
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"Spinning the New Roman Missal" by Bryan Cones/US Catholic/Try Inclusive Eucharistic Liturgies Available from Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests

By Bryan Cones From the US CatholIc/ "And with your spirit" is finally upon us: Next Sunday, the First Sunday of Advent, 40 years of renewed Sunday Masses in the vernacular go out the door for something described ,,, “a part of a larger pattern of top-down impositions by a central authority that does not consider itself accountable to the larger church” (Benedictine Anthony Ruff of St. John’s Abbey in Collegeville).
. ..."The history of this translation is marred by well-documented interventions from Rome, the creation of a special body (Vox Clara) to circumvent the explicit will of the Second Vatican Council on liturgical translations, and, finally, secretive revisions to the final text that were never sent to the English-speaking bishops conferences for approval. There is no dispute that thousands of changes were added in the final moments by a single American priest in a Roman office—who introduced errors to the final text. This story is well-documented, with the best journalistic work done by the U.K. Tablet."
Bridget Mary's Reflection:
The Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests has a new resource for inclusive Catholic communities available now in docx and pdf on a CD.


Anonymous said...

"the creation of a special body (Vox Clara) to circumvent the explicit will of the Second Vatican Council on liturgical translations"

Vatican II is not the be all, end all of the Catholic Church. If we want to go about attacking the new translations this way, then VII is circumventing the explicit will of Trent to use the Mass of St. Pius V.

dtedac said...

The tendency of many people to attack the Second Vatican council and its documents is actually also an attack on the Church. If the bishops of the Church in solemn council with the Pope cannot speak with any authority or inspiration, then one may say that the Council of Trent, or Nicea, or any other church council have no authority either.