
Saturday, June 1, 2019

Mary Sue Barnett ARCWP: Report on Roy Bourgeois Presentation, Screening for Pink Smoke Over the Vatican at the Louisville Presbyterian Seminary and Photos of Demonstration for Women's Ordination outside Cathedral of the Assumption in Louisville, Kentucky

On May 14 a screening for Pink Smoke Over the Vatican was held at the Louisville Presbyterian Seminary. Roy Bourgeois spoke candidly of the misogyny of the hierarchy, their addiction to power,  and how they bully women. He calls for more awareness and for active resistance against the woman-hating. 
I spoke about the women priest movement as feminist, democratic, and celebratory of the sacramentality of women’s lives. I explained that women priests do not see themselves as ontologically different or better and that our Eucharistic theology emphasizes the power of the Holy One ( the Spirit, Divine Feminine) in the communal experience of the presence of Christ. Lastly, I explained that our liturgical garb symbolizes profound renewal of the church, not imitation of the male domination. Our liturgical garb also symbolizes our many compassionate ministries on the margins with neglected, stigmatized people. 

On May 25, Bob Eiden demonstrated with friend Clifton outside the Cathedral of the Assumption in downtown Louisville before the ordination of three men to the priesthood. Bob commented that most of the negative reactions to their demonstration came from women. Sadly, this happens very often as Catholic women interiorize the misogyny, devaluing their own sacral worthiness and that of other women. 

Roy Bourgeois

Roy Bourgeois and Mary Sue Barnett ARCWP

Roy, Mary Sue, Bob

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