
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Roman Catholic Woman Priest Olga Lucia Alvarado Ministers in Colombia, South America

Olga Lucia Alvarado, ARCWP ministers in Colombia, South America
Some of the themes of Olga Lucia Alvarado's Liturgical Celebrations were: Violence against women. Domestic violence. Economic violence. Extreme violence. Analysis of the Human Rights vunerable in our country.

Olga writes: "These young people grow up with a different concept to the priestly ministry and who know what they're hearing the women's ministry! I feel I have to release my brothers, so I feel liberated, empowered the laity in the church sense and commitment."

Bridget Mary's Reflection:
Blessings on you, Olga Lucia, as you minister to faith communities in Colombia. Indeed, you are demonstrating the difference a woman priest makes as you connect violence against women with human rights and the need for justice for all especially those who live on the margins in poverty that is rooted so sadly in structural sin and injustice. Living justice in all areas of life and in all structures is constitutive to the Gospel of Jesus! We in the North will learn from the people in the global South. May you and other courageous women lead the way to prophetic justice in our church and world now!
Bridget Mary Meehan, ARCWP
Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests

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