
Sunday, July 10, 2011

This is What A Catholic Looks Like by Kate Conmy

"The sisters and daughters of Mary Daly gave me permission to re-claim my Catholicism with all of my questions as an extraordinary action of faith. Ambivalence means courageously engaging the sacred to foster critique, conversation and innovation in the pursuit of knowing God. Just as Carter Heyward writes, “To love God is to un-do evil,” I so strongly believe that God must manifest as an expression of creative justice whereby inclusivity, “right-relation,” and the elimination of discrimination are central on the path toward a higher liberation. I graduated feeling empowered by women, activists, and radicals who claimed their faith and the responsibility to speak a language beyond the binary in order to celebrate the wisdom of all human and divine goodness. "

Bridget Mary's Reflection

Kate is the new Membership Coordinator of Women's Ordination Conference.
Thanks for the insightful article from the perspective of a young woman!

Bridget Mary Meehan, ARCWP

Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests

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