PCS 701: Marriage, Sexuality and Just Love (MPM 405)
Course Description
This course explores historical, cultural, feminist and contemporary theological perspectives on marriage, sexuality and Christian sexual ethics within a justice framework. Opportunities will also be provided to develop sacred rituals of celebration for married Christian and non-religious couples in a variety of relationship arrangements. Of special interest to pastoral leaders and any persons wanting to deepen the meaning of their marriage.
Principal Texts
Margaret Farley (2008) Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics. New York, NY: The Continuum International Publishing Group Inc. (Purchase)
Pope Francis (2015) The Joy of Love: On Love in the Family (Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia). New York, NY: Paulist Press. (provided in PDF on google drive)
Course Format
This course is offered as an independent study or in a cohort model. Cohorts use a blog format (www.blogger.com) to foster an interactive learning community. Students post assignments every two weeks over a period of 12 weeks and are encouraged to comment on each other's posts. They are also invited to participate in bi-weekly, 1-hour conference calls with the facilitator and other course participants in order to share and to expand learning. (A free conference call number will be provided.) This course can also be taken as part of the Masters of Pastoral Ministry (MPM) program at Global Ministries University.
Students complete six, 1-2 page, single-spaced reflections, which include theological dimensions, experiential wisdom and pastoral application related to past, present and/or future ministries. They can incorporate creative expression in their responses i.e. visual art, film, poetry, dance, music. An additional culmination paper is required for Masters of Pastoral Ministry students.
Course Facilitator
Barbara Billey, M.Ed., M.A. (Counseling), D.Min. is a counselor, art therapist and priest with the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests who ministers with the Heart of Compassion Faith Community in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. She's been married to her husband, Ken for 36 years. Barbara is an avid nature enthusiast, a dancer, singer and writer. Life-long learning is one of her many passions. She has officiated wedding ceremonies, both secular and sacramental.
Cost: $ 100 US
To register: https://pcseminary.org/marriage-sexuality-just-love
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