
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Letter in Response to Rev. Michael Taylor on Altar Girls in Arlington Diocese/ Marianne Smyth

Recently the Metro section of the Wash. Post carried a long article about a woman's grief when her pastor announced there would not be any altar girls. Those who were already altar servers could remain but would wear a white vestment while boys would wear black. After all, these altar boys might want to grow up and be priests!!!

This is the letter I mailed to the pastor.
Rev Michael Taylor, Corpus Christi C Church
Corpus Christi, Body of Christ for men only. Your arrogant and hypocritical decision re: altar girls has caused the church to suffer and Jesus to weep.
I could type all day and probably all night about the totally inclusive Jesus, but neither you nor your superiors would pay any heed. Nor is there a way to convince you and others that these power based decisions that are done in the name of Jesus are really done for selfish control. You perceive that you represent Christ on earth when, in fact, you merely represent the Pharisees and Saduducees of Jesus' time. Same arrogance, same fear of losing power...same unwillingness to love as God loves. same exclusivity, same, same, same.
Jesus isn't finished talking, isn't finished teaching, but those who claim to "understand", those who claim to represent him on earth, stopped listening.
Am sure that at heart you are a good and caring priest. Am also relatively sure you did not consider the decision as hurtful or harmful, but as something within your right to do.
As Jesus weeps and wonders if we have ever learned anything from him, would you please just open your heart and listen?
Do not want, need or require any reply. Was moved to write this and all I'm asking for is for you to truly be God's priest and listen.
In Gospel Love,
Marianne Smyth

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"has caused the church to suffer and Jesus to weep. "

Show me His tears if you want me to buy that bunk.