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Janet Blakeley ARCWP at head of table leads discussion on Integral Christianity by Paul Smith on Saturdays at 2 PM at St. Andrew UCC, Sarasota |
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community Book Club Meets on Saturdays to Discuss Integral Christianity by Paul Smith, Discussion Leader: Janet Blakeley ARCWP
"God Lives in the Hearts of All People. Everywhere"
One Out of Seen Floridians 60 and Older Faces Threat of Hunger
According to The Sun Sentinel called "The Hidden Hungry" “About one out of every seven Floridians age 60 and older — or about 615,000 people, based on 2013 statistics — faces the threat of hunger.”
Mary, Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community Liturgy, January 13, 2018, Presiders: Kathryn Shea, ARCWP and Lee Breyer Music Minister: Mindy Simmons
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Lee Breyer and Kathryn Shea ARCWP- Co-Presiders |
Theme: The Messiah, the dreamer, and the people….
Welcome and Opening Expression
Presider: Welcome everyone. We have come to break bread and share the blessings of this particular day. One month ago, in the third week of Advent, we heard – in John’s gospel – a questioning by some Jewish priests and Levites of John the Baptist…just who was he? Was he the Messiah, Elijah, a Prophet…? No… wrong guy… he was just making straight the road for the holy one! In today’s gospel, we pick up where the earlier John story ended. We continue it at the next day (7 verses later in the gospel) ….and meet Jesus, recognized by Andrew as “the Messiah.”
We may recall that two years ago, Pope Francis addressed the Congress and talked about Martin Luther King, whose birthday we celebrate Monday. He described MLK as “a prophet who awakened us to carry out God’s will for justice and the elimination of all prejudices.”
Today, we celebrate these two people, Messiahs in their own ways and times, in our liturgy. We do so here in this sacred space with our holy brothers and sisters.
Opening Hymn “Gather Us In” #302 vs 1, 2, 3
Opening Prayer
Presider: Holy God, you not only directed the drama of the creation of the cosmos, you became one of the actors on planet earth in the person of Jesus. Through him, you showed us how to live the lives that you have blessed us with here until we move on to the eternal home you have prepared for us. Open our hearts to the message of the Gospel so that your peace may rule in our hearts and your justice guide our lives. We pray that we may always be conscious of your constant presence within us and that we reflect that to everyone in all we say and do. Amen.
Penitential Rite and Community Forgiveness
Presider: Creator God, to you all hearts are open, no desires unknown, and no secrets hidden. We ask you to send your Spirit to us to cleanse our hearts so that we may live more fully according to your will and that we may be worthy to be called your blessed people. We ask you to instill in us the virtues of understanding, compassion, forgiveness and peace. Give us the courage and strength to extend your merciful concern and care to everyone we meet.
ALL: Christ Jesus, we ask for the grace to recognize our continual need to grow in mercy, compassion and caring for ourselves, for our brothers and sisters, and for our planet earth.
Presider: And we pray…
ALL: God, grant us these graces so that we may – in turn – forgive each other our failures to care for everyone, everywhere without prejudices to any, this day and always.
Liturgy of the Word
First Reading – 1 Samuel 2-10, 19 ALL: Th
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Roman Rodriguez, Lector |
Cantor: Cheri McDonagh

Psalm 72. ALL: Justice shall flourish in this time and fullness of peace forever. #785

Second Reading -(Read by Theresa Rodriguez)1 Corinthians 6:13-20 ALL: Thanks be to God
Gospel Acclamation ALL: (Celtic) Alleluia!
Gospel: John 1: 35-42 ALL: Glory and praise to our God, Proclaimed by Kathryn Shea ARCWP

Shared Homily/Community Reflections, Lee Breyer

Homily Starter: Thoughts — What attracted Andrew and Peter to Jesus at the Jordan River? What attracted millions of people to Martin Luther King at the Washington National Mall? What were they looking for and experience? What teachings and missions did the listeners leave with? Question — What have we learned, integrated, and practiced from the lessons of these two Messiahs? What challenges to them have we met, dealt with and overcome?
Profession of Faith
All: We believe in God, the Creator of the Universe, a divine mystery who infuses all that exists, making everything everywhere in the cosmos sacred. We believe in Jesus, the Christ, who is our hope, our love and our peace. He is the touch of God to humanity; he leads everyone to the fullness of life. It is because of his incarnation that we have become a new people…a holy gathering called beyond the consequences of our brokenness. We believe in the Spirit, the Breath of God, who keeps the Christ-vision present to all those who are searching for meaning and wholeness in their lives. She is the Sustainer who heals and energizes us when our strengths grow weary in our journeys. We believe that God’s kindom is here with us now, everywhere, and will always be present for those with eyes to recognize it, hearts to receive it, and hands to make it known to all.
We say amen to faith, hope, and love. We say amen to the partnership and equality of all people, regardless of gender, race, and beliefs. We say amen to a world of peace and justice for everyone, everywhere, with no exceptions. In all of this, we surely believe.
Prayers of the Community
Presider: We are a people of faith; we believe in the power of prayer. Always mindful of God’s unconditional love and care for all of us, we bring the needs of the people to our merciful and gracious God. After each intercession, please respond: Compassionate God, we ask you to bless our petitions. (community intentions)
Presider: Healing God, we ask you to strengthen us in our concerns for one another, here and throughout the world. We ask you to bless our efforts for justice and equality so that, with our sisters and brothers, we may promote cultures of peace and nonviolence. We make these prayers to you, O God, in the names of Jesus, our brother, and the Holy Spirit, our sister. Amen.
Offertory: “Be Not Afraid” #430 All 3 verses

Presider: Blessed are you, God of Creation, through your goodness we have this bread to offer…this grain of the earth that human hands have made for our use. It will become for us the Bread of Life.
ALL: Blessed be God forever.
Presider: Blessed are you, God of Creation, through your goodness we have this wine to offer…this fruit of the vine that human hands have made for our use. It will become for us our Spiritual Drink.
ALL: Blessed be God forever.
Gathering of the Gifted
Presider: Jesus, who has often sat at our tables, now invites all of us to join him at his. Everyone is welcome to share in this blessed meal. (Everyone is welcome at God’s table.)
ALL: Loving and caring God, we – your people – are united in this sacrament by our common love of Jesus. We are in communion with everyone, everywhere, who shares your gift of compassion, especially with all those who are marginalized and oppressed. May we love tenderly, act with justice, and walk humbly with you in solidarity with our sisters and brothers everywhere. And may we always live as prophetic witnesses to the gospel of Jesus. Amen.
Presider: Let us give thanks to the Creator of all that exists.
ALL: With hearts full of love, we give God thanks and praise.
Presider: Let us show our gratitude to Jesus who has shared with us his life-vision.
ALL: Open our hearts to your gospel message through your words and actions while on this earth.
Presider: Let us recognize the presence of the Spirit among us gathered at the family table.
ALL: Fill us with reverence for our Creator, for one another, and for all creation.
Presider: Our God, Emanuel, is not only with us, God dwells in each one of us.
ALL: Namaste! Namaste!
Eucharistic Prayer
Voice 1: Ever living and ever-loving God, it is through you that we live and move and have our very being. And we know that in the days to come, that Spirit, who raised Jesus from the dead, will fulfill her promise to bring us to the paschal feast of heaven. Her dwelling with us gives us everlasting hope of unending peace and joy with you. And so, we SING with thankful praise….
ALL: Holy, Holy, Holy God, God of power, God of light. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed are all who come in the name of our God. Hosanna in the highest. Hosanna in the highest.
Voice 2: We thank you for the gift of Jesus in history – and the gift of Jesus in faith. Through him, you breathe life into us. He was moved by his vision of your constant presence in everyone he met, everywhere he went. He revealed you in everything he did in his life well lived. And he showed us, through his example, not only how we should live, but also for what is worth dying.
Voice 3: And when his time on earth had come to an end, Jesus surrendered his life for a value that he deeply believed, lived and taught…his conviction that love is stronger than death. And then, providing a personal example of this insight for the understanding of people in ages to come, he opened wide his arms on a cross and died. Then the Spirit, one stronger than death, raised Jesus to life, showing everyone that life is eternal and that love is immortal. Jesus is with us – and lives in us – today as he will through the end of time.
ALL: O God, let your Spirit of life, healing and wholeness come upon these gifts – this simple wheat and wine. May She make them holy so that they will become for us the Body and Blood of Jesus, our brother.
ALL (With an outstretched arm, we pray the consecration together.): We remember the gift that Jesus gave us on the night before he died. He gathered with his friends to share his final Passover meal. And it was at that supper that Jesus took bread, said the blessing, broke the bread and gave it to them saying: take this, all of you and eat it. This bread is you; this bread is me. We are one body, the presence of God in the world. Do this in memory of me. [Pause]
In the same way, Jesus took a cup of wine. He said the blessing and gave it to his friends saying: take this all of you and drink it. This wine is you; this wine is me. We are one blood, the presence of God in the world. Do this in memory of me.
Presider: As we gather around this Eucharistic table, we recall God’s blessing and love from ages past and we celebrate and share those gifts in friendship and peace.
ALL: Jesus, who was with God “in the beginning of the creation of the heavens and the earth,” is with us today in this bread. The Spirit, whom the prophets spoke of centuries ago in history, is with us today in this cup.
Presider: Let us proclaim this mystery of faith.
ALL: Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ lives in us in the world today.
Voice 4: In memory of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, we offer you, God, this life-giving bread, this saving cup. May everyone who shares this sacred meal be brought together in unity by the Holy Spirit. And may that Spirit, that Wisdom, that moved in Jesus move just as freely in our lives as She did in his.
Voice 5: God, remember your church throughout the world. Help us grow in love, together with Francis, our Pope, Bridget Mary, our Bishop, and all your People everywhere – especially those who live on the margins of church and society. We remember, as well, the entire communion of saints, both those living and dead, who touched our lives and left your footprint on our hearts. We remember especially …(pause as names are mentioned).
ALL: Through Christ, with Christ, and in Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, Creator God, forever and ever…(and everyone sings)…Amen. (4-5x)
ALL (holding hands): Our Father and Mother, who are in heaven, blessed is your name…..
The Sharing of a Sign of Peace
Presider: Jesus, you said to your disciples, “My peace I leave you; my peace I give you.” Look on the faith of those gathered here today and…
ALL: …. grant us your peace. O God, following the example of Jesus and with the strength of the Spirit, help us spread that peace through our words and actions to everyone, everywhere, with no exceptions. Amen.
Presider: May the peace of God be always with us, and let us extend that peace to one another as we hold hands and sing…“Let There Be Peace on Earth” #532
Litany for the Breaking of the Bread
Presider: Loving God…. ALL: you call us to Spirit-filled service and to live the Gospel of peace and justice, we will live justly.
Presider: Loving God…. ALL: you call us to be your presence in the world and to be bearers of understanding and compassion, forgiveness and healing everywhere in your name. We will love tenderly
Presider: Loving God… ALL: you call us to speak truth to power. We will walk humbly with you.
Presider: This is Jesus, who liberates, heals, and transforms us and our world. All are invited to partake of this sacred banquet of love. ALL: We are all the Body of Christ.
Pre-Communion Prayer
Presider: Gracious God, as we come to share the riches of your table, we cannot forget the poverty of so many of our brothers and sisters, our families and neighbors, in so many places.
Men: We cannot eat this bread and not think of those who are hungry. O God, your world is one world and we are just stewards of its nourishment for all of your people.
Women: We cannot drink this wine and not think of those who are thirsty. O God, this very earth and its people cry out everywhere for environmental justice.
ALL: We cannot listen to your words of peace and not grieve for the world at war’s doors.
Communion Hymn: Instrumental
Post Communion Song/Reflection: Gather The Dreamers – Kathy Sherman
Prayer of Thanksgiving after Communion
Presider: Loving God, may this Eucharist in which we share Christ’s healing love deepen our
oneness with you and with one another. May we reflect, like Mary, your liberating and mothering love for all. And may wonder and thanksgiving fill us with knowledge, understanding and experience of your love and compassion for us, your sacred people. We ask this in the name of Mary’s son, Jesus the Christ. All: Amen.
Introductions, Gratitudes, Announcements
Closing Community Blessing (with an extended arm)
ALL: May our hearts be glad on our journey as we dream new dreams, see new
visions, and create a new heaven and earth.
May we live and work for compassion and peace, justice and non-violence in our hearts and in those of everyone we meet.
May we learn to bless and honor and hold in reverence all creation, the earth, and one another.
Closing Community Commissioning
Presider: Loving God, we have looked for others to save us and to save our world. Yet, we have been called and blessed, and are now commissioned and sent into the world to create cultures of peace and justice. May we always remember, with gratitude, that we are the face of God to the world.
Presider: As we leave here in the peace of Christ, let us be the people that God created us to be. Let us be faithful followers of the Messiah and the Dreamer.
ALL: Thanks be to God. Let it be so!
Closing Community Hymn: “We Shall Overcome”
We shall overcome,
we shall overcome,
we shall overcome some day.
Oh, deep in my heart,
I do believe,
we shall overcome some day.
We shall all be free….some day.
We shall live in peace….some day.
MMOJ Community Celebration of My Birthday

Friday, January 12, 2018
New Course at People’s Catholic Seminary Marriage, Sexuality and Just Love

PCS 701: Marriage, Sexuality and Just Love (MPM 405)
Course Description
This course explores historical, cultural, feminist and contemporary theological perspectives on marriage, sexuality and Christian sexual ethics within a justice framework. Opportunities will also be provided to develop sacred rituals of celebration for married Christian and non-religious couples in a variety of relationship arrangements. Of special interest to pastoral leaders and any persons wanting to deepen the meaning of their marriage.
Principal Texts
Margaret Farley (2008) Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics. New York, NY: The Continuum International Publishing Group Inc. (Purchase)
Pope Francis (2015) The Joy of Love: On Love in the Family (Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia). New York, NY: Paulist Press. (provided in PDF on google drive)
Course Format
This course is offered as an independent study or in a cohort model. Cohorts use a blog format (www.blogger.com) to foster an interactive learning community. Students post assignments every two weeks over a period of 12 weeks and are encouraged to comment on each other's posts. They are also invited to participate in bi-weekly, 1-hour conference calls with the facilitator and other course participants in order to share and to expand learning. (A free conference call number will be provided.) This course can also be taken as part of the Masters of Pastoral Ministry (MPM) program at Global Ministries University.
Students complete six, 1-2 page, single-spaced reflections, which include theological dimensions, experiential wisdom and pastoral application related to past, present and/or future ministries. They can incorporate creative expression in their responses i.e. visual art, film, poetry, dance, music. An additional culmination paper is required for Masters of Pastoral Ministry students.
Course Facilitator
Barbara Billey, M.Ed., M.A. (Counseling), D.Min. is a counselor, art therapist and priest with the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests who ministers with the Heart of Compassion Faith Community in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. She's been married to her husband, Ken for 36 years. Barbara is an avid nature enthusiast, a dancer, singer and writer. Life-long learning is one of her many passions. She has officiated wedding ceremonies, both secular and sacramental.
Cost: $ 100 US
To register: https://pcseminary.org/marriage-sexuality-just-love
Demonstration for Justice: Janice Sevre Duszynska ARCWP
Last night we had quite a large group inside Union Station in Washington, DC to protest the imprisonment of 16-year old Palestinian, Ahed Tamimi, who has been imprisoned for three weeks along with her family after Israeli soldiers stormed their home at night, frightening them.
Ahed slapped the face of one Israeli soldier
In response to the torment they were causing her mother and family. She could be
sentenced to 10 years in an Israeli prison, which are hellholes, according to those who have been there. This photo was taken after our 90-minute protest which was live streamed to the people of Palestine. About 60 people joined us, including those in orange jumpsuits from the Witness Against Torture people protesting the continuing
imprisonment and torture of those held at
Guantanamo. Janice Sevre Duszynska ARCWP
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on the left: Janice Sevre Duszynska ARCWP with CodePink |
Thursday, January 11, 2018
Grateful on my Birthday for the Gift of Life, Family and Friends
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Bridget Mary with brother Patrick Meehan |
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Bridget Mary with sister-in-law Valerie Kritter |
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With my friend Paula at McDonald's today |
How did the rose ever open its heart and give to this world all of its beauty?
It felt the encouragement of Light against its being;
otherwise we all remain too frightened.
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community at Sun City Center “Celebration of Life, Hope and Prayers for 2018” “This is the day our God has made, let us rejoice in it” (Psalm 118) January 11, 2018
All: Let us begin in the name of our God, God of Love, celebrating the diversity of peoples and faiths, our Brother Jesus blessing us in solidarity with all, and guidance of Sophia Wisdom for the year ahead. Amen
Opening Prayer All:
We come to worship you Loving God who showers us with blessings and asks us to be blessing for others in our new year. May we cherish every amazing day, conscious of your Presence and abundance all around and for us. We ask you to give us insight into our lives, the needs of our community, and ministry this year. May we celebrate with joy the many blessings we will receive in 2018. May we pray for guidance to follow you with the People of God in our ministry with them. Amen
Reading from Edith Stein, The Hidden Life, p 115.
A new year at the hand of (Jesus)—we do not know whether we shall experience the end of this year. But if we drink from the fount of the Savior each day, then each day will lead us deeper into eternal life and prepare us to throw off the burdens of this life easily and cheerfully at some time when the call of (our God) sounds. The Divine Child offers us his hand to renew our (commitment). Let us hurry to clasp this hand. (God) is my light and my salvation—of whom shall I be afraid? The inspired word of Edith Stein All: Thanks be to God
Psalm response – Psalm 99 from Nan Merrill
Response All: Sing praises to the Beloved. Holy are You, Giver of Life!
Awaken, O people! Entrust your hearts to Love, for the Beloved reigns supreme; let all the earth give thanks! Your unseen Presence is great in the land; You sit with the leaders of nations.
All: Sing praises to the Beloved. Holy are You, Giver of Life!
Let the leaders be silent and guided by your Voice! Holy are You! You are mighty and love justice, You establish equity; Out of the Silence, your Word can be hard in the land inviting the nations to live in peace. Listen you people! Open your hearts to the Beloved, that Truth may be born anew! All: Sing praises to the Beloved. Holy are You, Giver of Life!
Many who have gone before us followed the Beloved’s Voice. The unknown saints of all generations. They surrendered themselves into the Beloved’s hands, and walked with confidence. They were guided through difficult times keeping to Love’s way, and trusting in Love’s promises. All: Sing praises to the Beloved. Holy are You, Giver of Life
O Heart of all hearts, You answered their prayers; with mercy, You forgave their wrongdoings, always inviting them to new life. Sing praises to the Beloved, and aspire to ascend the holy mountain. Holy are You, O Giver of Life! All: Sing praises to the Beloved. Holy are You, Giver of Life!
Reading from William McNamara, OCD, Mystical Passion, p 124
We have not grasped the ultimate seriousness and sacredness of a single human act because we have not understood how absolutely unique every human being really is. To be unique is not a matter of peculiar differences but of outstanding fidelity. When all is said and done that is what the spiritual life is all about, fidelity: to myself and the God who calls me to become more and more gracefully myself, my very best self; not in isolation but in communion with the whole human race. My passion must go on mounting until I am so faithful that God will look on me with pleasure and say: “This is my beloved son and daughter” (Mt 3:17) The inspired word of William McNamara. All: Thanks be to God
The Good News for 2018: adapted from 1 Samuel 3:1-10, 19-20
During the time young (your name -YN) was minister to our God under Pope Francis…One day Pope Francis was asleep in his usual place…and (YN) was asleep in the temple of the our God. Our Brother Jesus called to (YN) who answered, “Here I am” (YN) ran to Pope Francis, “Here I am. You called me.” “I did not call you,” he replied. This exchange happened three times. The third time Pope Francis advises (YN) “If you are called reply, “Speak Jesus, for your servant is listening.” When I went to sleep in my place, Jesus came and revealed his presence, calling out as before, “(YN), (YN)!” I replied, “Speak, for your servant (YN) is listening.” The good news of Jesus, the Cosmic Christ throughout creation and time! ALL: Glory and praise to you, Jesus Brother of our thankfulness and hope.
SHARED HOMILY: For what in 2017 are you thankful? When were you called by Jesus in 2017? What are your hopes self, family, community, country for 2018?
All: We believe in God the fountain of life flowing through every being. We believe in Jesus the Christ our Brother who reflects the face of God and the fullness of humanity. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the breath of God in the cosmos, who calls us to love and serve without counting the cost. We believe in our global communion with all in the circle of life. Amen to loving actions on behalf of justice, healing, compassion and equality for all in our world. Amen.
Community petitions: With hearts filled with loving compassion, we lift up the needs and hopes of our families, friends, community and our country. All: God of hope and new life answer us.
For our country and all elected officials, we pray:
For all those who are ill especially Wanda ARCWP who is recovering from open heart surgery and for those who have died especially Judy Beaumont a founder of ARCWP who has died , we pray:
Please add your intentions
Presider: We hold these and all our unspoken intentions in our hearts as we gather around your Banquet Table today. As always, we pray in our Brother Jesus’ name. All: Amen
Offertory of gifts and ourselves:
Co-Presider: Blessed are you, God of all creation, through your goodness we have this bread to offer which earth has given and human hands have made. This bread is our community as we offer our lives in ministry for others' blessing. May we individually and as a community live your vision of peace and justice for all including the earth. This will become for us the bread of life. All: Blessed be our God blessings forever.
Co-Presider: Blessed are you, God of all creation. Through your goodness we have this wine to offer, fruit of the vine and work of human hands. This drink is our desire to live for the Common Good. This wine and juice will become our spiritual drink. All: Blessed be God of hope forever.
Co-presider: My sisters and brothers let us pray together that our gifts may be acceptable to our Creator Spirit and Love.
All: May God accept these gifts from our hands, for the praise and glory of God's name, in thanksgiving for our lives and for our compassion and our ministry for the Common Good of all. Amen
Let us stand around our table and altar (Canon adapted from Diarmuid O'Murchu for Holy Wisdom)
Sing: We are holy, holy, holy...you are holy, holy, holy..., I am holy, holy holy...We are holy, holy, holy...3times (Karen Drucker)
Presiders: That same Spirit we invoke upon the gifts of this Eucharistic table, bread of the grain & vine of the grape, that they may become the body and blood of Jesus – to nurture afresh in us the discerning gifts of wisdom, light and truth. We ask the Spirit to bless each of our ministries in 2018.
Invoking the memory of tradition:
Presider: Gathering the disciples around the table of shared wisdom,
Extending our hands All: Jesus took bread; blessed you God of all good gifts,
broke the bread and along with the cup, handed to those seeking nourishment, with these words: Take this all of you, eat and drink: This is my body which will be given up for you.
Presider After the meal, Jesus took another cup, poured out in a spirit of solidarity and empowerment.
Extending our hands: All: Jesus gave thanks and shared the cup with his friends, saying: Take this all of you and drink from it; this is the cup of my life-blood, the life of the new and everlasting covenant. In prophetic solidarity, it is poured out for you and for all. Sustain one another in the power of sacred memory.
Eucharistic Acclamation
All: In faith and hope we are sustained, in grace and dignity reclaimed, in praise, we thank our God.
Presiders: As we celebrate this sacred meal, we recall the wise and gracious gifts bestowed on us down through the ages; and we look forward in hope, knowing that you, our wise and faithful God, will continue to endow us with abundant blessings.
Second Invocation to Holy Wisdom: (Placing your right hand on the shoulder of the person next to you.) All: In the power of this Eucharistic meal, bless us afresh with the gift of the Spirit, that our hearts may be open and receptive as you invite us into the fullness of life.
Presider: In union with all peoples living and dead, we unite our thoughts and prayers.
All: We ask for wisdom and courage:
-to share our wisdom as elders with others as ministers of you kindom.
- to discern more wisely your call to us in the circumstances of our daily lives;
- to act justly and courageously in confronting the pain and suffering that desecrates the Earth and its peoples;
- to take risks in being creative and proactive on behalf of the poor and marginalized;
-Always to be thankful for our lives and to live the hope that your Presence brings to all.
- and to love all people with generosity of heart, beyond the labels of race, creed and color.
Presiders: And may we ever be aware and alert to the new things the Spirit makes possible, as our world unfolds amid pain and beauty, into the fullness of life to which all are called, participating in the wise and wonderful work of co-creation. All: Amen
Doxology: (lifting up the bread and wine) All: In the wisdom of our triune God, Creator, Liberator, and Holy Spirit, we are blessed with the gifts of this Eucharistic table, and with all the good things bestowed upon our world, now and forever. Amen.
Our Sign of Peace
Presider: God who teaches by life and example who has nourished us is our peace. Strangers and friends, male and female, old and young, the God of peace has broken down the barriers to bind us to God’s Self and to each other. Having tasted God’s goodness, let us as a community extend a sign of peace to one another.
ALL: Loving God, You call us to live mercy, we will do so. Loving God, You call us to live justice, we will do so. Loving God, You call us to live equality, we will do so.
Presiders: This is Jesus our Brother, who calls us to open doors that are closed and share our bread on the altar of the world. All are invited to eat and drink at this sacred banquet of love.
ALL: Jesus, we are worthy to receive you and to be your compassion and wise elder s for our world. Let us say to one another, You are a priest of God. We are the Body and blood of Christ.
Please dip the bread as this is cold and flu season
Prayers of Gratitude
Anointing of each other for 2018
Presiders: Our God is with you.
ALL: and also with you.
Closing BLESSING (Everyone please extend your hands in mutual blessing)
ALL: May you with all the saints who have followed the voice of Jesus
surrender yourself into the hands of our God of unconditional Love.
With confidence that Jesus and Sophia Holy Spirit will guide you through difficult times and joyous ones, keeping to his Way and trusting in Love’s promises in our new year. Amen
DISMISSAL into our New Year of 2018
Presider: Go in the peace and Love of our Brother Jesus our God of gratitude and hope.
Let our ministry of love, compassion and seeking justice continue!
ALL: Thanks be to God.
Happy New Year to all.
All: Let us begin in the name of our God, God of Love, celebrating the diversity of peoples and faiths, our Brother Jesus blessing us in solidarity with all, and guidance of Sophia Wisdom for the year ahead. Amen
Opening Prayer All:
We come to worship you Loving God who showers us with blessings and asks us to be blessing for others in our new year. May we cherish every amazing day, conscious of your Presence and abundance all around and for us. We ask you to give us insight into our lives, the needs of our community, and ministry this year. May we celebrate with joy the many blessings we will receive in 2018. May we pray for guidance to follow you with the People of God in our ministry with them. Amen
Reading from Edith Stein, The Hidden Life, p 115.
A new year at the hand of (Jesus)—we do not know whether we shall experience the end of this year. But if we drink from the fount of the Savior each day, then each day will lead us deeper into eternal life and prepare us to throw off the burdens of this life easily and cheerfully at some time when the call of (our God) sounds. The Divine Child offers us his hand to renew our (commitment). Let us hurry to clasp this hand. (God) is my light and my salvation—of whom shall I be afraid? The inspired word of Edith Stein All: Thanks be to God
Psalm response – Psalm 99 from Nan Merrill
Response All: Sing praises to the Beloved. Holy are You, Giver of Life!
Awaken, O people! Entrust your hearts to Love, for the Beloved reigns supreme; let all the earth give thanks! Your unseen Presence is great in the land; You sit with the leaders of nations.
All: Sing praises to the Beloved. Holy are You, Giver of Life!
Let the leaders be silent and guided by your Voice! Holy are You! You are mighty and love justice, You establish equity; Out of the Silence, your Word can be hard in the land inviting the nations to live in peace. Listen you people! Open your hearts to the Beloved, that Truth may be born anew! All: Sing praises to the Beloved. Holy are You, Giver of Life!
Many who have gone before us followed the Beloved’s Voice. The unknown saints of all generations. They surrendered themselves into the Beloved’s hands, and walked with confidence. They were guided through difficult times keeping to Love’s way, and trusting in Love’s promises. All: Sing praises to the Beloved. Holy are You, Giver of Life
O Heart of all hearts, You answered their prayers; with mercy, You forgave their wrongdoings, always inviting them to new life. Sing praises to the Beloved, and aspire to ascend the holy mountain. Holy are You, O Giver of Life! All: Sing praises to the Beloved. Holy are You, Giver of Life!
Reading from William McNamara, OCD, Mystical Passion, p 124
We have not grasped the ultimate seriousness and sacredness of a single human act because we have not understood how absolutely unique every human being really is. To be unique is not a matter of peculiar differences but of outstanding fidelity. When all is said and done that is what the spiritual life is all about, fidelity: to myself and the God who calls me to become more and more gracefully myself, my very best self; not in isolation but in communion with the whole human race. My passion must go on mounting until I am so faithful that God will look on me with pleasure and say: “This is my beloved son and daughter” (Mt 3:17) The inspired word of William McNamara. All: Thanks be to God
The Good News for 2018: adapted from 1 Samuel 3:1-10, 19-20
During the time young (your name -YN) was minister to our God under Pope Francis…One day Pope Francis was asleep in his usual place…and (YN) was asleep in the temple of the our God. Our Brother Jesus called to (YN) who answered, “Here I am” (YN) ran to Pope Francis, “Here I am. You called me.” “I did not call you,” he replied. This exchange happened three times. The third time Pope Francis advises (YN) “If you are called reply, “Speak Jesus, for your servant is listening.” When I went to sleep in my place, Jesus came and revealed his presence, calling out as before, “(YN), (YN)!” I replied, “Speak, for your servant (YN) is listening.” The good news of Jesus, the Cosmic Christ throughout creation and time! ALL: Glory and praise to you, Jesus Brother of our thankfulness and hope.
SHARED HOMILY: For what in 2017 are you thankful? When were you called by Jesus in 2017? What are your hopes self, family, community, country for 2018?
All: We believe in God the fountain of life flowing through every being. We believe in Jesus the Christ our Brother who reflects the face of God and the fullness of humanity. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the breath of God in the cosmos, who calls us to love and serve without counting the cost. We believe in our global communion with all in the circle of life. Amen to loving actions on behalf of justice, healing, compassion and equality for all in our world. Amen.
Community petitions: With hearts filled with loving compassion, we lift up the needs and hopes of our families, friends, community and our country. All: God of hope and new life answer us.
For our country and all elected officials, we pray:
For all those who are ill especially Wanda ARCWP who is recovering from open heart surgery and for those who have died especially Judy Beaumont a founder of ARCWP who has died , we pray:
Please add your intentions
Presider: We hold these and all our unspoken intentions in our hearts as we gather around your Banquet Table today. As always, we pray in our Brother Jesus’ name. All: Amen
Offertory of gifts and ourselves:
Co-Presider: Blessed are you, God of all creation, through your goodness we have this bread to offer which earth has given and human hands have made. This bread is our community as we offer our lives in ministry for others' blessing. May we individually and as a community live your vision of peace and justice for all including the earth. This will become for us the bread of life. All: Blessed be our God blessings forever.
Co-Presider: Blessed are you, God of all creation. Through your goodness we have this wine to offer, fruit of the vine and work of human hands. This drink is our desire to live for the Common Good. This wine and juice will become our spiritual drink. All: Blessed be God of hope forever.
Co-presider: My sisters and brothers let us pray together that our gifts may be acceptable to our Creator Spirit and Love.
All: May God accept these gifts from our hands, for the praise and glory of God's name, in thanksgiving for our lives and for our compassion and our ministry for the Common Good of all. Amen
Let us stand around our table and altar (Canon adapted from Diarmuid O'Murchu for Holy Wisdom)
Sing: We are holy, holy, holy...you are holy, holy, holy..., I am holy, holy holy...We are holy, holy, holy...3times (Karen Drucker)
Presiders: That same Spirit we invoke upon the gifts of this Eucharistic table, bread of the grain & vine of the grape, that they may become the body and blood of Jesus – to nurture afresh in us the discerning gifts of wisdom, light and truth. We ask the Spirit to bless each of our ministries in 2018.
Invoking the memory of tradition:
Presider: Gathering the disciples around the table of shared wisdom,
Extending our hands All: Jesus took bread; blessed you God of all good gifts,
broke the bread and along with the cup, handed to those seeking nourishment, with these words: Take this all of you, eat and drink: This is my body which will be given up for you.
Presider After the meal, Jesus took another cup, poured out in a spirit of solidarity and empowerment.
Extending our hands: All: Jesus gave thanks and shared the cup with his friends, saying: Take this all of you and drink from it; this is the cup of my life-blood, the life of the new and everlasting covenant. In prophetic solidarity, it is poured out for you and for all. Sustain one another in the power of sacred memory.
Eucharistic Acclamation
All: In faith and hope we are sustained, in grace and dignity reclaimed, in praise, we thank our God.
Presiders: As we celebrate this sacred meal, we recall the wise and gracious gifts bestowed on us down through the ages; and we look forward in hope, knowing that you, our wise and faithful God, will continue to endow us with abundant blessings.
Second Invocation to Holy Wisdom: (Placing your right hand on the shoulder of the person next to you.) All: In the power of this Eucharistic meal, bless us afresh with the gift of the Spirit, that our hearts may be open and receptive as you invite us into the fullness of life.
Presider: In union with all peoples living and dead, we unite our thoughts and prayers.
All: We ask for wisdom and courage:
-to share our wisdom as elders with others as ministers of you kindom.
- to discern more wisely your call to us in the circumstances of our daily lives;
- to act justly and courageously in confronting the pain and suffering that desecrates the Earth and its peoples;
- to take risks in being creative and proactive on behalf of the poor and marginalized;
-Always to be thankful for our lives and to live the hope that your Presence brings to all.
- and to love all people with generosity of heart, beyond the labels of race, creed and color.
Presiders: And may we ever be aware and alert to the new things the Spirit makes possible, as our world unfolds amid pain and beauty, into the fullness of life to which all are called, participating in the wise and wonderful work of co-creation. All: Amen
Doxology: (lifting up the bread and wine) All: In the wisdom of our triune God, Creator, Liberator, and Holy Spirit, we are blessed with the gifts of this Eucharistic table, and with all the good things bestowed upon our world, now and forever. Amen.
Our Sign of Peace
Presider: God who teaches by life and example who has nourished us is our peace. Strangers and friends, male and female, old and young, the God of peace has broken down the barriers to bind us to God’s Self and to each other. Having tasted God’s goodness, let us as a community extend a sign of peace to one another.
ALL: Loving God, You call us to live mercy, we will do so. Loving God, You call us to live justice, we will do so. Loving God, You call us to live equality, we will do so.
Presiders: This is Jesus our Brother, who calls us to open doors that are closed and share our bread on the altar of the world. All are invited to eat and drink at this sacred banquet of love.
ALL: Jesus, we are worthy to receive you and to be your compassion and wise elder s for our world. Let us say to one another, You are a priest of God. We are the Body and blood of Christ.
Please dip the bread as this is cold and flu season
Prayers of Gratitude
Anointing of each other for 2018
Presiders: Our God is with you.
ALL: and also with you.
Closing BLESSING (Everyone please extend your hands in mutual blessing)
ALL: May you with all the saints who have followed the voice of Jesus
surrender yourself into the hands of our God of unconditional Love.
With confidence that Jesus and Sophia Holy Spirit will guide you through difficult times and joyous ones, keeping to his Way and trusting in Love’s promises in our new year. Amen
DISMISSAL into our New Year of 2018
Presider: Go in the peace and Love of our Brother Jesus our God of gratitude and hope.
Let our ministry of love, compassion and seeking justice continue!
ALL: Thanks be to God.
Happy New Year to all.
3 Beautiful Poems by Priest Chaplain Mary Sue Barnett ARCWP
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Priest Chaplain Mary Sue Barnett ARCWP |
The Grand Cathedral
While sleeping
just before sunrise
I say,
“Come on up little girl.”
And there she is,
instantly rising from my depths,
cheek-to-cheek with me in the light.
Together, robed in white,
we walk as one,
silently, inconspicuously
through the grand cathedral.
To this one who says,
“I am depressed,”
I give bread.
To another who says,
“I am lost,”
I anoint with oil.
To she who says,
“I have no hope,”
I bless with words.
To he who says,
“I am numb,”
I breathe Presence into the pain.
To each one
the little girl assures,
“You are beautiful,
You are worthy,
You will heal in Divine Love.”
Together, robed in white,
we walk as one in joy
through the grand cathedral
where healing is more beautiful
than the sun, excelling
every constellation of the stars.
Walking Inside The Divine
Now I know
I have always
held the keys
straight from heaven
for every beckoning
door on this
cold and lovely earth.
To walk the
corridors of suffering
is a stroll
inside the Divine
I have always
held the keys
to be so free.
With each and
every door
that I swing open
Christ appears
ever unique
everyday a new
face and a new cry.
I walk
the intimate maze
of human sorrow
listening to each
flash of heaven, human beings
their tears
on wise
anguished faces.
As I arrive
with humble
bread and cup
to share a
meal of love
and tenderness
I see that
we are
the Presence
as told by
the tears
on their wise
anguished faces.
I have always
held the keys
to be so free.
A Chaplain’s Epiphany
At the table
he says
to me
“I am
From my sea
of silence
I see his
downcast face
From my deep well
of quiet
I see his
tortured mind
From my wide sky
of peace
I see his
heavy soul
From my river
of repose
I see his
mournful heart
Then as if
breaking from
my chest wall
my fleshy heart
stands upon the
table and speaks
“Hope is like
a little light
always there
if even covered
by the night
whether you see
it or not
and it says
‘come to me’
and never
ever stops
‘come to me’
At the table
my exposed heart
greets his
suffering soul
so little
it all is
so fleeting
and golden
this is
the hope that
is the whole
of me
Our encounter I
place in the
gentle light
of the mystery
of the Epiphany
that says
again today
‘come to me’
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