This morning a woman from another area of the country,who was aware of the Florida ordinations, called a parish in the Southwestern Florida area and asked: Where are the womenpriests? (as if a local parish is keeping a list handy for distribution)The answer from the parish put her in contact with Judy Lee,a Roman Catholic Womanpriest, who ministers to the homeless in the Ft. Myers community.
Can you imagine the local pastor when he found out about this inquiry, scratching his head and saying, what will be next a call asking:
"What time does the womanpriest preside at Mass?"
The message is womenpriests are here to serve the people especially the millions of Catholics who feel rejected and alienated by their church. Now people are getting the message. Thank God!
To locate a womanpriest close to you:
visit www.romancatholicwomenpriests.org
Eighty percent of parish workers are women. I have no doubt that some of these dedicated women have priestly vocations, including nuns. Most of these women have degrees and pastoral experience serving communities. Roman Catholic Womenpriests ordain qualified women after they complete our preparation program.
So let's stop complaining about the shortage of male, celibate priests, call some qualified women forth to serve and rejoice. Change always comes from the grassroots.
Then when someone calls the local parish, looking for a womanpriest, the phone will be referred to the local womanpriest who is standing by--- ready, willing and able to serve you! Bridget Mary Meehan
1 comment:
Hello Bridget Mary,
By now you know I love to comment on your blog. Just so we are clear- comment on my blog all you want. Forgive me if you don't want me to list my blog on your site. Just delete it, if you don't want it "advertised" and I will get the message, and not post it again.
Anyway, Bridget Mary, being a priest is not about qualifications. God does not call one to the Sacred Priesthood becasue they merit it through some degree, or gift they have for "ministry." Very simply, God calls those whom he wills. Thats it. That is all there is to it.
It may very well be Bridget Mary, that certain women would make far, far better priests, then some men. In fact I know some nuns (real nuns) who would make better priests then some I know. But the question does not boil down to "Who would make a better priest" but rather "Whom has God called to the Priesthood?"
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