Last night I presided at a Eucharistic liturgy held in a non-Catholic Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. About 65 people were present -- quite a lot considering it was publicized by word of mouth, the telephone and email. The community did not want media or press. It was initiated when a few people formed a committee several weeks ago with the intent of having me preside. They invited me to their meeting. I was asked to select the readings/Gospel and music. They obtained copyright permission and ran off copies of the liturgy/songs. Seven people served as musicians/choir. We celebrated a Pentecost Liturgy which empowers the community: Six people as well as myself read parts of the Eucharistic prayer. Another woman served as deacon. Two people from the community read the Wisdom reading and the Gospel. Six members of the community served as Eucharistic minister in addition to myself. During the consecration, all present were asked to extend their hands in blessing of the bread and wine and say the prayer of consecration. I gave a dialogue-homily. I spoke for a few minutes about the Wisdom reading: how Jesus the Sophia of God is calling us to friendship. Then I gave a bit of background information about Roman Catholic Womenpriests: That it wasn't just add women and stir, but rather that we were intent about living out and bringing about the reforms in the priesthod and Church that we had talked about since 1975, when the Episcopal women were ordained.Then I opened it up to the community inviting them to dialogue about the reading/Gospel, RCWP... They asked questions about the RCWP community and also about the sackcloth alb which I had folded beneath the altar table. I explained that I had used it as my prostration cloth during my ordination and spoke about the U.S. involvement in human suffering caused by our foreign policies, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan.. I said that I wore it while witnessing to the 300 U.S. bishops in Baltimore, Maryland at their biannual meeting after the U.S. invaded Iraq. I told the community that I believe our U.S. bishops need to be in sackcloth albs with ashes on their foreheads and be vigiling day and night outside the East Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C. to stop the killing in Iraq and Afghanistan. I had also worn my sackcloth alb when I presided at Eucharistic Liturgy at Ft. Benning during our weekend vigil to close the School of the Americas in November of 2008. On the sackcloth alb was placed a vase of flowers and also my mother's babushka and wedding crown, some lace from my Busia, and my communion prayer book -- symbolic objects from my life's journey. The community did not want photos taken during the Mass as they did not want their prayers to be interrupted by picture-taking. Also, the community did not want to be photographed...lest they incur ecclesiastical trouble. My husband took pictures over their heads and the one sent you is the best we could do. I hope it will work for you... Afterwards we had fellowship/reception. The people asked if I could preside at a monthly liturgy. I agreed. Please let me know if you need any further information. I have a copy of my homily, the Wisdom reading and Gospel. Mass of the Holy Spirit The Entrance Song was "All Are Welcome" The Reading was from the Book of Wisdom 7: 24-30. We used the Responsorial Psalm, "Holy Is Your Name" - Luke 1: 46-55. The Gospel for May 12th was from John 16: 12-15. Presentation of the Gifts: Servant Song" Communion Song: "Eat This Bread." Closing Song: "We Are Marching"
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