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from left to right, Liza Hardy-Braz, one of original founders, and Ann Harrington ARCWP |
to Free Spirit Inclusive Catholic Community!
theme is Pentecost. We celebrate the
Holy One of burning bushes, who enflames us with passion for life, for justice,
for creativity, for renewal, for play.
In the Hebrew Scripture, Shekinah the dwelling place of God, appeared in
the symbols of cloud, light and fire, accompanying the people of God through
the wilderness. She travels with us through our life journey and reveals a
glimpse of the powerful feminine presence among us. This Divine Compassionate
Love dwells within, around and among us, as an eternal glowing flame.
Send Down the Fire by Marty Haugen
Send down the
fire of your justice,
Send down the rains of your love;
Come, send down the Spirit,
Send down the rains of your love;
Come, send down the Spirit,
breathe life
in your people,
and make us the people of God. (final refrain And we shall be people of God)
and make us the people of God. (final refrain And we shall be people of God)
us to be your compassion,
Teach us the song of your love;
Give us hearts that sing,
Give us deeds that ring,
Make us ring with the song
Teach us the song of your love;
Give us hearts that sing,
Give us deeds that ring,
Make us ring with the song
your love. (Refrain)
Call us to learn of your mercy,
Teach us the way of your peace;
Give us hearts that feel,
Give us hands that heal,
Make us walk in the way
Call us to learn of your mercy,
Teach us the way of your peace;
Give us hearts that feel,
Give us hands that heal,
Make us walk in the way
your peace. (Refrain)
Call us to witness your Kingdom,
Give us the presence of Christ;
May your holy light
Keep us shining bright,
Ever shine with the presence
Call us to witness your Kingdom,
Give us the presence of Christ;
May your holy light
Keep us shining bright,
Ever shine with the presence
Christ. (Refrain)
Opening Prayer
: Holy One, Holy Fire, Creative Energy within us and within all, we open
ourselves to a new outpouring of Your Spirit. We celebrate with burning hearts
your presence and the warmth of your passionate love. We rejoice in the outpouring of your gifts
everywhere as we work for justice, equality and peace in our world.
Statement of
We believe in one God, a divine mystery
all definition and rational understanding,
heart of all that has ever existed,
exists now, or that ever will exist.
believe in Jesus, messenger of God's Word,
of God's healing, heart of God's compassion,
star in the firmament of God's
mystics, and saints.
believe that we are called to follow Jesus
a vehicle of God's love,
source of God's wisdom and truth,
an instrument of God's peace in the world.
believe that God's kin-dom is here and now,
out all around us for those
eyes to see it, hearts to receive it,
hands to make it happen.
each person’s hands are anointed the following is prayed: Like Jesus, you are anointed to live the Gospel.
(music played softly during this time:
Have Anointed Me by the Dameans
of the bread and wine
Blessed are you, God of all life, through your goodness we have bread, wine,
all creation, and our own lives to offer. Through this sacred meal we become
your new creation.
My sisters and brothers, these gifts give glory to the Holy One.
All: O Holy
One, You dwell in all of us, and you accept our gifts and our worship that we
offer in service to our faith community. We do this in memory of our brother,
Jesus. Amen.
The Holy One, Shekinah, Source of all life, is with you.
All: And also
with you.
We lift up your hearts.
All: We lift
them up to the Holy One, the Love of our Hearts.
We give thanks and praise to our compassionate God.
All: It is
right to give the Holy One thanks and praise.
Please join in praying our Eucharistic prayer:
All: O Divine
Flame of Love, your glowing embers dance in our hearts. Your passionate
presence kindles our souls. You purify us with the searing truth that ignites
our spirits. As the glowing embers of a fire penetrate the cold around us, so
your tenderness sets our hearts aglow. We celebrate your nearness this day as
we remember your Pentecost miracles.
The wind of
your life has blown across our world in the gentle breezes and thunder storms
of your vision in your prophets and visionaries among us. We praise and exalt
you forever with grateful hearts as we sing:
Holy Holy
Holy - Karen Drucker
We are Holy,
Holy, Holy…
You are Holy,
Holy, Holy,…
Spirit divine,
Come to me
Feeling love,
Healing me .
Open my heart,
Allow me to see,
Beauty &
love, Lives in me.
1: Passionate God, you kindle your fire of enthusiasm within us. You speak to
us with assurance and excitement and reveal to us the infinite, boundless,
depths of your love for us.
2: You awaken us to your promises to be always present in our lives, no matter
what the obstacles or setbacks we experience. You consume us with such a hunger
and thirst for justice that our words and actions inflame others to become
signs of your justice. You give us eyes to see human need, hearts to care for
our sisters and brothers and hands and feet to lighten others burdens.
Invocation of
the Holy Spirit
(extend you hand in
3: You bless us O Holy One and you enliven all that exists. You transform these
gifts of bread and wine, and our lives, by boundless grace that nourish and
sustains us on our journey.
On the night before he faced his own death for the sake of the life of everyone
of us, Jesus sat at the Passover supper with his companions. He reminded them
of what he taught them and bent down and washed their feet. Jesus returned to
his place at the table, lifted the Passover bread and spoke the blessing, and
then broke the bread with these words,
All: Take and
Eat, this is my very self.
Jesus then raised high the cup of blessing, spoke the grace, and offered them
the wine with these words:
All: Take and drink of the covenant made new again
through my life for you and for everyone. Whenever you do this, you remember
Presider: Let us proclaim the mystery
of wonder in our midst:
All: Christ of the Cosmos you are the
spark of love in whom we believe; the Wisdom of Sophia in whom we trust; and
the desire for justice that consumes us.
Voice 4: As we celebrate the memory of Jesus, we
remember our political and religious leaders, especially Pope Francis, and our
Bishop, Bridget Mary. We remember the communion of saints and all who have
inspired and loved us.
(pause to mention names).
5: May our hearts be merry as we dream new dreams and see new visions. May we
recognize Christ present in every person everywhere. May we, like Jesus, become
Spirit Fire, as we fan the flames of love over the entire cosmos.
holds Bread and wine.
All:…for it is
through living as Jesus lived,
we awaken to your Spirit within,
us to glorify you,
Holy One,
this time and all ways.
All: Great
Prayer of
Jesus and Sign of Peace
Prayer for the
Breaking of the Bread
Please join in praying the prayer for the breaking of the bread:
All: Loving
God, You call us to live the Gospel of peace and justice.
We will live
justly. Loving God, You call us to be
Your presence in the world.
We will love
tenderly. Loving God, You call us to
speak truth to power.
We will walk
with integrity.
(Presider holds up bread and wine)
Let us pray our communion prayer together.
All: What we have heard with our ears, we will
live with our lives; as we share communion, we will become communion, both
Love’s nourishment and Love’s challenge.
Our Eucharistic celebration is all-inclusive. You are a spark of the Divine and
nothing can separate you from God’s love. All are welcome to receive at this
friendship table.
Communion Song: Holy Spirit by Ken Canedo
Final Blessing
God’s Spirit strengthens you to carry out your ministry faithfully.
Spirit calls you to heal and reconcile
Spirit guides you in your work for justice and peace.
Spirit enlivens you in prophetic and liberating obedience.
All: Together,
we are one in Christ, loving and serving as God’s holy people.
Closing Song
with Liturgical Dance: Send Down the
Fire by Marty Haugen
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