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Christine Moreira ARCWP from Spain, witnesses for the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests are worldwide celebration of priests at the Vatican |
y en TVE1, en el programa "a partir de hoy" http://www.rtve.es/m/alacarta/videos/a-partir-de-hoy/partir-hoy-06-03-20/5531882/
Dedicated to the brave of Lastesis.Patriarchy is a judge who judges us for being born, and our punishment is the violence you don't see. Patriarchy is a judge who judges us for being born, and our punishment is the violence you see. It is feminicide. Impunity for my killer. It is the disappearance. It is rape. And the fault was not mine, nor where I was or how I dressed….
by Christina Moreira, Roman Catholic presbyter.
Who does not remember Joseph, the man who always knew what God wanted, because he dreamed it and did his part of the work of the Nazareth family, consisting of saving the life of Mary who could have died from a little regulatory pregnancy already Your child threatened, already, by fury of political power, trying to escape in time?
I dream of men like Joseph, who see where God hides their assets, who smell tears and creatures in gestation in time, servants of tenderness and love, capable of fully incorporating what some call the "female genius." Sometimes I am surprised to see a group of disciples of all sexes (yes, there are more than two) and conditions laughing and talking with frank camaraderie on the roads of Galilee, the Galileo looks sideways and smiles ...
Long is my history of exclusion, with which I am paid my unconditional and radical adherence to that smile. Surely it is because I do it like them, my disciples disciples, summoning to the Galileo table, preaching the Good News to his people, seeking to heal and comfort ...
In ' Dear Amazonia' , Francisco lands on me, our dream, the dream of many baptized to serve radically and perform that wonderful role of the priest who so well describes. Declare that our place is another. He has not dreamed what we. Really, can someone describe that act as an intermediary of Christ in such a splendid way and imagine that women, who do not love him less or in a different way, will not want it? Does anyone still imagine that we are going to pray for vocations and put the Spirit in conditions to call only celibate and heterosexual men according to canon law? I dreamed that this was obvious ... The patriarchal veil still covers certain obvious things.
Since I was an ordained presbyter (March 14, 2015) I have lived personal and community episodes that include public and private insults of acquaintances and strangers. I have been forbidden to speak in a Catholic parish where the most controversial positions are often expressed freely through a statement sent to an agency that spread the news to the four winds. My local bishop hastened to send another statement to the media when my story came out in the equally local press. A well-known Jesuit from my city wrote a letter dictating that my discernment had not been correct, without crossing a word with me, and shared it to the four winds (omitting to refer me, the interested one, a copy). In the forums on women and ordination, or related topics, not only are I not invited to speak,
It is justice to also review the strong and powerful support that I receive, also from many places, even the most unsuspected. To the point that I am repeatedly asked to identify myself in the street with lancels, from other countries. This is Spain, how do I explain it?
Actually, what I do must be very serious when it encourages so much passion on one side and another. The image of a woman in vestments (liturgical or street) called priests in my Roman Catholic tradition causes revulsion, the concept impacts. It hits the windows of the gentlemen's club that is the Roman institution, like a fly that finds no way out against the ceiling glass. The patriarchy, with its vertical functioning flowing in successive imposition-submission relationships to the floor, is inscribed in the collective and individual DNA of our civilization now widely spread across the planet, which, in fact, is wanting to kill. He also inhabits and endlessly in the ecclesial institution with his well-oiled perverse Marian theology,
The image of a woman in robes called priests in my Roman Catholic tradition causes revulsion, the concept impacts.
When these days I keep hearing that the theme of "the woman" (stinkingly essentialist, women are many and diverse) does not matter as much as the dreams (beautiful and that I also share) of the pope, I invariably answer: none of those dreams of justice and peace will come true without the other wing of humanity, without the flesh of his flesh, half of God's offspring and dignified in a "single baptism for the forgiveness of sins."
Women raped, killed and considered as objects here and everywhere need someone brave to be able to take a step to corroborate their equal and indisputable dignity. To take my fellow men away from the altar, from the altar server and even away from homosexual or non-binary people from the space where grace is mediated is to openly declare that we do not enjoy equal dignity, is to declare hunting, the sale of female flesh. It is complicity with feminicides, and on a large scale given the influence of the Catholic Church in the world ... it is suicide. They kill one, they kill us all.
We do not want anyone to save us from clericalism, or anything. Everything is ours in this twice-millenary house, everything was done in our name and thanks to us who, among other things, give birth to those who are baptized and who will be baptized, that is, to the workforce.
If Mary of Nazareth showed up at the altar one day and said “this is my body, this is my blood”, what would you say Francisco? Would you repeat that I have to look like her? Then I would obey you. This is my dream ... He who fulfilled my life. For now, obedience, to the Spirit and to my community that has instituted me as what I am to serve.
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