
Thursday, March 10, 2011

"Can the Church Still be Saved?" by Hans Kung/ Urges Catholics "to Seize Control of Church from Clerical Masters"

Tuebingen, Germany -

"..Speaking at the book launch in Tuebingen, Germany, Wednesday, the 82-year-old said Jesus Christ would not like today's Catholic Church."

'If Jesus of Nazareth returned, he would not prohibit contraceptives, he would not shut out divorced people, and so on, Kueng said.'

"He charged that the curia, or Vatican bureaucracy, had come up with a long series of rulings over the centuries that opposed the teachings laid down in the Christian New Testament..."

..."In the book, he argues that resistance to church doctrines that are 'obviously against the Gospels' is a duty."

"Kueng said this included Catholic parishes insisting on keeping their priests after they marry, even if church law declares the man is no longer a priest. He said the church could only saved by the faithful taking over responsibility for their church. "

Bridget Mary's Reflection
Kudos to Hans Kung for speaking truth to power, confronting the abouse of power by church authorities and for calling Catholics to stand up to the Vatican.
I agree that Jesus would not recognize the institutional Roman Catholic Church today. Jesus would not prohibit contraceptions, or prohibit divorced people from receiving sacraments. Jesus would not condemn gay, lesbian or transgendered people. Since Jesus's disciples were male and female, if Jesus returned today he would welcome married priests and women priests into the circle of discipleship!
Bridget Mary Meehan, RCWP

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