Upper Room - Holy Thursday: Eucharist as Re-membrance: A Living Presence - 2018
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Door to Upper Room, Jerusalem - photo by Mary Theresa Streck |
Kathleen Ryan, ARCWP and Lindy Sanford, ARCWP led the Upper Room liturgy for Holy Thursday.
Welcome and Theme
Welcome and Theme
1: We gather together on this journey of
Good News for the fullness of the Body of Christ for the life of the
world. Our liturgical style is highly inclusive and you are invited to pray
our Eucharistic prayer. We are happy you are here with us today. All are welcome
to share in our simple Eucharistic meal of re-membrance
around this friendship table.
Opening Prayer
Presider 2: O
Holy One, throughout his life, Jesus revealed that nothing can separate
us from Your infinite love. He lived a life of apparent joy in sharing meals
with the people of the Galilean countryside. The open table of his public life
challenged the discriminatory social code of his time and taught us that all
people are to be included as equals in Your kin-dom. May we, like Jesus,
continue to open our table, and our lives to all, especially those in need.
Opening Song: We Come to Your Feast by Michael Joncas
Community shares a meal together and continues liturgy during the meal
First Reading: On
Being a Eucharistic Community
Meals are the most
frequent settings for Gospel stories. They range from informal picnics on
hillsides to banquets given by dignitaries. They introduce us to some of the
most of diverse and colorful of Gospel characters: a woman with long hair who
washes Jesus’ feet, a little boy who has loaves and fishes hidden in the folds
of his robe, and a short man, named Zacchaeus, who is about to have an
unexpected dinner guest. Meals transport us from the wedding in Cana to a quiet
dinner at a little house in Emmaus. They invited us to a party for a prodigal
and let us share a Passover supper with a carpenter’s son.
This theme of
inclusivity is one of the benchmarks of Jesus’ teaching. Everyone ought to have
a place at the table, especially those who have been marginalized. This
includes many who do not qualify for the guest list–people who have been
relegated to the margins of life. Inclusivity is a Gospel mandate. Everyone
These are the
inspired words of Fran Ferder & John Heagle
Servant of God, lowly
and humble
Show us the way to live a life of love
Gospel according to Mary
of Magdala:
2: 1 There came a
man out of the land of Judea, sent from the Spirit, whose name was Jesus,
son of Joseph of the tribe of Judah. In him was life, and that life was the
light of humanity, the light that shines against the darkness, and never has
the darkness overcome it.
2: 2 Jesus lived and
walked among us. We saw his glory, such glory as of a true son of humanity,
full of grace and truth. He was in the world, and through him the world would
be born anew, but the world did not recognize him.
2: 3 He came to his
own, and those who were his own did not receive him. But as many as did receive
him, to them he gave the power to become the children of the living spirit, for
those who believed in his teachings were born in to life not of blood, nor of
the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of the Spirit.
These are the inspired words of Mary Magdala, Beloved
Companion of Jesus, and we affirm these words by saying, Amen.
homily reflection:
just heard the Gospel according to Mary of Magdala
spoke about a man she once knew….He grew up not far from her hometown…. so
friendly and kind…. a man who accepted
everyone just the way they are…. who seemed to see something interesting in
every pebble…. beauty in every little creek....wonder in every insect and
little bird, too.
says this man spoke of peace and joy he found listening to the Spirit
within…. showing him all these
things…. he told everyone who would
listen that we are loved...just the way we are…. loved by the Holy One…. that
Spirit…. that Voice within…. this man said that if we accept that
love…. listen to that Voice…. follow
that Spirit…. share that acceptance with each other…. and with everyone we see, too…. together we
can change, change the world.
homily reflection:
have come to know the Jesus that Lindy described, the Jesus we hear about week
after week in the Gospel stories. We read and study, pray and celebrate together
and know that anything
did we can do and we can do much more.
celebrate Eucharist every week here at the Upper Room. Tonight, Holy Thursday, is
a particularly special celebration. Of course there is the importance of the
bread and wine but tonight there is more. We are breaking bread, drinking grape
juice, eating soup and in a little while having dessert. All of these actions
are Eucharist. Tonight’s liturgy reminds us of Jesus sitting around the table
with his friends, caring for them as he washes their feet, and we are doing
just what he did.
Sitting around this table, enjoying our soup,
our bread and dessert, washing each other’s hands, and enjoying the company. Being
thankful for what we have and for each other.
first reading says “Inclusivity is one of the benchmarks of Jesus’
teaching.” Here at the Upper Room we
strive to be an inclusive community, everyone is invited. Every one belongs.
us continue our celebration.
Washing of Hands
Presider 1: We are washing one another hands as a gesture in
imitation of what Jesus did in washing the disciples’ feet. It is a symbol of our willingness to serve
one another and meet one another’s needs.
Song during ritual: The Servant Song
Presider 2: Closing
prayer for ritual
God of life, help us to
that, for some, the earth is parched.
that, for some, the earth is parched.
We lift to you those for whom
clean water is
not a basic right but a luxury.
We cry out, O God, against conflict and violence
that leaves crops to wither and drives families from their homes
to lands where fresh, clean water is only a dream.
not a basic right but a luxury.
We cry out, O God, against conflict and violence
that leaves crops to wither and drives families from their homes
to lands where fresh, clean water is only a dream.
All: In this season of rebirth, may we heed your call
to hunger and thirst for righteousness —
and may your justice and righteousness
roll down as an ever-flowing stream.
to hunger and thirst for righteousness —
and may your justice and righteousness
roll down as an ever-flowing stream.
Statement of Faith
All: We believe in
one God, a divine mystery
beyond all definition
and rational understanding,
the heart of all that
has ever existed,
that exists now, or
that ever will exist.
We believe in Jesus,
messenger of God's Word,
bringer of God's
healing, heart of God's compassion,
bright star in the
firmament of God's
prophets, mystics,
and saints.
We believe that we
are called to follow Jesus
as a vehicle of God's
a source of God's
wisdom and truth,
and an instrument of
God's peace in the world.
We believe in the Holy Spirit,
the life of God that is our innermost life,
the breath of God moving in our being,
the depth of God living in each of us.
We believe that God's
kin-dom is here and now,
stretched out all
around us for those
with eyes to see it,
hearts to receive it,
and hands to make it
Presider 1:
As we prepare for the sacred meal, we lay our stoles upon the table as a sign
that just as Jesus is anointed, so is each of us. And, we bring to this table our blessings,
cares, and concerns. Please feel free to voice your concerns beginning with the
words, “I bring to the table…”(Presider - at conclusion) We pray for these and all unspoken concerns.
Presider 2: O Holy One, you
have been called by many names by many people in the centuries of our planet’s
life. Yet, no name truly defines you or describes you. We celebrate you as the marvelous, loving
energy of life who caused us and our world to be. We celebrate you as the
Source of light and life and love, and we celebrate your presence and all-ways
Presider 1: Please join in praying the
Eucharistic prayer together:
Cosmic Birther of all that is, that was and that will be, we
gather as a holy people, called forth to celebrate as companions on the journey
of faith. We come to the table of plenty
as a community of believers celebrating the dignity of all people and the call
to be a voice for our sisters and brothers who are oppressed and exploited.
We celebrate the example provided by our brother, Jesus, who
offered hope and new life to all those to whom he ministered. Encouraged by his
life and his ministry we sing a song of praise with all of creation. (Lyrics adapted by Dennis McDonald-sung
Holy, Holy, Holy One, God of Justice, God of light
Heaven and Earth are filled with your glory
Hosanna in the Highest
Blest is the One who comes in the name of our God
Hosanna in the Highest, Hosanna in the Highest.
ALL: We thank you for Jesus, our way to the
truth about living.
We recognize our call to continue the ministry of Jesus and
commit ourselves to work for justice and peace in the world today. Grant us
nourishment as this table providing strength and perseverance as we stand up
and speak truth to power.
Empower us with the grace of openness to be accepting of all
who join us at the table of blessing as we recall the meals when Jesus gathered
with people who hungered for acceptance and sustenance. Let us live lives
focused on your bountiful love.
We recall now one of those meals when he had gathered with
companions of the journey. Jesus, hoping
to lead by example, welcomed them to the table by first washing their feet, a
sign of servanthood to be emulated.
They reclined for the meal and Jesus, in the midst of
eating, took bread and wine, symbols of nourishment and health, praised the
Source of all Being, and blessed and broke the bread. He then passed the bread
to them saying,
Take and eat of the Bread of Life
Given to strengthen you
Whenever you remember me like this
I am among you
(Share the bread saying, “We are called to welcome
others to the table”)
Jesus then lifted the cup, again praised the Source of Life
and blessed the cup. He passed it
Take this all of you,
this is the cup of my life-blood, the life of a new and everlasting covenant.
In prophetic solidarity it is poured out for you and for all. Whenever you do this, remember you are called
to give of your body and life-blood, to be a servant to those in need.
(Share the cup saying,
“We are called to servanthood”)
Invocation of the
We call upon the Spirit to bless and consecrate those
gathered here. May the Spirit of justice and compassion transform us so that we
may bring love, hope and encouragement to those we meet along the journey.
We pray with our companions who have journeyed before us,
both living and dead, that we may create a world in which all can gather at the
table of friendship and in unity bring about a world that ends injustice and
We bring all of these gifts and prayers to you, O Holy One,
Source of all that is good and holy, now and forever, Amen.
Presider 1: Let
us pray as Jesus taught us
Creator of all,
You are with us.
Holy is your name.
May Your kin-dom come,
Your will be done
by all who share the work of your creation.
Give us bread for the world’s hunger
And forgiveness in your mercy
As we forgive those who are in debt to us
For You are compassion, justice and love
Amen, amen, amen!
Post Communion Song: Anointed by Kathy
(Reflection time/Listen)
Do not be afraid, It is I who am
sending you.
I will go with you, wherever you
Do not be afraid, for my Spirit
is upon you.
You will work miracles in my
You can heal the brokenhearted.
You can feed all those who
You will touch the eyes of the
blind and they will see.
You will welcome to the table the
poor and the unwanted.
You will shine like bright stars
in the night.
Be not afraid, I am with you.
Do not be afraid, It is I who
believe in you.
I will go with you, you will have
all you need.
Do not be afraid, for my courage
will uphold you.
You will work miracles in my
You can stand with those who
Give comfort to the weeping.
You will be a voice for the ones
who can’t be heard.
You will celebrate the journey.
With Your justice, love, and
Making hearts and minds and
bodies whole.
Be not afraid, I am with you.
Do not be afraid, It is I who am
loving you.
I will go with you, you will know
I am near.
Do not be afraid, for my fire
burns in your heart.
You will work miracles in my
You can live with bold
Embracing all creation,
You will dance away divisions for
a time
that’s now.
You can sing a song of blessing
And the song will be remembered
And that song will ring out for
all times.
Be not afraid, I am with you. Be
not afraid, I am with you, with you, with you.
Side 1:
Know that the God of all creation
Is here with us,
Understanding our hearts.
From those hearts,
We speak a blessing:
Side 2:
The richness of the promise
Of light and water be yours
The light that calls you
To continue in hope
The water that flows
In renewal and generosity.
Side 1:
The healing of the promise
Of love be yours
The love which has formed you
And called you
And makes of you creators of a world.
Side 2:
Strong vision be yours
Strong and gentle hearts
And resilient spirits.
May God’s own peace
The peace born in justice
And shared in tenderness and cherishing
Be with you always.
Presider 1: Please
join in our closing song: We
Are Called by David Hass
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