Ash Wednesday Service Prayer
Loving and Gracious God,
On this Ash Wednesday, we pause to remember our place in the great story of creation. We are stardust and breath, formed by Your love, sustained by Your grace. In this season of Lent, we turn our hearts toward You with a longing to be transformed by Your boundless compassion.
As we receive these ashes, let them be not only a sign of our mortality but also a symbol of renewal—a reminder that from stardust, You create new life. May this be a season of deep reflection and courageous love. Where there is brokenness, may we seek healing. Where there is injustice, may we work for peace. Where there is suffering, may we be a presence of hope.
Help us to release what no longer serves Your vision of wholeness and love. May our fasting be a practice of justice, our prayer a deepening of connection, and our giving a response to Your abundant grace.
Lead us in the way of Jesus, who walked with the outcast, lifted up the weary, and embodied Your radical love for all people. As we journey toward Easter, may we be renewed in spirit, ready to rise with Christ into new life.
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