Homily for Saturday, November 21 st
Today we see Jesus the errant Jewish sage on a rampage, throwing the moneychangers out of the temple, an angry Jesus Who is acting in a very disagreeable fashion. In our "politically correct" society, we Have Been Brought Up To Achieve niceness at all costs. We want everyone to love us. This is what society has decreed is the Most Important Thing To Achieve, after, of course, amassing money in abundance. But Jesus is knocking over tables and breaking furniture, more than likely using curse words That we do not associate With This man Whom We Have Been Taught is our consoler, and I is spilling precious coins to boot!
Yet if we look closely at His THROUGHOUT Scripture actions, We Have to admit That Jesus was anything but a conflict-avoider As We Have Been Taught to be. His public ministry is a ministry of confrontation. If we are to obey God's command to listen to him, we can not avoid confrontation either. We will Have to be up front and center About injustice, and to subvert and disrupt the current situation of our society, greed is Enshrined Where is our God and Mammon.
Yet if we look closely at His THROUGHOUT Scripture actions, We Have to admit That Jesus was anything but a conflict-avoider As We Have Been Taught to be. His public ministry is a ministry of confrontation. If we are to obey God's command to listen to him, we can not avoid confrontation either. We will Have to be up front and center About injustice, and to subvert and disrupt the current situation of our society, greed is Enshrined Where is our God and Mammon.
In fact, God herself've Had Something to say About our "burnt sacrifices" and our political correctness. Remember the comparison to whitened sepulchers in Matthew 23:27? God tells us, in First Isaiah 1:11, "I am fed up With burnt offerings of rams and the fat of calves!" Mother and as a good will, she stresses the point: 13 " Do not bring any more of your offerings to useless Means thei r incense fills me with loathing. I can not endure another festival of injustice! "
This is pretty harsh language! What Brought this on? Well, Further on, we get the answer quite Clearly, When We Are Told our prayers will not be Heard Because our hands are covered with blood! 16 " Wash! Clean yourselves! Get your injustice out of my sight! Cease to do evil 17 and learn to do good! Search for justice and help the oppressed. Protect Those Who are orphaned and plead the case of Those Who are widowed "
Our modern corporate society preys on the weakest in our society, and That includes mothers and Their children, the elderly and the disabled. More and more, what little was Achieved in days Earlier Being is taken away in what is probably the largest recent transfer of. wealth from the poorest to the richest The Occupy Movement worldwide That Brought out: the 1% versus the 99%. But in our country, using Orwellian doublethink and doublespeak, politicians That Were Elected to Represent all members of the society, engage in orgies of misogynist and unjust legislation. We mouth platitudes about the protection of the family, And Then deport the strangers among us, Whose homelands Have Been scorched by our military and economic policies. We discriminate, as a nation, as a matter of course.
We are at war everywhere, the new Pax Americana making and selling weapons to all countries, and to Frequently Both sides in a conflict. We label people as terrorists Those fighting for freedom and Have Their policies and programs, Such as Those exemplified by the School of the Americas, That target the so-called subversive among us, Those Who are willing to fight injustice wherever it May Appear. Dissent, a cornerstone of our early existence, is criminalized daily.
What would Jesus do? What did I do? I broke the furniture, Threw out the merchants of greed, subverted the social order of empire, and was crucified, the punishment meted by the Empire to subvert and to Those Who revolutionaries, as a consequence of His incredible ministry. As people of faith, We Who Were That We Were Told to "listen to him," must stand up and protest our national sins, and They are many. We are not called upon to agree but to disagree. We are not called upon to be nice, but to resist, to object, to shout out or to stand up for human rights and justice, for peace, and today, as women seeking inclusion in every church, in the image of the deity, for women. For the woman is at risk Greatly in our world, and Through Her, all of humanity. T I story of all women in the Struggle for equal participation in society is Also the story of all the poor, the classless, what Romero called "Those Who have no voice." At a time When more and more women, in the United States and Other Countries, increasingly live in poverty, and continue to suffer from unequal working conditions, from sexual discrimination and crimes of violence directed at women Specifically, we must all stand together to bring About equal rights and an equal voice to all inhabitants of This Planet, no matter Their gender, race or economic class.
Let us rephrase Donne's meditation to include women: N or woman is an island, entire of herself; every woman is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. (...) A NY woman's death diminishes me, because i am Involved in womankind; and THEREFORE never send to know for Whom the Bell Tolls; it tolls for thee.
Silvia Antonia Brandon Pérez
I Progressive Coalition Catholic Eucharist ~ The Mass of the Catholic Coalition Progressive
Sycamore Room November 21 ~ November 21, 2015 4:00 PM ~ Sycamore Room
Convention & amp; Trade Center Columbus, GA
How Beautiful Upon The Mountain
By Tom Paxton adapted by Charlie King
CHORUS: How beautiful upon the mountain,! Are the steps of Those Who Walk in peace How beautiful upon the mountain, Are the steps of Those Who walk in peace!
'Cross the bridge at Selma you came marching side by side . In your eyes, a new world was on the way Peace in your hearts and justice would not be denied, You sang "We Shall Overcome Someday." God knows you possessed the courage, Isaiah Said it best: (to chorus) Marching to Guantanamo, Or to the Pentagon, Witnessing to peace in many lands, Speaking Truth to Power, singing peace in Babylon, Beating swords to plowshares With your hands God knows you possessed the courage, And Isaiah Said it best: (to chorus) Now the generations That Have you joined on This Road Look to You With wonder in Their Eyes. Now the torch is passed along As They pick up the load, Now you see Their eyes are on the prize. God knows the courage They POSSESS, And Isaiah Said it best: (to chorus) Song: Cardboard Roofs by Ali Primera
How sad the sound of the rain
on cardboard roofs, How sadly my people live . The worker in cardboard houses comes down almost dragging His feet from the weight of His Suffering, it is heavy Suffering; . Suffering weighs you down Above've leaves His pregnant wife; below is the city and I lost in Its nonsense is today the same as tomorrow; . it's his life with no tomorrow How sad the sound of the rain on cardboard roofs, How sadly my people live. Children in cardboard houses The color of my land wearing millionaires of all its scars and parasites That is why the children live in cardboard houses so sadly. How sad the sound of the rain on cardboard roofs, How sadly my people live in cardboard houses.
Introduction Janice Welcome to this Eucharist as we remember the solidarity between us and our Latin American brothers and sisters and the Disappeared THROUGHOUT the world. As the alternative community seeking the fullness of God's Beloved Community, the social new order, we gather in celebration of the female and male principle of creation, Knowing That in the beginning, the female Spirit of God, Christos Sophia, Breathed life into the planet . Let us celebrate and renew each other in the Spirit of the God of Newness, in the Freedom of the Living One among us.
Commissioning by the Gathering of Leaders
Leader 1: Since we all know That Baptized in Jesus are anointed Priest, Prophet, and Shepherd, we are all Ministers of the liturgy.
So That We May WHO stand before you lead this prayer in Solidarity with all Gathered here as the People of God, we ask you to commission us to act in your name:
Do you accept us as the ones you wish to lead the gathering in prayer, reflection and the evening meal?
All: We commission you to this ministry of service.
Leaders of the Commissioned Response: We thank you for your confidence in choosing this To have us lead prayer. Please pray That we carry out this ministry worthily. (Short pause for silent prayer)
Penitential Rite
To clean our hearts from the horrors of war
Violence in the Americas is Directly related to the level of consumerism in Developed Countries. That for not understanding our consumption level of consumer Makes us accomplices of war: Forgive us, holy Mother Father God
For many years victims silenced Have Been So THAT These horrors May not be revealed to the country and the world. For Depending on false information promulgated by mass media, Including false positives, in Which are victims dressed as perpetrators of crime: Forgive us, holy Mother Father God
The laws That rule our world allow MOST horrendous crimes to Continue with Impunity. That for accepting to justice is manipulated, skillfully muzzled and deceptive: F orgive us, holy Mother Father God
Opening Prayer
Let us pray.
All loving and wise God, Creator and sustainer of all reality, you are the ground of our Being and the source of our hope. Holy One, you sent Christos Sophia positive proclaiming truths. We cry out to you in the name of Those Suffering the false positives of repressive regimes. Awaken us to your alternative consciousness That We May be witnesses-like Hosea, Jeremiah, Maura, Ita, Dorothy Jean, Elba & amp; Celina, the Jesuits Ignacio, Second, Ignacio, Juan Ramon, Joaquin Armando and our brother
Oscar-to give testimony to the truth of oppression. We ask this in the name of Jesus inspires us WHO YOU Placed With the confidence in him to stand in Solidarity with our sisters and brothers forever and ever. AMEN.
First Reading
On Clouds And Illusions - by Cuban poet Silvia A. Brandon Pérez
Does smoke talk to the clouds?
~ From the Book of Questions VII, Pablo Neruda
One day a sad smoke was Heard
speaking to the clouds.
It came up from a crematorium,
in Daschau or Auchwitz,
neither the place nor the time matter,
It was a rather dense smoke,
made up of the particles of dreams,
of the hopes of man, woman, child,
That finally there would be peace upon the earth,
happiness without Obligations,
Which a celebration in the embrace of humans,
Whether black, white, red-skinned or Asian,
Whether tall or heavy, serious, barefoot,
shy or thin,
or short with brown high heels
Became reality, and the clouds,
Who Have Seen It All, agreed.
Gospel Acclamation
Celtic Alleluia by Christopher Walker and Fintan O'Carroll
Alleluia, Alleluia! Alleluia, Alleluia!
All: Alleluia, Alleluia! Alleluia, Alleluia!
Leader: The word of our God is forever;
God's is the Word That Is living.
It is Brought to us by our brother Jesus Christ.
All: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Gospel Mark 11: 15-18
God dwells in you. And Also in you.
The Good News of Jesus According To Mark
Glory to you, Our God
When They Went to Jerusalem, Jesus Entered the Temple and driving out Those Who Began engaged in selling and buying. I have overturned the money changers' tables and the stalls of Those selling doves, 16 ,, Moreover I would not permit anyone to carry goods Through the temple area. Then I Began to teach them: "Does not Scripture say: 'My house will be called a house of prayer for all the people '? But You have turned it into' a den of thieves! ' "The chief priests and the religious scholars Heard about this and Began looking for a way to destroy him. At the same time, fearful Because They Were the whole crowd was under the spell of His teaching. The Good News of Jesus! Praise to you, Anointed One!
Reflection: Silvia Brandon Pérez, Spanish & amp; English
Anointing with Oil
The anointing of the sick is related to healing. Our elder brother found That the use of the church by the merchants was a sign of sickness. Today this illness of serving the master of money is prevalent THROUGHOUT the nations. The word today is a call to service, an anointing That We May be Strengthened to carry out our mission, as our elder brother did before us.
As we Receive the oil, we seek the Spirit's renewal and strength to work in life-affirming community for the healing of the wounds of injustice in Solidarity with our Latin American and Palestinian sisters and brothers, in fact, our sisters and brothers THROUGHOUT the world . God's love is all inclusive; everyone is welcome at the table, everyone is invited to anoint each other.
SONG: I Have Come to My Heart Offer Fito Paez
Who Said That has now everything is lost,
I have eaten up my heart to offer.
So much blood washed down into the river,
I have eaten up my heart to offer.
It will not be so easy, I know what happens,
It will not be as easy as I'd imagined,
For the chest to open, the soul to come through,
With the sharpened blade of pure love.
Moon of all the poor that's always open,
I have eaten up my heart to offer. In a document That can not be altered, I have eaten up my heart to offer.
And I'll join the points of a single ribbon,
And I'll go so peaceful, so I'll go slowly,
And I'll give you all, and you'll give me something
Something That will help me to survive.
When there are no people here or elsewhere,
I have eaten to offer up my heart,
When the satellites can not reach us,
I have eaten to offer up my heart,
And I speak of nations, I speak of hoping,
And I speak for life, and for nothing also,
And it's about changing this our own house,
Changing just to change it, just because.
Who Said That has now everything is lost,
I have eaten up my heart to offer.
General Intercessory Litany -
Leader 1:. Our world is in need of new life. Its people long for justice And so we can pray with confidence.
Leader 2: Let us join in prayer now as we are invited to remember our saints and companions-living and dead-on Your journey, Especially Those in Latin America.
After each invocation, we will light a candle to remind us of the luminous Presence of These witnesses and turn over the rain stick to remind us our solidarity and theirs That Continues to resonate with us.
Leader 3:
Divine Light, Radiant Holy One, Light of all Lights, we remember the Saints Who are with us and Those Who Have Gone Home to God.
Voice 1: Let us remember the risk-takers, WHO faced fears and Took Their action, even though WHO Sought justice They Had to pay a price for it ... the six Jesuits, Their housekeeper Elba and her daughter Celina; the four church women of El Salvador, Rutilio Granda, Aida Escalante of Cinquera, El Salvador, Oscar Romero ... (You are invited to lift up other names aloud or silently)
All: (sung) All you holy men and women, pray for us.
Voice 2: Let us remember the tens of Thousands of immigrants flooding across Asia into Europe by war-displaced created by policies of national security
All: (sung) All you holy men and women, pray for us.
Voice 3: We remember as well as from Latin America Those fleeing the violence in Their Countries-crises turning public attention to flawed US border policies and the inhumane treatment of immigrants.
All: (sung) All you holy men and women, pray for us.
Voice 4: Let us remember the 46 young Mexican men and Their families and all others murdered by the drug cartels and corrupted Officials - remnants of NAFTA / CAFTA.
All: (sung) All you holy men and women, pray for us.
Voice 5: Let us remember the brave ones WHO Walked Through Their Struggles With Hope WHO Taught Us How to Have Confidence and trust During our times of sorrow and difficulty ... (You are invited to lift up Their names aloud or silently)
All: (sung) All you holy men and women, pray for us.
Voice 6: Let us remember nameless ones WHO Those Were Tortured and Disappeared or Those Who are Being held in prison. (You are invited to lift up Their names aloud or silently)
All: (sung) All you holy men and women, pray for us.
Voice 7: Let us remember the Indigenous of Latin America WHO Struggle to Keep Their land and way of life.
All: (sung) All you holy men and women, pray for us
Voice 8: Let us remember Those Who Work With the poor and for justice in Latin America, Including the closure of the School of the Americas.
All: (sung) All you holy men and women, pray for us
Voice 9: Let us remember Those Who witness for an end to drone warfare, nuclear weapons and militarism.
All: (sung) All you holy men and women, pray for us.
Voice 10: Let us remember the great lovers of life, Whose mood and enthusiasm lifted our spirits and joy ... Brought Us (You are invited to lift up Their names aloud or silently)
All: (sung) All you holy men and women, pray for us.
Voice 11: Let us remember the victims of terrorist violence, Including the people killed at the hands of ISIL, and the people killed by State violence, Including That of US unmanned drones.
All: (sung) All you holy men and women, pray for us.
Voice 12: Let us remember the Black and Brown victims of State violence in the US (You are invited to lift up Their names aloud or silently, and to add names to this list As desired).
Leader 1: Sacred One, Giver and Sustainer of Life, thank you for the holy ones Who are with us. May our lives model Their virtues. May our hearts and actions resonate With Their courage.
Music to Accompany the Presentation of the Gifts:
We Are The Boat
We are the boat, we are the sea,
I sail in you, you sail in me.
The stream sings it to the river,
The river sings it to the sea.
The sea sings it to the boat
That Carries you and me. [Chorus]
The boat we are sailing in
Was built by many hands,
And we are the be sailing on,
It touches every land. [Chorus]
With our hopes so we Set the sails
And face the winds Once More.
With our hearts and we chart
The waters never sailed before. [Chorus]
Leader 1: Blessed are you, God of all creation.
Through your goodness we Have This bread and wine to offer, Which Given earth and human hands Have made unavailable.
It will embody for us the Bread of Life and the Cup of Liberation.
All: Blessed be God forever.
God dwells in you.
And Also in you.
Lift up your hearts.
Hearts burning with love, we give them to God
Let us give thanks to the God of All.
We Do This in justice and right.
Leader 1: Full of righteousness and Justice are you, our God, for sending Jesus to confront Leaders with the Truth.
Rather than accept a royal title, I have issued a call to all of us to testify to the Truth.
We are the ones I have calls to listen to His voice as the way to show That we belong to the Truth.
All: All loving God, we do well always and everywhere to bless your name. In Jesus You have Given us the model for witnessing to the Truth. Through You call us to always live Christos Sophia proclaiming Truth to power. Your Spirit Within Us dwelling Urges us to proclaim Truth in justice. In That same Spirit we join in thankful praise as we say:
All: Holy, holy, holy God, Spirit of love and peace!
All of the earth's abundance Reflects your glory. Highest praise be to You! Blessed are All who come in the name of our compassionate God. Hosanna in the highest!
All: O Holy One, you are the fountain of all holiness, and all creation rightly Gives You praise. All life, all holiness comes from you by the working of your Holy Spirit. From age to age, you gather a people to yourself, So THAT from east to west to human blessing May be made to the glory of your name.
Leader 1: (All the gathering extends over bread and cup hands in blessing)
THEREFORE, we ask that you '' our gifts and bless us That We May Become the body and blood of Jesus, Whose hands and feet we are called to be and WHO invite us to celebrate this Eucharist.
All: On the night before I died, Jesus Gathered for the Seder supper With the people closest to him. Like the Least of household servants, Jesus washed Their tired and dusty feet, So They would remember him.
Leader 1 breaks the bread into two pieces as community prays the following:
All: Returning to the table, Jesus Took the Passover Bread, spoke the grace, broke the bread and Offered it to them saying: Take and eat, this is my very self. (Pause and bow)
Leader 2 lifts the cup as community prays the following:
All: Then I Took the cup of blessing, spoke the grace, and Offered it to them saying:
Take and drink of the covenant made new again Through my life, Poured out for you and for everyone, so That You Might Be free. Whenever you remember me like this, I am Among You. (Pause and bow)
All: Loving God, we thank you for blessing us and calling us to take on the task of
Avoiding the spirit of consumerism That make us accomplices to war, speaking truth to power and Assuring That the horrors of violence are no longer Carried Out with Impunity.
WHO May all of us share in the work of your creation Continuing be Brought together in unity Through Your Holy Spirit.
Your love for your human family Makes us want to grow in love with all of your people.
We remember our brothers and sisters Who Have Gone Before giving us witness to your call to justice in our world and all the saints Recognized Who Have your will to bring your world to STI fullest potential.
We praise you in Union With them, and give you glory Through Jesus, our brother.
Leaders raise up the bread and cup:
Through Christos Sophia, We Have Learned how to live.
With Christos Sophia, We Have Learned how to love.
In Christos Sophia, We Have Learned how to serve.
The Prayer of Jesus
Let us pray together the prayer of Jesus:
O Holy One, Who is Within, we celebrate your many names.
Your wisdom eat.
Your will be done, unfolding from the depths Within Us.
Each day you give us all that we need.
You remind us of our limits, and we let go.
You support us in our power, and we act With courage.
For you are the dwelling place Within Us, the empowerment around us, and the celebration among us, now and forever.
(The prayer of Jesus as interpreted by Miriam Therese Winter)
Leader 1: May God's peace be with us all. Please share a sign of peace With each other.
Dona nobis pacem
Leaders: Loving God, You call us to live the Gospel of peace and justice.
All: We will live justly.
Leaders: Loving God, you call us to be Your Presence in the world.
All: We will love tenderly.
Leaders: Loving God, You call us to speak Truth to power.
All: We will walk with integrity in your presence.
Leader 1: This is Christos Sophia, the Bread of Life. How blessed are we Who are called to the table.
All: What We Have Heard With our ears, we will Live with our lives; as we share communion, We Will Become communion, Both Love's nourishment and Love's challenge.
ANNOUNCE: For Those Who Wish communion With gluten free bread and grape juice, Please proceed to the communion Ministers on your left front side of our worship space.
O healing river,
Send down your waters, send down your waters . Upon This Land.
O healing river, send down your waters, and wash off the blood from the sand.
This earth is thirsting, This Earth is parching, no seed is growing
in the barren ground.
This earth is thirsting,
This Earth is parching,
O healing river, send your waters down.
O seed of freedom awake and flourish, let the deep roots nourish, let the tall stalks rise.
O seed of freedom
Burst forth in glory
Proud leaves unfurling
Unto the skies
O healing river
send down your waters
This Land upon. O healing river,
send down your waters, and wash off the blood from the sand.
Prayer: Loving God, we humbly ask you to Receive the prayers of your people. Nourish Us with your Spirit of Hope. Fill our hearts with the zeal to do justice. Help us find That Which Gives deep meaning for us in the Gospel commitment of Solidarity with the poor. We ask this in the name of Jesus, the bearer of good news to the poor.
BLESSING (Invite all to raise Their extended hands in mutual blessing.)
Leader 1: May we see from the depths of our Being the Presence of God calling us to bring justice to our world! All: AMEN.
Leader 2 :! May we invite the timid to a life of courageous witness to Recognize the living Presence of Jesus in the wounds of our sisters and brothers Suffering injustice in Latin America and other places today All: AMEN.
Leader 3 :. Let us go forth from this place to invite others to touch the wounds of Jesus in our midst and work together With Faith in action All: AMEN.
CLOSING SONG: Charlie King
PLEASE NOTE: Following our recessional song, you are invited to continue communion by coming to the side table to reverently consume the reminder of communion bread and cup.
Also please help the PCC community planning in our planning for next year by completing the evaluation form on the back page of your worship aid. Thank you .
Acknowledgement: We acknowledge even the Catholic Community of Albany, NY for some of the texts Adapted In This liturgy.
NEED A PRIEST-woman or man
If you would like to Eucharist Celebrated in your community, contact: Janice at rhythmsofthedance1@gmail.com
or 859-684-4247.
See the website of the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests www.arcwp.org or www.bridgetmarys.blogspot.com
CITI Ministries [Celibacy Is The Issue-Community is the Intention]:
or Judy Lorenz jlorenz@verizon.net or 301-464-5690
FCM [Federation of Christian Ministries]
Phone: 800-538-8923
Women's Ordination, contact WOC: http://www.womensordination.org/programs/chapters-and-local-leaders-network/
(202) 675-1006
Or for the convenience of any with a Smartphone app for reading Quick References:
How beautiful on the mountains!By Tom Paxton played by Charlie King C GOLD : How beautiful on the mountains, are the steps you walk in peace ! How beautiful on the mountains, are the steps you walk in peace ! Crossing the bridge in Selma marched side by side, in Their Eyes a new world coming. Peace in Their Hearts, and justice That it would not be denied. And They sang, "someday we'll get through it." God knows how brave They Were, and as Isaiah said: (Choir) Marching to Guantanamo, or even to the Pentagon, witnesses of peace in many lands, proclaiming the truth against power, singing peace to Babylon . hammering swords to plowshares into Their Own Hands God knows how brave You Were, and you Isaiah said: ( chorus)
Now That Have the generations come together in This Way
With the wonder look in His eyes.
Now pass the torch to pick up the load,
now see Their Eyes on the prize.
God knows how brave you are, and as Isaiah said: (chorus )Song: cardboard roofs of Ali First
How sad to hear the rain on the roofs of cardboard sad my people live in cardboard houses.
The worker comes down almost dragging His Steps by the weight of Suffering That look is much Suffering Suffering That weighs look.
Top leaves pregnant woman down this city and get lost in Its maze today is the same as yesterday is life without tomorrow. How sad to hear the rain on the roofs of cardboard sad my people live in cardboard houses.
Children Color of my land with His own scars millionaires sad worms and why children live in cardboard houses.
How sad to hear the rain on the roofs of cardboard sad my people live in cardboard houses.
Presentation Silvia
Welcome to this Eucharist in Which We remember our Solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Latin America and the missing worldwide. As an alternative community seeking the fullness of the Beloved Community of God, the new social order, we Gathered in the celebration feminine and masculine spirit of creation, in the knowledge That in the beginning the female Spirit of God, Christ With His breath Gave Sofia life to the world. Let us renew ourselves and celebrate each other in the spirit of God than Again, in the freedom of the living among us.
Approval of the meeting leaders
Leader 1 : Since we know That all the Baptized are anointed in Jesus ,
Priest, Prophet and Pastor , we are all Ministers of esta liturgy . For Those Who are standing in front of you to lead the prayer in solidarity With All Those Who are r eunidos here as the People of God , we ask That we authorize to act on your Behalf: Do we accept as the ones you want us to handle esta meeting in prayer, reflection and dinner tonight ?
All: The ministry authorize esta service.
Reply authorized leaders: We thank you for your confidence in Selecting us to lead the prayers. Please pray for us to carry out this ministry with Dignity. (Short pause for silent prayer)
Penitential rite
To clean the heart from Consequences of war
Violence in the Americas and around the world is Directly related to levels of consumption in Developed Countries. Not Realizing That our consumption levels are complicit in the war. Kyrie eleison
For many years the victims silenced Have Been So THAT These horrors will not come to the knowledge of the country and the world. By Relying on false information supplied to us the mass media, Including false positives, in Which perpetrators victims are classified as: Kyrie Eleison
The laws govern our world That leave the vast majority of the MOST heinous crimes With Impunity. By accepting a manipulated, rigged or gagged, lying and justice: Kyrie Eleison
Opening Prayer
Pray .
Father Mother God, loving and wise, creative and supportive of all reality , are the foundation of our Being
and the source of our hope.
Blessed, sent to proclaim Christ to Sofia true positive .
We cry out to you in the name of Those Who suffer the false positive regimes . repressive
Awaken your alternative consciousness So THAT we are
witnessing - as Hosea , Jeremiah,
Maura , Ita , Dorothy,
Jean , Elba and Celina , the Jesuits Ignacio, Second , Ignacio , Juan Ramón
Joaquín , Armando and our brother Oscar - to give testimony to the truth . oppression este We ask the name of Jesus , WHO inspires us with confidence That you deposited in the pair to stand in Solidarity with our brothers and sisters forever. Amen.
Liturgy of the Word
First Reading
Clouds and illusions - by Cuban poet Silvia A. Brandon Pérez
¿ Talks with smoke clouds?
~ The Book of Questions VII, P. Neruda
A holiday in the embrace Between people,
talk with clouds.
I rose from the crematorium,
there in Dachau or Auschwitz,
no matter the place or time,
it was rather heavy smoke,
Composed of particles of dreams,
the illusions of man, woman, child,
That at last on the earth there would be peace,
uncompromising happiness,
a holiday in the embrace Between people,
Who Have Seen It All, nodded
high, big, serious, bare
the shy, skinny
The Little Ones With Her Carmelite heels
It came true, and clouds,
black, white, red, yellow,
Gospel Acclamation
Celtic Alleluia by Christopher Walker and Fintan O'Carroll
Alleluia, Alleluia! Alleluia, Alleluia!
Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
Leader: The word of our God is forever;
The word of God is Being experienced.
We bring us our brother Jesus Christ.
All : Alleluia, Alleluia! Alleluia, Alleluia!
Good News
God dwells in you. And in you.
The proclamation of the Good News of Jesus ACCORDING TO Mark
Marcos11: 15-18
New American Bible
Glory to you, O God! They came to Jerusalem; and entering Jesus in the temple and drive out Began to Those Who sold and bought in the temple; He overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of them That sold doves, . and would not allow anyone to carry wares Through the temple And I Taught them, saying: "Is it not written, ' My house Shall be called a house prayer for all nations '? But You have made it a den of thieves . " The chief priests and the scribes Heard it and Sought how to destroy Jesus , but fear Him, Because all the crowd was astonished at His teaching. The Good News of Jesus! Praising you, O Jesus our brother!
Reflection: Silvia Brandon Pérez, in Spanish and Inglés
Anointing With Oil
The anointing of the sick is related to healing. Our older brother found That the use of the church by traders was a sign of disease. Today esta disease to serve the ca ballero gift money Prevails in all nations . The word today is a call to service, an anointing for That We Can Be Strengthened to carry out our mission, as did our brother before us. When we Receive the oil , we seek renewal and the strength of the Spirit to work in the community That Affirms life to healing the wounds of injustice Latin and Palestinian , in fact, our sisters and brothers THROUGHOUT the world . God's love is inclusive , everyone is welcome at the table , everyone is invited to anoint each other.
Song: I come to offer my heart Fito Paez
Who Said That I all is lost;
. I come to offer my heart So much blood That the river was; I come to offer my heart.
. It will not be easy, I know it happens
It will not be as easy as I thought; how to open the chest and get the soul,
A stab of love.
Moon poor always open,
I come to offer my heart. As an unalterable document; I come to offer my heart. And I will join the ends of the same loop and go quiet I'll go slowly And I will give everything and give me something, anything That relieves me a little more.
When nothing is near or far,
I come to offer my heart.
When satellites do not reach
I come to offer my heart. And speaking of countries and hope for life I speak, I speak for nothing. I speak of esta change, our house to change to change no more.
Who Said That All is lost;
I come to offer my heart.
General litany of intercession
Leader 1 :. Our world needs new life His people yearn for justice. So we can pray with confidence.
Leader 2: Let us join in prayer Now That invites us to remember our saints and co-living and dead - On This Day, Especially in Latin America.
After each invocation, we light a candle to remember the luminous Presence of These witnesses and give back to rainstick to remember our solidarity and theirs still resonates with us.
Leader 3:
Divine Light, Holy radiant light of all lights, we remember the Saints Who are with us and Those Who Have Gone back to God.
Voice 1: Let us remember Those Who Took Risks faced fears and Took Their action, Those Who Sought justice even though They Had to pay a price for it ... the six Jesuits, Their housekeeper Elba and daughter Celina; four sisters from El Salvador, Rutilio Granda, Aida Cinquera Escalante, El Salvador, Oscar Romero ... (are invited to raise Their names silently or out loud)
All (sung): You all holy men and women, pray for us.
Voice 2: Remember the WHO Thousands of immigrants pour-through Asia to Europe, displaced by the war for national security policies.
All (sung): You all holy men and women, pray for us.
Voice 3: We remember Also in Latin America Those Who are fleeing violence in Their Country - That Brings crisis public attention to the wrong border policies of the United States and the inhumane treatment of immigrants.
All (sung): You all holy men and women, pray for us.
Voice 4: We remember the 46 young Mexicans and Their families and all others killed by drug cartels and corrupt Officials - the remains of the FTAs.
All (sung): You all holy men and women, pray for us.
Voice 5: Remember the brave WHO crossed His Struggles With Hope, We were shown to Have Confidence and trust in our times of pain and difficulty ... (You are invited to raise Their names silently or out loud)
All (sung): You all holy men and women, pray for us.
Voice 6:. We remember Those Whose names are unknown and WHO Were tortured or Disappeared Detained or Who are in prisons (You are invited to raise Their names silently or out loud)
All (sung): You all holy men and women, pray for us.
Voice 7: Remember the Indians of Latin America Struggling to Keep Their land and way of life.
All (sung): You all holy men and women, pray for us.
Voice 8: Remember to Working with the poor and for justice in Latin America, Including the closure of the School of the Americas.
All (sung): You all holy men and women, pray for us.
Voice 9: Remember Those Who testify to end the war drone is put, nuclear weapons and militarism.
All (sung): You all holy men and women, pray for us.
Voice 10: Remember the great love of life, Whose mood and enthusiasm lifted our spirits and joy ... Brought Us (You are invited to raise Their names silently or out loud)
All (sung): You all holy men and women, pray for us.
Voice 11: remember the victims of terrorist violence, Including Those killed by the EIIL (The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), And Those killed by the violence of the state, Including US drones.
All (sung): You all holy men and women, pray for us.
Voice 12: Remember the black and brown victims of state violence in the US (You are invited to raise Their names in silence or aloud, and add names to this list as Appropriate.)
Leader 1: Sagradísima, Giver and Sustainer of life, thanks for the Saints Who are with us. That Their virtues shape our lives. May our hearts and actions resonate With courage.
Music to Accompany the presentation of the gifts:
We are the boat
Chorus: We are the boat, we are the sea, I sail in you, you sail in me.
The stream sings the river,
the river sings the sea. The sea sings to ship Which Brings us to you and me. [Choir]
The boat Takes us
many hands did, and the sea we sailed, played the Entire Earth. [Choir]
C on
our hopes and hoisted the sails
and frentamos to the winds now, and our hearts draw water not processed. [ Chorus]
Leader 1: Blessed are you, Goddess of all creation.
Through your goodness we Have This bread and wine to offer, Which earth and human hands have Given Have prepared.
Incorporate for us the Bread of Life and the Cup of Liberation.
All: Blessed be God forever.
God dwells in you.
And Also in you.
Lift up your hearts.
Burning hearts of love, we give them to God.
Let us give thanks to God for everything That exists.
We do it in justice and law.
Leader 1: Full of righteousness and justice are you, our God, for sending Jesus to cope With the leaders Truth.
Instead of accepting a title of royalty, we called all of us to bear witness to the Truth .
We are what I Heard calls His voice as a way to show That we belong to the truth.
All: God of love, always and at all times is good to bless your name. In Jesus You have Given us the model to testify to the truth. Through Christ you call us to live forever Sofia proclaiming the truth to power. Your indwelling Spirit impels us to proclaim the truth in justice. In That same spirit we are united in grateful praise to say:
All: Holy, holy, holy God, Spirit of love and peace! All the fat of the land Reflects your glory. Praise be! Blessed are All who come in the name of our compassionate God. Hosanna in the highest!
All: O Holy One, you are the source of all holiness, and all creation praises you Clearly. All life, all holiness comes from you Through the intercession of the Holy Spirit. From age to age, your people will congregate yourself, So THAT from east to west, can make a human blessing to the glory of your name.
Leader 1: (All together extend hands over the bread and blessing the cup)
THEREFORE, we ask you to bless our gifts and our people so That We May Become the body and blood of Jesus, Whose hands and feet are called to be and That invites us to celebrate esta Eucharist.
All: On the night before I died, Jesus Gathered for the Passover meal with the people closest to him. As The Least of the servants of the house, she washed Their tired and dusty feet, to be Remembered.
The leader 1 part bread into two pieces while the community reads as Follows:
All: Returning to the table, I Took grace delivered Easter bread, broke bread and Offered it to them, saying: Take and eat, this is my self. (Pausen and bow)
The leader raises His glass 2 as the community reads as Follows:
All Took the cup of blessing, grace and Gave Offered to them, saying:
Take and drink of the covenant made new again Through my life, shed for you and for all so That They can be free. Every time I remember, I am Among You. (Pausen and bow)
All: God of love, we thank you for blessing us and calling us to take on the task of Avoiding the spirit of consumerism That Makes us complicit in the war, proclaiming the truth to power and Ensure That the horrors of violence no longer take out With Impunity.
That All who share in the work of your continuous creation will gather us together in unity by your Holy Spirit.
Your love for your human family Makes us want to grow in love with your people.
We remember our brothers and sisters witnessing Who Have Gone Before your call to justice in our world and all the saints Acknowledged Who Have your willingness to take your world to STI fullest potential.
We praise you in Union With them, and give you glory Through our brother Jesus.
Leaders lift the bread and the cup:
Through Christ Sofia, We Have Learned to live.
Sofia Christ, We Have Learned to love.
In Christ Sofia, We Have Learned to serve.
The prayer of Jesus
Let us pray together the prayer of Jesus:
Santo Oh, you're inside, celebrate your many names.
Thy wisdom.
Thy will be developed from the depths of us.
Every day you give us everything we need.
We remember our Limitations, and we let go of everything.
You lean on us our power, and act boldly.
Well, you're dwelling in us, around us empowerment and celebration among us, now and forever.
(The prayer of Jesus as interpreted by Miriam Therese Winter)
Leader 1: May the peace of God be with us all. Please share peace sign with the other.
Dona nobis pacem
Prayer to break bread
Leader: Loving God, you call us to live the Gospel of peace and justice.
All we will live in righteousness.
Leader: Loving God, you call us to be your Presence in the world.
All: We will love tenderly.
Leader: Loving God, you call us to speak truth to power.
All: We will walk with integrity in your presence.
Leader 1: Sofia This is Christ, the Bread of Life. How blessed are we Who are called to the table.
All: What We Have Heard With our ears, we will Live with our lives; to share communion, we will Become the communion, Both the power of love as the challenge of love.
ANNOUNCE : For Those Who desire the communion bread without gluten
and juice grapes, Please get the Ministers of communion on the side front left of our worship space.
O river That heals ,
send your waters, send your waters on This Earth.
O river That heals ,
send your water, and wash the blood of sand.
parched earth, dead seeds in the barren land. Land thirsty, parched earth,
O river That heals,
send your water now.
Seed of freedom,
awake and flowers, leaves nourish the roots, leaves and stems grow. Seed of freedom,
Already in the glory flowers,
spread your leaves so
to the heavens.
O river That heals,
send your waters,
on This Earth.
O river That heals, send your water, and wash the blood of sand.
Prayer: God all love, we humbly ask you to Receive the prayers of your people. Nourish your spirit of hope. Fill our hearts with the desire to do justice. Help us find what Gives us a deeper meaning in the Gospel commitment to Solidarity with the poor. We ask esta in the name of Jesus, the bearer of good news to the poor.
BLESSING (invite everyone to raise mutual Their hands outstretched in blessing.)
Leader 1: May we see from the depths of our Being the Presence of God Who calls us to bring justice to our world! All: AMEN.
Leader 2: ! May we invite the timid to a life of courageous witness to Recognize the living Presence of Jesus in the wounds of our brothers and sisters suffer injustice WHO in Latin America and elsewhere today All: AMEN.
Leader 3:. Get out of this place for inviting others to touch the wounds of Jesus among us and work together With Faith in action All: Amen.
CLOSING SONG: Charlie King
NOTE: After our song output, are invited to continue coming to communion side table reverently consumes the rest of the bread and cup of communion.
Also help community planning PCC in our planning for next year, completing the evaluation form on the last page of your document auxiliary worship. Thanks .
Recognition: Recognize the Catholic Community we Inclusive of Albany, New York by some of the texts Adapted In This liturgy.
NEED A presbyter-woman or man?
For a Eucharist Celebrated in your community, contact: Janice rhythmsofthedance1@gmail.com or 859-684-4247.
Visit the website of the Association of Roman Catholic clergywomen www.arcwp.org
or www.bridgetmarys.blogspot.com or https://evangelizadorasdelosapostoles.wordpress.com/
CITI Ministries [Celibacy is the question - the community is the intention ]:
or Judy Lorenz jlorenz@verizon.net or 301-464-5690
FCM [Federation
of Christian Ministries ]
Phone: 800-538-8923
Ordination of women, contact WOC: http://www.womensordination.org/programs/chapters-and-local-leaders-network/
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Roll Away the Stone
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