
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Roman Catholic Womenpriests: Pope Benedict, Listen to Women in Africa, Support Condom Use to Prevent AIDS

Press Release
March 18, 2009
Media Contact: Bridget Mary Meehan

Roman Catholic Womenpriests call on Pope Benedict to reflect the compassion of Jesus in the Gospels, by supporting condom use to prevent the spread of AIDS in Africa.

The pope, like Jesus, the Good Shepherd, must listen to AIDS victims, especially innocent women. As we know, married women and their children are often the victims of this tragedy. These women did not have a choice, and could not have refused sexual relations.

While it is true that the Roman Catholic Church is actively ministering to AIDS victims in Africa and elsewhere, the institutional church 's prohibition against condoms puts lives needlessly at risk. If we ask ourselves, what would Christ do in this situation ? We might recall that in the Gospel, Jesus chastised religious authorities who made rules that put unfair burdens on God's people. Most contemporary Catholics reflect Christ's wisdom in their attitudes to church rules today. Recent worldwide polls report that Catholics support condoms to prevent AIDS. Now is the time for the Roman Catholic church to embrace the vision of fullness of life and justice at the heart of the Gospel by taking realistic steps to help prevent the spread of AIDS by reversing the ban on condom use.

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