Episcopal church ordains its 2nd openly gay bishop
LONG BEACH, Calif. (AP) -- "Seven years after the Episcopal Church caused an uproar by consecrating its first openly gay bishop, it has done the same thing again - only this time with a woman.
The Rev. Canon Mary Glasspool, of Baltimore, was ordained and consecrated on Saturday, making her the second openly gay bishop in church history and one of the first two female bishops in the Diocese of Los Angeles' 114-year history.
She was installed at Long Beach Arena before 3,000 people, who burst into applause at the end, church spokesman Bob Williams said."
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Flood of New Priest Sex Abuse Claims in Belgium After Resignation of Bishop Who Admitted Sexual Abuse of Boy
Flood of new priest sex abuse claims
From correspondents in Brussels
From: AFP
May 12, 2010 7:04AM
A BELGIAN committee probing allegations of pedophilia by priests has been flooded with complaints since the resignation of a bishop who admitted sexually abusing a boy, its president said today.
Some 270 new complaints have been filed with the commission since Roger Vangheluwe, bishop of the Flemish city of Bruges, quit his post on April 23, said Peter Adriaenssens, according to Belga news agency.
Ninety-five per cent of the complaints have come from the northern Belgian region of Flanders, where Bruges is located, according to Adriaenssens, while 90 per cent involve boys.
From correspondents in Brussels
From: AFP
May 12, 2010 7:04AM
A BELGIAN committee probing allegations of pedophilia by priests has been flooded with complaints since the resignation of a bishop who admitted sexually abusing a boy, its president said today.
Some 270 new complaints have been filed with the commission since Roger Vangheluwe, bishop of the Flemish city of Bruges, quit his post on April 23, said Peter Adriaenssens, according to Belga news agency.
Ninety-five per cent of the complaints have come from the northern Belgian region of Flanders, where Bruges is located, according to Adriaenssens, while 90 per cent involve boys.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Memorial Service Was Held for Lee Dotson at Oakwood Manor in Sarasota, Florida on May 14, 2010

Leslie C. Dotson (Lee) was born on September 15, 1945 and died on Saturday May 8, 2010. On Friday, May 14 th at 11:00 AM close to 100 people from Oakwood Manor in Sarasota, Florida attended an inspiring Memorial Service for Lee. It was a profound celebration of Lee's life. His wife Evelyn wept during the testimonials as close friends recalled some wonderful memories and stories about Lee. Todd, his son accompanied his mother and stood with her as they greeted all in the receiving line. Lee is survived by Kimberly Hancock, his daughter and son-in-law Ben Hancock, and their two children , Cooper and Chloe Hancock, and Mike Budd, son-in-law, all from Rhode Island.
Lee was a retired Master Sergent in Air Force/ National Guard and a retired Postal Worker.
Bridget Mary Meehan wrote the Memorial Service and led the prayers. Judy and Louise, friends of the family read Psalm 23 and the Gospel of John 14:1-3. Jack Meehan played the sax and trumpet: Amazing Grace, Danny Boy, the Air Force Anthem and When the Saints Go Marching in. Jack also played a melody of spiritual and Scottish songs before and after the service.
Lee and Evelyn's friends from Oakwood hosted a luncheon immediately following the service.
Bridget Mary Meehan, RCWP
Article about Archdiocese of Chicago's Denial of Funeral for Roman Catholic Womenpriest Janine Denomme who is Dying
A simple wish runs into a buzzsaw of bureaucracy
by Dayna Dion
May 13, 2010
Janine Denomme is dying. She has advanced colon and liver cancer, and a final wish: to have her funeral at Chicago’s St. Gertrude Catholic Parish, where she has devotedly worshipped and served for years.
The only problem is that she was ordained a Roman Catholic Priest last month. And the Catholic Church forbids women from becoming priests. In fact, it kicks them out for doing so.
So, last week, Denomme discovered her funeral wish won’t be granted. The church in which she has faithfully worshipped during her life will not be the church in which she is honored after her death.
The decision not to honor Denomme’s wish was made by the Archdiocese of Chicago, said the Rev. Dominic Grassi, pastor of St. Gertrude’s. “They told me I could not have the funeral here,” he said.
..." Today, there are nearly 100 ordained female priests or deacons, including three in the Chicago area, and the number is growing, said Bridget Mary Meehan, a spokeswoman for Roman Catholic Womenpriests."
"And Meehan says the ordinations are technically valid: “Our first bishops were ordained by a male bishop with apostolic succession, in full communion with the pope. Therefore, our orders are valid.”
"Technically valid or not, the Catholic Church’s local leaders have denied Denomme’s request for a funeral at St. Gertrude's, and that denial has been met with anger, sadness and confusion..."
...."One of those questions, from Meehan’s perspective, is whether the Catholic Church is actually following the word of Christ. “The institutional leaders are contradicting the message of Jesus here, which is love one another,” she said. “How is denying a funeral to someone living Christ’s example of love for one another just? It’s not.”
The church’s decision to reject Denomme’s wish also raises questions of equality, Meehan said. “Pedophiles have been protected and covered up, but women who are stepping up to serve their church, which is in great need at this moment, are being excluded and punished harshly,” she said..."
A simple wish runs into a buzzsaw of bureaucracy
by Dayna Dion
May 13, 2010
Janine Denomme is dying. She has advanced colon and liver cancer, and a final wish: to have her funeral at Chicago’s St. Gertrude Catholic Parish, where she has devotedly worshipped and served for years.
The only problem is that she was ordained a Roman Catholic Priest last month. And the Catholic Church forbids women from becoming priests. In fact, it kicks them out for doing so.
So, last week, Denomme discovered her funeral wish won’t be granted. The church in which she has faithfully worshipped during her life will not be the church in which she is honored after her death.
The decision not to honor Denomme’s wish was made by the Archdiocese of Chicago, said the Rev. Dominic Grassi, pastor of St. Gertrude’s. “They told me I could not have the funeral here,” he said.
..." Today, there are nearly 100 ordained female priests or deacons, including three in the Chicago area, and the number is growing, said Bridget Mary Meehan, a spokeswoman for Roman Catholic Womenpriests."
"And Meehan says the ordinations are technically valid: “Our first bishops were ordained by a male bishop with apostolic succession, in full communion with the pope. Therefore, our orders are valid.”
"Technically valid or not, the Catholic Church’s local leaders have denied Denomme’s request for a funeral at St. Gertrude's, and that denial has been met with anger, sadness and confusion..."
...."One of those questions, from Meehan’s perspective, is whether the Catholic Church is actually following the word of Christ. “The institutional leaders are contradicting the message of Jesus here, which is love one another,” she said. “How is denying a funeral to someone living Christ’s example of love for one another just? It’s not.”
The church’s decision to reject Denomme’s wish also raises questions of equality, Meehan said. “Pedophiles have been protected and covered up, but women who are stepping up to serve their church, which is in great need at this moment, are being excluded and punished harshly,” she said..."
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Roman Catholic Womanpriest Janice Sevre-Dusynska presides at Liturgy in Cincinnati, Ohio on May 12, 2010

Last night I presided at a Eucharistic liturgy held in a non-Catholic Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. About 65 people were present -- quite a lot considering it was publicized by word of mouth, the telephone and email. The community did not want media or press. It was initiated when a few people formed a committee several weeks ago with the intent of having me preside. They invited me to their meeting. I was asked to select the readings/Gospel and music. They obtained copyright permission and ran off copies of the liturgy/songs. Seven people served as musicians/choir. We celebrated a Pentecost Liturgy which empowers the community: Six people as well as myself read parts of the Eucharistic prayer. Another woman served as deacon. Two people from the community read the Wisdom reading and the Gospel. Six members of the community served as Eucharistic minister in addition to myself. During the consecration, all present were asked to extend their hands in blessing of the bread and wine and say the prayer of consecration. I gave a dialogue-homily. I spoke for a few minutes about the Wisdom reading: how Jesus the Sophia of God is calling us to friendship. Then I gave a bit of background information about Roman Catholic Womenpriests: That it wasn't just add women and stir, but rather that we were intent about living out and bringing about the reforms in the priesthod and Church that we had talked about since 1975, when the Episcopal women were ordained.Then I opened it up to the community inviting them to dialogue about the reading/Gospel, RCWP... They asked questions about the RCWP community and also about the sackcloth alb which I had folded beneath the altar table. I explained that I had used it as my prostration cloth during my ordination and spoke about the U.S. involvement in human suffering caused by our foreign policies, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan.. I said that I wore it while witnessing to the 300 U.S. bishops in Baltimore, Maryland at their biannual meeting after the U.S. invaded Iraq. I told the community that I believe our U.S. bishops need to be in sackcloth albs with ashes on their foreheads and be vigiling day and night outside the East Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C. to stop the killing in Iraq and Afghanistan. I had also worn my sackcloth alb when I presided at Eucharistic Liturgy at Ft. Benning during our weekend vigil to close the School of the Americas in November of 2008. On the sackcloth alb was placed a vase of flowers and also my mother's babushka and wedding crown, some lace from my Busia, and my communion prayer book -- symbolic objects from my life's journey. The community did not want photos taken during the Mass as they did not want their prayers to be interrupted by picture-taking. Also, the community did not want to be photographed...lest they incur ecclesiastical trouble. My husband took pictures over their heads and the one sent you is the best we could do. I hope it will work for you... Afterwards we had fellowship/reception. The people asked if I could preside at a monthly liturgy. I agreed. Please let me know if you need any further information. I have a copy of my homily, the Wisdom reading and Gospel. Mass of the Holy Spirit The Entrance Song was "All Are Welcome" The Reading was from the Book of Wisdom 7: 24-30. We used the Responsorial Psalm, "Holy Is Your Name" - Luke 1: 46-55. The Gospel for May 12th was from John 16: 12-15. Presentation of the Gifts: Servant Song" Communion Song: "Eat This Bread." Closing Song: "We Are Marching"
Fr. Roy Bourgeois's National Tour Reaches Iowa/Mary Kay Kusner, Candidate for Ordination as a Roman Catholic Womanpriest Shares Inspirational Journey

Roman Catholic Womenpriests and deacons
from Midwest Region, Mary Kay Kusner, second
from left

Fr.Roy at Janice Sevre-Dusynska's ordination
in Lexington, Kentucky
Special thanks to Rodger Routh - Iowa Peace and Justice
for the following inspirational videos of Fr. Roy and future Roman Catholic Womanpriest, Mary Kay Kusner.
Fr. Roy Bourgeois M.M. , under threat of excommunications by theVatican, spoke about the need for justice in the Catholic Church, andthat the time is now to allow the ordination of women as priests.Bourgeois, founder of SAO Watch, is on a speaking tour tospread the message in support of woman's ordination and updating thecause of closing the School of the Americas.
2 videos of Fr. Roy's talk
Also, speaking was Mary Kay Kusner, a candidate for ordination set to take place this spring in Iowa City. Mary shares her journey to ordination in this video. Both Kusner and Bourgouis spoke to a standing room only crowd at the Ames library.
We are so blessed to have Fr. Roy Bourgeois and Mary Kay Kusner who give powerful testimonies as prophets in our midst. They share their love for the Catholic Church , the people of God, and the share their desire to renew our church in the spirit of Jesus who called women and men as equals to witness to the liberating message of empowerment of Gospel equality. Fr. Roy and Mary Kay open their hearts and share their journeys as they call all of us to reclaim justice for women in our church. May you be blessed as, I was.
Watch their riveting testimonials as a clarion call of reform for the Roman Catholic Church. Share it with your family, friends and communities. As we celebrate Pentecost, the Holy Spirit's gifts are once again among us in the people of God, gifting the church, the Body of Christ, with renewed hope and joy! Roman Catholic Womenpriests are here to serve Catholic communities now in an inclusive, accountable, people-empowered, non-hierarchical church of love, compassion and justice for all . Join us
Bridget Mary Meehan, RCWP
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
"Why the Paedophilia Scandal Happened " Article by John Wijngaards
Why the paedophilia scandal happened: because of the abuse of authority in the Roman Catholic Church
The paedophilia scandal that has engulfed the Church in North America and Europe reveals it as a systemic problem. The problem was not caused by errors of some isolated individuals, but by the failing of a centralised system that has affected all parts of the Church.
Since the Second Vatican Council a small but powerful group in the Catholic Church has taken control of governance. Continuing a trend that had started from the beginning of the 20th century, this group, headed by conservative Popes, has abused, and is still abusing, spiritual authority in order to block attempts at 'modernising' the Church.
We speak of a real abuse because
their measures go against the real intentions of Jesus Christ to whom they ultimately owe their authority;
their actions contravene the clear principles of reform endorsed by the Second Vatican Council (1963-1965), the most authoritative body of vision and legislation in recent times.
We will highlight three aspects of this abuse that have had a significant influence on how paedophilia cases among the clergy were handled in the Church.
I. The appointment of 'party-line' bishops
From the 1960's, the Popes and their Vatican assistants have tried to appoint only bishops and archbishops who agree to their policies and who see loyalty to decrees emanating from Rome as their highest priority.
As well documented in Papal Power by Paul Collins, a book that we have in its entirety on our website, the Popes have now drawn all authority to themselves, reducing bishops to low-level officials executing their wishes.
A stringent new secret examination of candidates for the episcopacyeliminates any priest who shows signs of disagreement with Vatican policies.
An oath of fidelity ensures that new bishops feel bound to observe to the letter all instructions received from Rome.
Constant pressure is put on bishops 'to resolutely refuse any support to those people, whether individuals or groups, who defend the priestly ordination of women, whether they do so in the name of progress, human rights, compassion or whatever reason it may be' (Letter of the Congregation for Doctrine to Bishops,Osservatore Romano 13 September 1983).
Individual bishops receive detailed instructions from Rome regarding supposed 'dissidents' in their dioceses.
The Synods of Bishops, which were instituted by the Vatican Council to curb curial monopoly, have been deprived of any real influence by a rigging of the agenda, by saturating committees with members of the Roman Curia, by a subtle censorship of bishops' contributions, by selectively omitting resolutions voted on by the bishops. This has been documented in detail for the Synod on the Family. See J. Grootaers and J. A. Selling, The 1980 Synod of Bishops On the Role of the Family, Louvain 1983, 375 pages. Similar manipulations took place at the Synods on Evangelisation, on the Laity, on Africa, on Asia, on Europe, to mention but a few (see The Tablet, correspondence 16 Oct - 20 Nov 1999.
As a result, in the pedophilia cases, bishops consulted Rome for advice and followed the code of secrecy that was advocated by their Vatican masters.
The result of the bishops' dependence on Rome is a lamentable reduction of status. Bishops in the Catholic Church are often considered, both by their priests and the laity, to be merely 'yes-men' whose main concern is to please authorities in Rome. Some jokes that do the rounds in the Catholic community illustrate the point.
A little girl accompanied her mother to the ordination of a new bishop. At one moment in the long rite, the candidate bishop knelt down and the three ordaining bishops surrounded him, stretching their hands over his head. The little girl who stood up high in the pew to have a good look, then whispered to her mother: "Mum, what are they doing now?" "Hush, child", she replied. "They're taking out his backbone!"
A monsignor who had been newly appointed to the Congregation in Rome that appoints bishops, was taken to St Peter's Basilica by the Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation. "Now look at these these tiles, these marble flagstones on the floor", the Cardinal said to him. "New bishops are just like that. If you lay them down properly from the start, you can walk over them for the rest of their lives!"
II. The suppression of lay authority in the Church
In spite of the Second Vatican Council's decrees that define the Catholic Church in terms of the People of God and that call for real co-responsibility of the laity in all levels of the Church: national, diocesan and parish, Vatican authorities have done everything possible to reduce the influence of lay people on Church governance.
The rights and duties accorded to the laity do not respond to what was the intention of the Council, as pointed out by church lawyer Ladislas Orsy.
The laity in the Church has no say because the Church is a clerical patriarchal society clinging on to power, according to theologian Peter C. Morea.
Pope John Paul II recently beatified Pope Pius IX (1848 - 1878) in spite of the man's condemnation of religious freedom, freedom of conscience, socialism, democracy and the emancipation of slaves.This action was fully supported by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger who was then Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Under pressure of the Bishops' Synod on the Laity, the Vatican appointed aSpecial Commission on the Function of Women in Society and in the Church(FWSC) in 1974. However, during meetings of this commission (FWSC) women members experienced a lack of freedom of expression and of open consultation. ‘Our views are being systematically suppressed.’Read the full report by Rie Vendrik, one of the participants.
The Pope and his advisors forget where the infallibility of their teaching authority originates. Infallibility finds its source in the inerrancy which is a gift to the whole community of faith.
The Pope and his advisors neglect to consult the faithful as they should, as had already been advocated by Cardinal John Henry Newman.
If the ordinary laity, men and women, had been involved in the decision making on local, diocesan and national level, the abuse by pedophile priests would have been exposed and dealt with long ago. The desire to keep everything under central control and to hide the truth through secrecy delayed discovering the full extent of the problem and the need of drastic action.
III. The suppression of the free speech of theologians and experts
In order to maintain total control of opinion and action within the universal Church, the Popes and his Vatican lieutenants have created a climate in which all form of 'dissent' or 'protest' against the official party-line is vigorously suppressed. This applies especially to theologians and all experts who enjoy a specific expertise.
Let us start by looking at the principles laid down in Church documents (Vatican II):
Do theologians enjoy ‘academic freedom’ in the Church?They do by law, but not always in practice.
Can a theologian legitimately dissent from officially taught doctrine?Yes he/she can, if there are good reasons for it.
Do theologians at times have a duty to express dissent from officially taught doctrine?True obedience to the Gospel and truth may demand open opposition to the teaching authority.
Can clear guidelines for dissent be formulated?No, since many situations are unique.
May a theologian’s dissent be voiced through the public media?Yes, it may. Often the attitude of the Roman authorities leave no other way.
In reality, however, the Vatican suppresses all forms of legitimate disagreement or protest.
Theologians. Professors in seminaries and theological colleges are required to swear the oath of loyalty which now, since Ad Tuendam Fidem (28 May 1998), includes agreement to the ban on women priests. Theologians have been dismissed from their teaching posts because of their dissenting views. Others have been warned that they will be dismissed if they speak out on controversial issue. Rome has issued new instructions that put Catholic Colleges under more direct ecclesiastical control.
Editors, Writers, Publishers. Many Catholic newspapers and magazines are vulnerable because they are owned by dioceses or by publishing houses owned by religious congregations. Rome has issued strict instructions to book censors not to give theImprimatur or Nihil Obstat to books that advocate change in the Church. The Liturgical Press of St. John's Abbey, Minnesota, North American publisher of Woman at the Altar by Lavinia Byrne, allegedly burnt its stock of 1300 copies when it was informed by the local bishop that Rome was displeased with the book.
Parish Priests, Lay leaders. Through the new oath of loyalty priests too are put under pressure to fall in line with Rome's opposition to women priests.
Congresses and Meetings of Catholic Organisations. The outcome of such consultations is often manipulated by Roman interference. An infamous example is the Third World Congress for the Lay Apostolate (Rome 1967) that manifested the wide range of 'hierarchical control mechanisms' that Rome has used ever since. Read J.G.Vaillancourt, Papal Power. A Study of Vatican Control over Lay Catholic Elites, Berkeley 1980.
Donum Veritatis, the Roman ‘Instruction on the Ecclesial Vocation of the Theologian’ was written by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger before he became the present Pope. This document makes the papal and curial magisterium the final norm of truth.
The situation has led to a climate of terror, with theologians and others in Church service, showing external assent while disagreeing inside. a. The magisterium has become ‘ the battle-cry of intransigent people’ (Prof. Bernard Häring)b. ‘I look at my church and I am troubled’ (Mgr. John J. Egan)c. ‘There is much untruth in the Church. There is hypocrisy and humbug at all levels. There is pretended loyalty, outward profession of the official line accompanied by inner denial; there is the corrupting power of fear’ (Fr. Owen O’Sullivan)d.‘Violence in the Church’ (Fr. Camilo Macisse)e. The Impact of Humanae Vitae (John Mahoney S.J.)Practical and academic experts in many disciplines have been trying to point out the failings of the present system. Their silencing contributed significantly to the culture that allowed the pedophilia abuse to continue unchecked.
John Wijngaards---
The paedophilia scandal that has engulfed the Church in North America and Europe reveals it as a systemic problem. The problem was not caused by errors of some isolated individuals, but by the failing of a centralised system that has affected all parts of the Church.
Since the Second Vatican Council a small but powerful group in the Catholic Church has taken control of governance. Continuing a trend that had started from the beginning of the 20th century, this group, headed by conservative Popes, has abused, and is still abusing, spiritual authority in order to block attempts at 'modernising' the Church.
We speak of a real abuse because
their measures go against the real intentions of Jesus Christ to whom they ultimately owe their authority;
their actions contravene the clear principles of reform endorsed by the Second Vatican Council (1963-1965), the most authoritative body of vision and legislation in recent times.
We will highlight three aspects of this abuse that have had a significant influence on how paedophilia cases among the clergy were handled in the Church.
I. The appointment of 'party-line' bishops
From the 1960's, the Popes and their Vatican assistants have tried to appoint only bishops and archbishops who agree to their policies and who see loyalty to decrees emanating from Rome as their highest priority.
As well documented in Papal Power by Paul Collins, a book that we have in its entirety on our website, the Popes have now drawn all authority to themselves, reducing bishops to low-level officials executing their wishes.
A stringent new secret examination of candidates for the episcopacyeliminates any priest who shows signs of disagreement with Vatican policies.
An oath of fidelity ensures that new bishops feel bound to observe to the letter all instructions received from Rome.
Constant pressure is put on bishops 'to resolutely refuse any support to those people, whether individuals or groups, who defend the priestly ordination of women, whether they do so in the name of progress, human rights, compassion or whatever reason it may be' (Letter of the Congregation for Doctrine to Bishops,Osservatore Romano 13 September 1983).
Individual bishops receive detailed instructions from Rome regarding supposed 'dissidents' in their dioceses.
The Synods of Bishops, which were instituted by the Vatican Council to curb curial monopoly, have been deprived of any real influence by a rigging of the agenda, by saturating committees with members of the Roman Curia, by a subtle censorship of bishops' contributions, by selectively omitting resolutions voted on by the bishops. This has been documented in detail for the Synod on the Family. See J. Grootaers and J. A. Selling, The 1980 Synod of Bishops On the Role of the Family, Louvain 1983, 375 pages. Similar manipulations took place at the Synods on Evangelisation, on the Laity, on Africa, on Asia, on Europe, to mention but a few (see The Tablet, correspondence 16 Oct - 20 Nov 1999.
As a result, in the pedophilia cases, bishops consulted Rome for advice and followed the code of secrecy that was advocated by their Vatican masters.
The result of the bishops' dependence on Rome is a lamentable reduction of status. Bishops in the Catholic Church are often considered, both by their priests and the laity, to be merely 'yes-men' whose main concern is to please authorities in Rome. Some jokes that do the rounds in the Catholic community illustrate the point.
A little girl accompanied her mother to the ordination of a new bishop. At one moment in the long rite, the candidate bishop knelt down and the three ordaining bishops surrounded him, stretching their hands over his head. The little girl who stood up high in the pew to have a good look, then whispered to her mother: "Mum, what are they doing now?" "Hush, child", she replied. "They're taking out his backbone!"
A monsignor who had been newly appointed to the Congregation in Rome that appoints bishops, was taken to St Peter's Basilica by the Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation. "Now look at these these tiles, these marble flagstones on the floor", the Cardinal said to him. "New bishops are just like that. If you lay them down properly from the start, you can walk over them for the rest of their lives!"
II. The suppression of lay authority in the Church
In spite of the Second Vatican Council's decrees that define the Catholic Church in terms of the People of God and that call for real co-responsibility of the laity in all levels of the Church: national, diocesan and parish, Vatican authorities have done everything possible to reduce the influence of lay people on Church governance.
The rights and duties accorded to the laity do not respond to what was the intention of the Council, as pointed out by church lawyer Ladislas Orsy.
The laity in the Church has no say because the Church is a clerical patriarchal society clinging on to power, according to theologian Peter C. Morea.
Pope John Paul II recently beatified Pope Pius IX (1848 - 1878) in spite of the man's condemnation of religious freedom, freedom of conscience, socialism, democracy and the emancipation of slaves.This action was fully supported by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger who was then Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Under pressure of the Bishops' Synod on the Laity, the Vatican appointed aSpecial Commission on the Function of Women in Society and in the Church(FWSC) in 1974. However, during meetings of this commission (FWSC) women members experienced a lack of freedom of expression and of open consultation. ‘Our views are being systematically suppressed.’Read the full report by Rie Vendrik, one of the participants.
The Pope and his advisors forget where the infallibility of their teaching authority originates. Infallibility finds its source in the inerrancy which is a gift to the whole community of faith.
The Pope and his advisors neglect to consult the faithful as they should, as had already been advocated by Cardinal John Henry Newman.
If the ordinary laity, men and women, had been involved in the decision making on local, diocesan and national level, the abuse by pedophile priests would have been exposed and dealt with long ago. The desire to keep everything under central control and to hide the truth through secrecy delayed discovering the full extent of the problem and the need of drastic action.
III. The suppression of the free speech of theologians and experts
In order to maintain total control of opinion and action within the universal Church, the Popes and his Vatican lieutenants have created a climate in which all form of 'dissent' or 'protest' against the official party-line is vigorously suppressed. This applies especially to theologians and all experts who enjoy a specific expertise.
Let us start by looking at the principles laid down in Church documents (Vatican II):
Do theologians enjoy ‘academic freedom’ in the Church?They do by law, but not always in practice.
Can a theologian legitimately dissent from officially taught doctrine?Yes he/she can, if there are good reasons for it.
Do theologians at times have a duty to express dissent from officially taught doctrine?True obedience to the Gospel and truth may demand open opposition to the teaching authority.
Can clear guidelines for dissent be formulated?No, since many situations are unique.
May a theologian’s dissent be voiced through the public media?Yes, it may. Often the attitude of the Roman authorities leave no other way.
In reality, however, the Vatican suppresses all forms of legitimate disagreement or protest.
Theologians. Professors in seminaries and theological colleges are required to swear the oath of loyalty which now, since Ad Tuendam Fidem (28 May 1998), includes agreement to the ban on women priests. Theologians have been dismissed from their teaching posts because of their dissenting views. Others have been warned that they will be dismissed if they speak out on controversial issue. Rome has issued new instructions that put Catholic Colleges under more direct ecclesiastical control.
Editors, Writers, Publishers. Many Catholic newspapers and magazines are vulnerable because they are owned by dioceses or by publishing houses owned by religious congregations. Rome has issued strict instructions to book censors not to give theImprimatur or Nihil Obstat to books that advocate change in the Church. The Liturgical Press of St. John's Abbey, Minnesota, North American publisher of Woman at the Altar by Lavinia Byrne, allegedly burnt its stock of 1300 copies when it was informed by the local bishop that Rome was displeased with the book.
Parish Priests, Lay leaders. Through the new oath of loyalty priests too are put under pressure to fall in line with Rome's opposition to women priests.
Congresses and Meetings of Catholic Organisations. The outcome of such consultations is often manipulated by Roman interference. An infamous example is the Third World Congress for the Lay Apostolate (Rome 1967) that manifested the wide range of 'hierarchical control mechanisms' that Rome has used ever since. Read J.G.Vaillancourt, Papal Power. A Study of Vatican Control over Lay Catholic Elites, Berkeley 1980.
Donum Veritatis, the Roman ‘Instruction on the Ecclesial Vocation of the Theologian’ was written by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger before he became the present Pope. This document makes the papal and curial magisterium the final norm of truth.
The situation has led to a climate of terror, with theologians and others in Church service, showing external assent while disagreeing inside. a. The magisterium has become ‘ the battle-cry of intransigent people’ (Prof. Bernard Häring)b. ‘I look at my church and I am troubled’ (Mgr. John J. Egan)c. ‘There is much untruth in the Church. There is hypocrisy and humbug at all levels. There is pretended loyalty, outward profession of the official line accompanied by inner denial; there is the corrupting power of fear’ (Fr. Owen O’Sullivan)d.‘Violence in the Church’ (Fr. Camilo Macisse)e. The Impact of Humanae Vitae (John Mahoney S.J.)Practical and academic experts in many disciplines have been trying to point out the failings of the present system. Their silencing contributed significantly to the culture that allowed the pedophilia abuse to continue unchecked.
John Wijngaards---
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
From Pedophiles to Popes: Doing the Vatican Shuffle
Voice from the Desert ...
"Instructions coming directly from Rome have required every bishop and cardinal to keep matters secret. These instructions were themselves kept secret; the cover-up was itself covered up. Then in 2002, John Paul put it in writing, specifically mandating that all charges against priests were to be reported secretly to the Vatican and hearings were to be held in camera, a procedure that directly defies state criminal codes. Rather than being defrocked, many outed pedophile priests have been allowed to advance into well-positioned posts as administrators, vicars, and parochial school officials—repeatedly accused by their victims while repeatedly promoted by their superiors.
Church spokesmen employ a vocabulary of compassion and healing—not for the victims but for the victimizers. They treat the child rapist as a sinner who confesses his transgression and vows to mend his ways. Instead of incarceration, there is repentance and absolution."
Catholic Church’s ‘zero tolerance’ doesn’t apply to bishops who left abusers in ministry
17th lawsuit filed against Christian Brothers for child sex abuse and fraud
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: A message from SNAP in New York City
Michigan’s “Child Victims Act” introduced
FACT SHEET: Sexual Abuse of Minors by U.S. Roman Catholic Bishops and Priests
MUST READ: Archbishop of Vienna accuses one of Pope’s closest aides of abuse cover-up
GOOD CITIZENSHIP EXAMPLE: Letter from Dominic Tomasso to the President of the United States
Is opposition to reform of statutes of limitation (SOL) the new Catholic bishops’ litmus test for Catholic politicians?
SNAP National Conference, in Chicago, July 30 to August 1The Vatican announces its decision to change the pope’s name to Innocent!
"Instructions coming directly from Rome have required every bishop and cardinal to keep matters secret. These instructions were themselves kept secret; the cover-up was itself covered up. Then in 2002, John Paul put it in writing, specifically mandating that all charges against priests were to be reported secretly to the Vatican and hearings were to be held in camera, a procedure that directly defies state criminal codes. Rather than being defrocked, many outed pedophile priests have been allowed to advance into well-positioned posts as administrators, vicars, and parochial school officials—repeatedly accused by their victims while repeatedly promoted by their superiors.
Church spokesmen employ a vocabulary of compassion and healing—not for the victims but for the victimizers. They treat the child rapist as a sinner who confesses his transgression and vows to mend his ways. Instead of incarceration, there is repentance and absolution."
Catholic Church’s ‘zero tolerance’ doesn’t apply to bishops who left abusers in ministry
17th lawsuit filed against Christian Brothers for child sex abuse and fraud
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: A message from SNAP in New York City
Michigan’s “Child Victims Act” introduced
FACT SHEET: Sexual Abuse of Minors by U.S. Roman Catholic Bishops and Priests
MUST READ: Archbishop of Vienna accuses one of Pope’s closest aides of abuse cover-up
GOOD CITIZENSHIP EXAMPLE: Letter from Dominic Tomasso to the President of the United States
Is opposition to reform of statutes of limitation (SOL) the new Catholic bishops’ litmus test for Catholic politicians?
SNAP National Conference, in Chicago, July 30 to August 1The Vatican announces its decision to change the pope’s name to Innocent!
Roman Catholic Womenprests: Site has recent ordinations in CA. and FL.
roman catholic womenpriests movies:
Bishop Olivia Doko Ordination in California 2010 - At the Roman Catholic women Priests: Bishop Olivia Doko Ordination in California 2010 - At the altar Roman Catholic women Priests: Bishop Olivia Doko ...
Bishop Olivia Doko Ordination in California 2010 - At the Roman Catholic women Priests: Bishop Olivia Doko Ordination in California 2010 - At the altar Roman Catholic women Priests: Bishop Olivia Doko ...
Pope Issues Most Direct Words to Date on Abuse
May 11, 2010
Pope Issues Most Direct Words to Date on Abuse
“The church has a profound need to relearn penance, to accept purification, to learn on the one hand forgiveness but also the necessity of justice. And forgiveness does not substitute justice.”
"In placing the blame for sex abuse directly on the church, Benedict appeared to distance himself from other church officials who in recent weeks have criticized the news media for reporting on the sex abuse crisis, which they called attacks on the church."
May 11, 2010
Pope Issues Most Direct Words to Date on Abuse
“The church has a profound need to relearn penance, to accept purification, to learn on the one hand forgiveness but also the necessity of justice. And forgiveness does not substitute justice.”
"In placing the blame for sex abuse directly on the church, Benedict appeared to distance himself from other church officials who in recent weeks have criticized the news media for reporting on the sex abuse crisis, which they called attacks on the church."
Pope, Cardinal Rodé: no time for world's women religious leaders/Roman Catholic Womenpriests Are Open to Dialogue with Women Religious Leaders
This is a sad testimony to the Vatican's treatment of women religious leaders. They have no time to dialogue with you, but plenty of time to conduct investigations. Something is wrong with this picture!
But, the good news is the thousands of nuns are living their prophetic vocation serving God's people on the margins.
The church is in crisis. Parishes are being closed and merged. The people are hungry for sacramental ministry in the context of a vibrant community in which they are empowered as equals to share their gifts.
The Catholic Community needs you, the leaders of women relgious worldwide, to support your sisters who are called to priestly ministry in inclusive, justice-seeking, Gospel-centered communities. Roman Catholic Womenpriests are ordaining qualified women who support an inclusive priestly ministry. We will have no problem clearing our schedules to meet with you. Sounds like a vocation call to me, a match made in heaven! Are you ready? If so, contact us:
Bridget Mary Meehan, sfcc
Pope, Cardinal Rodé: no time for world's women religious leaders
by Thomas C. Fox on May. 11, 2010
"The Holy Father today, (Monday, May 10), according to the Vatican Press Office, received in separate audiences: two prelates from the Episcopal Conference of Belgium, Bishop Lucas Van Looy of Ghent, and Msgr. Koen Vanhoutte, the diocesan administrator of Bruges. He also received Italian Bishop Valentino Di Cerbo of Alife-Caiazzo, accompanied by members of his family.
Nothing unusual – except for a mention of who he did not receive in audience.
Who the Holy Father did not receive in audience was any (or all) of the 800 general superiors of international women religious orders who are in Rome from all corners of the globe for a once in three-year general assembly. These women religious represent close to 1 million women religious worldwide.
The women have been meeting here in Rome since last Friday. "
But, the good news is the thousands of nuns are living their prophetic vocation serving God's people on the margins.
The church is in crisis. Parishes are being closed and merged. The people are hungry for sacramental ministry in the context of a vibrant community in which they are empowered as equals to share their gifts.
The Catholic Community needs you, the leaders of women relgious worldwide, to support your sisters who are called to priestly ministry in inclusive, justice-seeking, Gospel-centered communities. Roman Catholic Womenpriests are ordaining qualified women who support an inclusive priestly ministry. We will have no problem clearing our schedules to meet with you. Sounds like a vocation call to me, a match made in heaven! Are you ready? If so, contact us:
Bridget Mary Meehan, sfcc
Pope, Cardinal Rodé: no time for world's women religious leaders
by Thomas C. Fox on May. 11, 2010
"The Holy Father today, (Monday, May 10), according to the Vatican Press Office, received in separate audiences: two prelates from the Episcopal Conference of Belgium, Bishop Lucas Van Looy of Ghent, and Msgr. Koen Vanhoutte, the diocesan administrator of Bruges. He also received Italian Bishop Valentino Di Cerbo of Alife-Caiazzo, accompanied by members of his family.
Nothing unusual – except for a mention of who he did not receive in audience.
Who the Holy Father did not receive in audience was any (or all) of the 800 general superiors of international women religious orders who are in Rome from all corners of the globe for a once in three-year general assembly. These women religious represent close to 1 million women religious worldwide.
The women have been meeting here in Rome since last Friday. "
Monday, May 10, 2010
Archbishop of Vienna accuses one of Pope’s closest aides of abuse cover-up
Archbishop of Vienna accuses one of Pope’s closest aides of abuse cover-up
"Open warfare broke out in the Vatican over the clerical sex abuse scandal at the weekend as Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, the Archbishop of Vienna, accused one of Pope Benedict XVI’s closest aides of covering up past scandals.
"Cardinal Schönborn, 65, seen as a possible future Pope, accused Cardinal Angelo Sodano, 82, the former Vatican Secretary of State (Prime Minister), of having blocked investigations into sex abuse crimes committed by his predecessor in Vienna, the late Cardinal Hans Hermann Groer."
Cardinal Schönborn, a former theology pupil of Pope Benedict and a close ally, also charged Cardinal Sodano with causing “massive harm” to victims by dismissing claims of clerical abuse as “petty gossip” on Easter Sunday."
Archbishop of Vienna accuses one of Pope’s closest aides of abuse cover-up
"Open warfare broke out in the Vatican over the clerical sex abuse scandal at the weekend as Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, the Archbishop of Vienna, accused one of Pope Benedict XVI’s closest aides of covering up past scandals.
"Cardinal Schönborn, 65, seen as a possible future Pope, accused Cardinal Angelo Sodano, 82, the former Vatican Secretary of State (Prime Minister), of having blocked investigations into sex abuse crimes committed by his predecessor in Vienna, the late Cardinal Hans Hermann Groer."
Cardinal Schönborn, a former theology pupil of Pope Benedict and a close ally, also charged Cardinal Sodano with causing “massive harm” to victims by dismissing claims of clerical abuse as “petty gossip” on Easter Sunday."
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Brazilian Archbishop/ "We're all potential paedophiles", says archbishop who claims children are 'spontaneously gay'
An archbishop has defended the child sex scandal that has engulfed the Roman Catholic Church by claiming it reflects the behaviour of society at large.
Brazilian priest Dadeus Grings also said adolescents are 'spontaneously homosexual' and in need of guidance.
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Brazilian priest Dadeus Grings also said adolescents are 'spontaneously homosexual' and in need of guidance.
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