
Thursday, January 16, 2020

Not Now, If Not Us... Who? A Prayer Service for the Women’s March

Leader:  I welcome and invite you to join me in prayer, song & blessings for Our 2020 Women’s March Pilgrimage. 

Refrain: We are marching...
We are marching...
We are marching in the light of God, 
We are marching....
We are marching....
We are marching in the light of God! (Repeat)

(Poem Adapted from: Stacey Zisook Robinson)

May all who march, 
be embraced & enveloped, 
with Eternal Kairos Time, 
the struggles of our linear time!

Who would have the strength
to stand, and speak truth to power -
a tightrope walk
against the wind,
with no net below
except for the hand of God?

-We are marching...
-we are marching...

Leader: Who would walk the road
less taken, the one of
rocky crags and razor wire?
Who will lay down the false powers of gloom and doom? 
Who will rise up,
Marching towards 
Our glorious sunrise?

-We are marching...
-We are marching...

We are taking, 
the road that curves into a
perilous wood and we are
still looking up with hope!
Who would join us and 
sing the song of dissonance 
when it is easier - far easier!
to slip into the stream
and be carried
by its current?

-We are marching in the light of God!
-Together we rise towards 
  Our glorious sunrise!

Who would continue to dare
to demand justice,
show mercy,
offer comfort
shout defiantly -
who would love
in the face
of hate?

-We are marching...
-We are not giving up!....

Reader 1: 
In the Hebrew tradition, 
our sister, Puah stood, and Shifra
by her side, choosing life
and the cry of babes over
one man's harsh decree.
And Miriam, the one of
timbrel and drum
she danced across a river
and sang a song
of freedom's call!

-We are marching...
-We are marching....

Reader 2: A reading from the book of Isaiah.

“Learn to do good; seek justice, challenge oppression; bring justice to those without a parent and plead the cause of the poor & marginalized. (Isaiah 1:17). “ (pause)
“Our Beloved God has promised, O human ones, to do what is good! ...

And what does God require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8).

Hear what The Spirit is saying to the churches.  

Keep marching! 

-we are marching!
-we are not giving up!
-we are marching!

Reader 1: In The Christian tradition, who will stand and stay with The Mother of Jesus, her sister and Mary Magdalene at the foot of the cross, as empire ordered execution? The men had dispersed.

-We are standing....
-We are standing in the breach 
  with God and each other!

Leader: Who will walk before the dawn, defiant of the guards of empire and witness resurrection?  Who will be sent to proclaim; The Good News of post-gloom & doom, a glorious sunrise?

-We are marching in the light of God

Reader 2: As we continue to companion Cleopas on the road to Emmaus, we are opening our lives to the stranger walking along with us.
Although we are overwhelmed by all that has been happening, these past few years, can we recognize The Divine, even in the brokenness? 
Can we recognize The Divine’s Presence in each other?

-Yes we can!
  We are marching 
  in the light of God. 
-we are not giving up....
-we are marching....

Leader: Who will stand
now, if not me? Who?
who will rise
now and march
now and sing a song
of freedom's call
now? Who,
if not for me.
Once more, and
yet again
if not now,

Let us pray:
Gather it all up, blessed ones; let it feed us like manna. 
Allow the crowds’ electric thrum to seep into us,
knitting itself into courage;
into holy boldness;
into fuel for the journey back, and for the journey forward. (Pause) 

Leader: Please raise your hands in a blessing gesture. 

May we be safe.
May we be free from all harm.
As the road or skies carry you toward your fellow pilgrims,
may we sense the presence of those who travel with us in spirit,
whose hopes and hearts are tucked into our pockets,
who name our journey’s purpose as sacred.

We are Blessing every word and action in, an ever expanding companionship of empowerment!
We are now sending you forth on
your transformative 
Women’s March Pilgrimage. 
March on!

-We are marching in 
   the light of God!
-Together we rise towards 
  Our glorious sunrise!



 FYI: I attached Pastor Dawn Hutchings’ sermon from last Sunday. I believe there is significant resonance between her Sermon & hopes for The Women’s March and other Social Justice Actions.

“The Sacrament of Resistance” 

Liturgy adapted by,
Rev. Karen Kerrigan ARCWP
Gathering Priest along;
The Huron, Rouge & Detroit River Watersheds and
The Great Lakes Water Basin.
Grateful member of St. Peter’s Peace & Social Justice Community,

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