
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Why Study Theology? People's Catholic Seminary - Inclusive, Liberating, Empowering, Equal- Affordable and Transforming

People’s Catholic Seminary offers programs to inspire and educate individuals and groups who embrace a vision of spirituality that is inclusive, liberating, empowering and equal.

Matthew Fox, one of the great visionaries of our times, proposes that contemporary seminaries move from knowledge factories to wisdom schools.
PCS offers pathways to theological and ministerial competencies in a renewed priestly ministry that nurtures our baptismal call to live holy lives as midwives of grace in mystical, prophetic, and sacramental communities of equals.
People’s Catholic Seminary provides educational programs that foster an expanded worldview of our liberating God of compassion present in all and working for justice for all through systemic change. As co-creators and companions on a journey, we share the wisdom of God in our sacred texts, theologies, sacred practices, sacramental celebrations, and lived experiences.
"I am blown away by what I am seeing in PCS. I am grateful beyond words that I found you. The unfolding, the synchronicity of my landing in your lap is the answer to prayer, and the answer to the call and pull of my heart to evolve." TKA 10/09/17
Elizabeth Johnson believes ,and so do we, that theology is meant for the whole people of God.
"Abounding in Kindness, the holy mystery of God is love beyond imagining. Not enough people seem to know this, even those who practice the Christian religion. Working creatively for peace amid horrific violence; struggling for justice in the face of massive poverty and military oppression, advocating ecological wholeness for earth's life-giving systems and stressed-out species; educating the young and old; healing the sick and comforting those in despair, creating beauty; taking joy in nourishing children; promoting freedom for captives; the list could go on because the needs are enormous. Even a simple cup of cold water given in Christ's name symbolizes how the abounding kindness of God becomes effective in the world." (Elizabeth Johnson, Abounding in Kindness, viii)

101. Introduction to Contemporary Theology
Welcome to PCS 101: Contemporary Theology for the People of
In this course, we will primarily use Elizabeth Johnson's book: Abounding in Kindness, along with supplemental materials available on the Internet. This course provides a discussion on fundamental beliefs of the Christian tradition. In the good company of each other, we will enter mature dialogues about the Holy One, the Great Mystery, the Source of All.
Please purchase the book.

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