Historic Ordinations of
women deacons and priests
in Pittsburgh
on July 31, 2006-
first ordination in U.S.
Pink Smoke Over the Vatican” is a 2010 film produced and directed by Jules Hart and distributed by Eye Goddess Films. The Eye Goddess Films website describes the film this way: “Pink Smoke Over the Vatican is a documentary film about the controversial movement of women seeking to be ordained as priests in the Roman Catholic Church. On June 3, 2008, The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which is the modern name for The Holy Office of the Inquisition, issued a sweeping order of excommunication for ‘the crime of attempting sacred ordination of a woman.’ Pink Smoke Over the Vatican chronicles the events that led up to this severe punishment and tells the stories of the determined women and men who, through the forbidden and illicit path of female ordination, are working to end the underlying misogyny and outdated feudal governance that is slowly destroying the Roman Catholic Church.” “The Fresno group, Womanspirit Rising, seeks to call attention to the movement through the film, which will be shown at 1 p.m. March 5 at The Oneness Center, 1752 E. Bullard Ave., Suite 106,” the Fresno Bee reports. "It is a film about social justice and peace on what is currently happening," Clovis resident Jenine Cortopassi and a member of Womanspirit Rising, told the Bee. "It is an underground movement – and it is catching on. It is bringing people up to speed. Most people in Catholic circles aren't aware of it."
Bridget Mary's Reflecton:
Kudos to Jules Hart for her outstandng film on the Roman Catholic Women Priests Movement! Obviously, this controversial film is spreading awareness of our revolutionary movement to transform the Roman Catholic Church into a more just and egalitarian community of faith. Let the "holy shakeup" continue!
Bridget Mary Meehan, RCWP
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