
Thursday, November 28, 2013

"The Latest from Pope Francis on Women" by Maureen Fiedler

Pope Francis says, "...The reservation of the priesthood to males, as a sign of Christ the Spouse who gives himself in the Eucharist, is not a question open to discussion."
This seems to be a new way of saying that because Jesus was male, the priest must be male. That argument has been answered so many times, it seems redundant to say it. But "imaging Jesus" is not a question of gender. To make the maleness of Jesus a controlling element in imaging him is to confuse Jesus' maleness, which is incidental, with his humanity, which is fundamental to his redemptive role. And the spousal imagery is just that: imagery. Moreover, to say that only males may image Jesus sacralizes masculinity.Pope Francis does have a noteworthy point on one thing: The priesthood is for service, not for power. Too often, these are entangled and confused."
Bridget Mary's Response:
As Christians we are baptized into Christ. As Paul states, there is neither Jew, nor Greek, male or female, all are one in Christ Jesus." Galations 3:28
Hence, Christians are baptized into Christ's humanity and divinity. We are the body of Christ. Women and men both image Christ by their baptism. Thus, male and female priests as well as the entire assembly gathered in worship image Christ in sacramental celebrations.
  No image can be taken literally, metaphors simply give a glimpse into the Mystery of God. Spousal imagery reflects the passionate, intimate love of God for each of us and all of us, and is not reserved to either gender." I agree that Pope Francis makes an important point that the priesthood is not about power or domination, but about service to the people of God.
Bridget Mary Meehan, arcwp

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