hug as
we sing Peace is flowing like a River.
Litany for the Breaking of the Bread
ALL:Holy One, You call
us to speak truth to power; we will do so.
Holy One, You call us to live the
Gospel ofhealing and justice; we will
do so.
Holy One, You call us to be Your
presence in the world; we will do so.
Presider 2:This is the bread of life and the cup of
blessing. Blessed are we who are called to the table.
ALL:We are the Body of
Communion Meditation Song: Mindy Lou Simmons
Presider 1:The Holy One is
with You.
ALL:and also with You.
Presider 2: Please extend You hands as we pray our final
ALL: The encompassing of the
Holy One is on us,
The encompassing of the Divine
The encompassing of the Christ of
The encompassing of the Spirit of
let us go forth from this Banquet,
aware always that each of us is the face of God, called to live love ,
compassion and justicein our world
(Adapted from Alexander Carmichael’s Carmina Gadelica)
Presider 1:We go forth with
the energy of Spirit Presence within us to heal and transform our church and
world.Let the service for non-violence,
justice and equality continue!
ALL:We give grateful thanks and may we be a
blessing in our time.
CONCLUDING HYMN: We Are Marching in
the Light of God, (Singing, Dancing) South African Spiritual
Bridget Mary Meehan ARCWP and Kevin Connelly -Co-Presiders
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