Sheila Carey, performed a
Liturgical Dance honoring
Mary Mother of Jesus
at beginning of homily,
following by
community shared on topic:
What difference would it have made if
church and society listened to wise women?
Figurines of 3 wise women/Epiphany
beside Gospel Book
On Jan. 1, 2011, Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community in Sarasota, Florida celebrated the feast of Mary, Mother of God and the Epiphany. At the Gathering Hymn, "We three kings of Orient are, the presiders processed up the aisle, carrying figurines of 3 WISE WOMEN. We placed them on the altar next to Gospel Book. See photo below.
The community recited the following
Men: "What would have happened if wise women had come to the stable instead of wise men?" ;
Women: "The wise women would have arrived on time and helped with the delivery. They would have clean the stable and brought practical gifts. "
Lee and Carol Ann Breyer, one of our priest partner couples brought the wise women figurines from an artist in North Carolina and Lee was the innovator of this creative theme for our liturgy.
A couple proclaimed the Gospel from the feast of Mary Mother of God and the Epiphany. At the homily time, Sheila Carey led our reflection with a liturgical dance in honor of Mary, Mother of Jesus. See movie clip on youtubebelow.
Our homily reflection was the community's response to the the question: what difference would it have made if the church and society listened to the wise women in our tradition and in our midst. Most of the women in the assembly shared their perspectives on this fundamental issue.
Our music minister, Mindy, sang original music that drew the assembly into praise and worship on the theme of living in the light of God, our Love in this moving liturgy.
At the Eucharistic Prayer, the community gathered around the altar to recite the prayers as the Body of Christ. All were welcome to receive Eucharist at this Sacred Banquet.
See Movie of Liturgical Dance with Sheila Carey:
For upcoming events sponsored by our inclusive Catholic liturgies:visit:
Bridget Mary Meehan, RCWP
Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests
"Men: "What would have happened if wise women had come to the stable instead of wise men?" ;
Women: "The wise women would have arrived on time and helped with the delivery. They would have clean the stable and brought practical gifts. " "
Very sexist.
Is this what your community does every week; gather together to bash men?
This is simply an ancient joke. If you've never heard it before, you have been living a very sheltered life.
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