
Monday, April 26, 2010

Bishop Christine Mayr-Lumetzberger Has Presided at Funerals and Weddings with Roman Catholic Male Priests In Austria- A Step Forward!

Bishop Christine Mayr- Lumetzberger presided at this funeral at which two Roman Catholic male priests also participated. See photo.
The funeral took place in an Austrian parish church (baroque style). The 2 priests are Roman Catholic male priests but even though they protested to the diocese that Bishop Christine was invited to preside, the wishes of the relatives of the deceased took precedence.
This is not the first time that Bishop Christine has made history. Last year she presided at a funeral held in a cathedral. There were 8 Roman Catholic male priests who participated in the liturgy and 500 people attended. Bishop Christine has also co-presided with a male Roman Catholic priest at a wedding in Austria.

This makes sense to me-- let the people choose! And they chose both a Roman Catholic Womanbishop and Roman Catholic male priests! Three cheers for Austria!! Perhaps, this will be a trend for the future of partnership and equality in the Catholic Church!
Bridget Mary Meehan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise God! This IS good news, Mother Bridget Mary! :-)