
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"Lack of Women Will Irreversibly Harm the Church" by Sr. Joan Chittister/NCR

Oct 17, 2011 "From Where I Stand"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Because, darling," the mother said, "our church doesn't allow girl priests."

The better answer would be because Jesus Christ did not choose women to be His Apostles. If you want to blame someone, blame Christ.

"With the retreat to Vatican I in full force, this question and its answer get closer and closer."

Am I missing something here? did Vatican II undo Catholic teaching on this topic?

"Feminine language is fast being cut from the very prayers of the church. "

It's a recent innovation (post-Conciliar) that defies Catholic Tradition and is heretical when applied to God (such as neutering references to God the Father in the Gloria).

"Women have been removed from various church boards stealthily but steadily..."

In my diocese quite the opposite has been the case. Men are nearly invisible in every facet of Catholic life, from parish staffs to Mass attendance. The fruit of the Church you desire.