
Friday, July 1, 2011

"Hipocrisy" by John Chuchman/Translation of Lord's Prayer in Aramaic/ "O Birther, Mother/ Father of the Cosmos"


Jesus does not say,

Our Father . . . Who art in heaven . . .

Jesus says,

Abwoon dibashmaya


O Birther,


of the Cosmos . . .

Jesus knows that

The Divine,

The Creator,

The Source of Life,

The Sustainer of the Universe

is NOT Male only,

but rather the Fullness

of both Masculine and Feminine Essences.

Jesus knows that

God is BOTH Mother and Father,

a loving, birthing energy

who is constantly

a mothering and fathering source of life

for us all.

All of the masculine names for God

and all the corresponding masculine pronouns

that fill the Bible

are only there because

the translators of the Roman Catholic Church

choose to make God masculine.

This is their basis for establishing

a male-dominated church

that leaves women out in the cold

when it comes to church authority.

They define God

in a way that serves their control.

No other organization on the planet

is more hypocritical towards women,

exalting Mary on one hand,

while keeping priests celibate from women

(at least publically)

and powerless in the church on the other hand.

Honoring Mary is important, but

Honoring Women as Equals is Divine.

To ban women from ordination and positions of leadership,

denying them a meaningful voice in the Church

is diabolical.

This is the worst kind of Hypocrisy.

Is pedophilia more honorable

than sexual relations with women?

I have learned more about relationships,

more about presence,

more about compassion and empathy

from the women I have known

than from any man.

To claim,

directly or indirectly through language,

that the Divine Creator

is solely masculine

is damnable.

Making God strictly male

makes males gods.

Jesus knows that when He says,

Abwoon . . .

Love, John Chuchman

Bridget Mary's Reflection

God is not male and to use only male language in official worship implies that God is male which is idolatry. God is beyond all names and images and certainly can be named and imaged with feminine metaphors as well as male metaphors.The real issue is honoring women as equal images of the divine in everything and that means women can and should preside at Eucharist. Excellent work, John!

Thanks for this powerful reflection.

Bridget Mary Meehan, ARCWP

Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests

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