
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

15th Annual Thanksgiving Wednesday Community Luncheon for Homeless in Sarasota, Florida, Nov. 25, 2015

The religious leaders were invited to host table hospitality at this complementary luncheon for the homeless sponsored by the Sarasota Ministerial Association. 

Tammy and Bridget Mary
"And now bless the God of all, who has done wondrous things on earth;
I asked Tammy if she would like prayers for anything special.  Her reponse: "everyone's well being and peace.
Kyra asked for health and peace to all humankind, Michael prayed for warmth and God's blessings and Matthew for God's blessings on Mike.

"Who fosters people's growth from their mother's womb, and fashions them according to the divine will."

May God grant you joy of heart and may peace abide among you. (Sirach50:22-24)

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