
Friday, June 4, 2021

Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community Feast of The Body of Christ Andrea Seabaugh & Michael Rigdon Presiding Joan Pesce & Jan LoGalbo Reading Linda Lee & Rick Miller, Music June 4, 2021         

Zoom link for video- 4:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

ID 851- 0809-5506

Passcode 1066

Welcome! (Andrea) We warmly welcome you to the inclusive Catholic community of Mary Mother of Jesus in Sarasota, Florida. All are welcome here. We invite you to pray the liturgy where it says, “” And please sing your heart out! Everyone will be muted during the service. Many of you will unmute yourself to read one of the parts marked , then mute yourself again. Also during the shared homily and prayers of the community, we invite you to unmute yourself to contribute, then mute yourself again. Please have bread and wine or juice with you as we pray the Eucharistic Prayer. 

Theme (Michael): The body of Christ on the table, the body of Christ at the table, the Body of Christ around the table.

(Andrea & All): We celebrate together ✝️ in the name of God our creator, Jesus the Christ, and the Holy Spirit our wisdom within. Amen. 

Please welcome each other with a sign of Christ’s peace! 

☮️ Namaste! The peace of Christ be with us all! ☮️ 

Gathering 🎶 All Sing: Everyday God:

Reconciliation Rite. Voice1 & All: We pause now to remember times when messages of our unworthiness have clouded our vision of the infinite love within us. Let us imagine our imperfections, the chaos and messes of our lives all brightly lit by a love that heals and transforms us as we evolve and grow in awareness of our divinity and our humanity. (Pause for several moments. Then extend arm over your heart.) 

All: I love you. Thank you. I’m sorry. I forgive you. Thank you. I love you. 

Opening Prayer. Voice2 & All: Spirit of the Holy One, we gratefully acknowledge your presence among us and within us. You have transformed us into the one Body of Christ, making us the face of Christ’s love in the world. Guide us to be present to those who continue to suffer from the two pandemics afflicting our country and our world—the covid pandemic and the pandemic of racism. We pray this in Christ’s name. Amen

🎶Joyful Gloria:

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading. (Joan) (Please pause in a moment of silence.)

A reading from Bridget Mary’s Blog.

During this time of pandemic, women priests and inclusive Catholic communities are walking toward the future as we celebrate Eucharistic liturgies on Zoom. Our ordained presiders at Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community, my faith community, invite those who gather each week with us on Zoom to have bread and wine/juice in front of them. We invite everyone to pray the words of consecration and to receive Communion. 

After participants have received Communion at their own tables, they share their experiences of thanksgiving. I often hear the Christ Presence speaking through them, offering words of comfort, strength and blessing.

In his book The Future Of Eucharist, Bernard Cooke observes that a new understanding of the resurrection in the Vatican II church has broadened the church's understanding of "real presence" and helped people to appreciate Christ's loving presence in the believing community. According to Cooke, while individuals may have specific functions within the gathered assembly, the entire community performs the eucharistic action (p. 32).  

If this is so, then the gathered assembly is the celebrant of Eucharist. It is the community that "does" the Eucharist, not the presider alone. A community encamps, wherever it happens to rest for this moment in time, around the Christ Presence that infuses our communion, vivifying our One Body. Some apply a “both/and” theology and say that the Body of Christ is on the table, at the table and around the table.

Historical scholarship supports this conclusion and goes even farther. Gary Macy, chairperson of the Theology and Religious Studies Department at the University of San Diego, concludes from his research in Middle Ages manuscripts that, in the understanding of the medieval mind, regardless of who spoke the words of consecration—man or woman, ordained or community—the Christ Presence became reality in the midst of the assembly. (Adapted from Walking the Prophetic Journey, Introduction, by Bridget Mary Meehan & Mary Beben.)

These are the Spirit’s inspired words to us through Bridget Mary, and we respond, Reader & All: Thanks be to God. 


Second Reading. (Jan) Continuation of a reading from Bridget Mary’s Blog.

As groups like women priests' inclusive communities gather during this time of pandemic for the sacred meal, they celebrate a vision of faith, share joys and tears, acknowledge a cosmic citizenship as people of God, and model the equal ministry of women and men. They believe, as Paul did, that in the body of Christ there is no Jew, Greek, slave, citizen, male or female. (Gal.3:20). All are welcome at the eucharistic celebrations, not only families, but single parents and children, the divorced and remarried, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered people. Roman Catholic Women Priests and all those who find themselves on the fringes of the institutional church for whatever reason are walking toward a future of embracing the Christ Presence everywhere in all people, beyond all limitations and imagination. 

We are, like a pillar of fire guiding the people of the covenant, the Way of love and justice, and we know that our lives are holy; our lives are blessed and broken in the mystery of God's transforming love in service of others, especially to the poor and marginalized and to all those in need. As a community of believers embraced in love and filled with love, we are walking toward the future that brings us across thousands of miles into one community in a digital age.

(Adapted from Walking the Prophetic Journey, Introduction, Bridget Mary Meehan and Mary Beben)

These are the Spirit’s inspired words to us through Bridget Mary, and we respond: Reader & All: Thanks be to God! 

 ðŸŽ¶ Alleluia:

Shared homily. (Michael) As the Spirit moves you, now is your opportunity to share your thoughts about the readings, the liturgy, or something else. Please turn your microphone on to share, then off when you’re finished. 

Profession of Faith. Voice3 & All:

We believe in the creator of all whose divinity infuses life with the sacred. 

We believe in Jesus the Christ who leads us to the fullness of humanity. 

We believe in the Spirit of wisdom, the divine breath in the cosmos,

who enlightens those living in darkness. 

Amen to courage, to hope, to the spirit of truth, to wholeness,

to the partnership of all women and men in the divine plan. 

We believe in justice and peace for all. We surely believe in all this!

Prayers of the Community (Andrea): We bring to the table prayers for our community and the world. (Response: Christ, you graciously hear us!) 

We bring to the table the 600,000 Americans who have died from covid, as well as their family and friends who bear an enormous burden of grief. We pray.

We bring to the table those who continue to suffer from “long haul covid” with a variety of symptoms that disrupt their lives. We pray. R

We bring to the table Sally and Janet, Mary Kay, Diane Burroughs, and all of our community members who need healing, comfort, and strength in their illness. We pray. R

We bring to the table the intercessions in our Community Prayer Book, as presented to us by Joan Meehan. R

Who and what else shall we bring to the table today? 

(Please turn your microphone on to offer a prayer, then mic off.) 

(Andrea): Christ, we will be your presence in the world today and every day of our lives. All: Amen

We offer our gifts. 

🎶 All Sing: Seed Scattered and Sown,

(Let us pause for a moment of silence before we begin the Eucharistic Prayer.)

Eucharistic Prayer. (Adapted from communion services in A Wee Worship Book   by Wild Goose Worship Group. The wild goose is a Celtic symbol of the Spirit.)

🎶 We are Holy,

Voice4 & All: Jesus was always the guest.

In the homes of Peter and Jairus,

Martha and Mary, Joanna and Susanna,

he was always the guest. 

At the meal tables of the wealthy

where he pled the case of the poor,

he was always the guest. 

Upsetting polite company,

Befriending isolated people,

welcoming the stranger,

he was always the guest. 

Voice5 & All: But here 

at this table,

Jesus is the host.

Those who wish to serve him

must first be served by him,

Those who want to follow him 

must first be fed by him,

Those who would wash his feet 

must first let him make them clean.

Voice6 & All: For this is the table 

where God intends to nourish us;

this is the time when Christ can make us new.

So come, you who hunger and thirst 

for a deeper faith, 

for a better life, 

for a fairer world.

Jesus Christ, 

who has sat at our table, 

now invites us to be guests at his.

Voice7 & All: For us you were born, 

for us you healed, 

preached, taught 

and showed your way.

You died and rose

to show us the path of transformation. 

Jesus Christ, present with us now, 

for all that you have done 

and all that you have promised, 

what have we to offer?

Voice8 & All: Our hands are empty, 

our hearts are sometimes full of doubt and fear. 

But with you is mercy 

and the power to change.

(Andrea & All): So as we do in this place 

what you did in an upstairs room,

send down your Spirit 

on us 

and on these gifts of bread and wine 

that they may become for us your body,

healing, forgiving 

and making us whole;

and that we may become, 

for you, 

your body, 

loving and caring in the world 

until your kindom comes. Amen

(Taking and breaking the bread) 

(Michael & All): Among friends, gathered around the table, 

Jesus took bread, broke it and said,

‘This is my body,

It is broken for you.’

(Taking the cup of wine)

(Andrea & All): Later, after they had eaten, 

Jesus took a cup of wine and said,

‘This is the new relationship with God, 

made possible because of my life and death. 

Drink this, all of you, to remember me.’

Prayer of Jesus

Voice9 & All: Let us pray as Jesus taught his companions to pray:

O Holy One, you are within, around, and among us.

We celebrate your many names. 

Your wisdom come, your will be done, unfolding from the depths within us.

Each day you give us all we need. 

You remind us of our limits, and we let go. 

You support us in your power, and we act with courage. 

For you are the dwelling place within us, the empowerment around us,

And the celebration among us, now and forever. Amen

(Adapted from Miriam Therese Winter, MMS)

Communion. Voice10 & All: 

Look: here is Christ coming to us

in bread and wine. 

These are the gifts of God

for the people of God.

We are the Body of Christ. 

(All receive Communion)

🎶 We Are Called:

(Please sing along!) 

V1. Come! Live in the light!

Shine your joy and the love of our God

We are called to be light for the kindom, 

To live in the freedom of the city of God! 

Refrain. We are called to act with justice,

We are called to love tenderly,

We are called to serve one another;

To walk humbly with God. 

V3. Sing, Sing a new song!

Sing of that great day when all will be one!

God will reign, and we’ll walk with each other

As sisters and brothers united in love! Refrain

Final prayer. (Andrea) Full of Christ’s peace, may we go out to love and serve one another in our community and in our wider world. Remember: We are the face of Christ to the world! All: Amen

Thanksgiving. Introductions. Announcements. (Michael)

Mutual blessing (Michael) Please raise your hand in blessing and sing with me:           All sing: Rejoice and be glad! Blessed are we, holy are we! Rejoice and be glad! Ours is the kindom of God! x2

(Andrea & All): Let us go in peace. May we be the face of Christ to those we meet. Alleluia!

🎶 All Sing: Alle, Alle, Alleluia.


If you want to add an intercession to our MMOJ Community Prayer Book, please send an email to Joan Meehan: 

If you want to invite someone to attend our liturgy, please refer them to the day’s liturgy at      

To support our community, please send your check to:

Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community

St Andrew UCC, 6908 Beneva Rd, Sarasota, FL 34238

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