
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Quebec's 1st" Female Catholic Priest Ordained"/Montrel Gazette

..."The group Roman Catholic Womenpriests ordained Linda Spear, a retired teacher from Quebec, in an Anglican church in Sutton..."

"Spear is the first Quebecer but the sixth Canadian woman to become a Catholic priest this way. She was symbolically ordained by U.S. bishop Andrea Johnson. Spear can celebrate the sacraments such as marriage, but they will not be recognized by the Vatican, which limits the priesthood to men."

"We are not leaving the church, we are leading it into living Jesus's example of Gospel equality. Jesus called men and women to be disciples," Meehan said.

"We are disobeying an unjust church law that prohibits women's ordination and is rooted in discrimination," she explained. .."

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