For some weeks Jennifer Sleeman has been in the news in Ireland. She is the 80 year active Catholic and mother of a monk who made news by declaring her dissatisfaction with the Catholic Church - 'Somehow I have grown up but the church has not'. Read her story in the Irish Times report. She has decided to make a protest and has invited women to join her 'Whatever change you long for, recognition, ordination, the end of celibacy, which is another means of keeping women out, join with your sisters and let the hierarchy know by your absence that the days of an exclusively male-dominated church are over.' WOW (Womens Ordination World wide have taken up her idea and have sent the fol lowing letter.
Women's Ordination Worldwide (WOW) stands in solidarity with Catholic women in Ireland who call for a widespread boycott of Mass on Sunday, September 26, 2010.
"Women make up 60% of Mass-goers and 80% of lay ministers. If each one of us took action on one single day, there is no doubt that this would be a powerful and significant event," stated Erin Saiz Hanna, Executive Director of the Women's Ordination Conference (WOC). "The practical, financial, and political implications would be substantial to say the least," Hanna continued.
Jennifer Sleeman, an active Catholic from Cork, Ireland initiated this movement when she urged women of Ireland to send a message to the Vatican that "women are tired of being treated as second-class citizens in the Church." This call which began with one woman is now spreading beyond the shores of Ireland as women around the world link arms together for participation in the day of action.
In solidarity with Sleeman, WOW supports her call for justice for women in the Catholic Church. Recognizing the many different ways of bearing witness to the institutional sin of sexism that marginalizes women in the Church, on September 26th, 2010 WOW encourages people of Catholic faith to consider organizing one of the following options for their parish communities:
Withhold Funds: Instead of making a donation at collection time, place a note in the collection basket that expresses your support for women's ordination. (Print a postcard here.)
- Wear green armbands to Mass
- Boycott Mass: Grieving the Church's sin of sexism, part icipate in a prayerful fast from mass. Gather together in one of the many other meaningful ways in which the Eucharist can be celebrated, including women-led or community led communities.
Bridget Mary's Reflection:
1. Attend a Woman-Priest led liturgy.
2. Call forth women in your community to serve in a renewed priestly ministry.
3. Give a donation to Roman Catholic Womenpriests to support educaion of women called to prepare for priestly vocation
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