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Bridget Mary Meehan ARCWP and Joan Meehan Co-Presiders at MMOJ Liturgy |
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Norman Rockwell |
Liturgy to
Celebrate "We are one spiritual family with all creation, new wine in new wineskins"
Opening Song: In the Name of All That Is
by Jan Novotka
In the name of all that is we come
In the name of the stars and
in the name of the planets, moons and the sun;
in the name of the planets, moons and the sun;
in the name of all that is we come.
In the name of all that is we come
In the name of the ocean and the
in the name of the mountain, desert and plain;
in the name of the mountain, desert and plain;
in the name of all that is we come.
In the name of all that is we come
In the name of the buffalo and
in the name of the turtle, eagle and whale;
in the name of the turtle, eagle and whale;
in the name of all that is we come.
In the name of all that is we come
In the name of the cactus and the fern;
in the name of the flower, tree and the herb;
in the name of the flower, tree and the herb;
in the name of all that is we come.
In the name of all that is we come
the name of the elements of life;
in the name of the soil, water and air;
in the name of the soil, water and air;
in the name of all that is we come.
In the name of the children of earth;
in the name of the Spirit breathing in all things;
in the name of the Spirit breathing in all things;
in the name of all that is we come.
Presider: In the name of God of heaven and Earth, and
of Jesus our brother and of Spirit Sophia, our wisdom. we come together. ALL: Alleluia
Rite of Reconciliation and Healing:
Presider: We pause now to ask
forgiveness for our failures to love one another and all beings on earth.
Glory to God glory, O praise God alleluia, Glory to God glory, o praise
the name of our God. (3 times)
Presider: O Holy One,You are the passionate presence of love from which life began on earth and continues
to evolve in unending delight in daffodils and
oak trees, sparkling oceans, and majestic mountains, strong bears and tiny
kittens. In the name of our Creator, who
dances on moon beams, and leaps for joy across the heavens; we give thanks and
All: Alleluia
Readings: First Reading: We Who Are Alive Today by
Jan Phillips
We who are alive today are the eyes
and ears,
the hands and feet of the Creative
We are Thought Incarnate, Word made
Flesh, Love materialized.
We are the consciousness of the
the universe knowing itself, seeing
itself, singing to itself.
We are prophets of a new time,
makers of a new myth,
where our Source dwells not on some
heavenly throne
but in the very breath of living
things: among us and within us.
We are made of heaven and earth,
starlight and clay,
minerals and meteor dust.
We are the Infinite Wave transformed
into finite particles,
spacetime compressed into the spec
of a lifetime.
As the Cosmos multiplies and expands
forever outward
so does it expand forever inward
evolving us into beings of higher
We who are alive today came here
with a purpose,
are in service to a mission: to
extend mercy, to bring forth justice,
to re-member ourselves and converge
as one.
We are creating tomorrow with our
thoughts and words.
We are shaping ourselves and
families, our communities and cities,
our cultures and civilizations by
what we do and failed to do.
We are ascending into our potential,
evolving into our God-ness,
co-creating the Whole that is the
sum of our parts.
We who are alive today; let us sing
out that the heaven we seek
is already around us, that wherever
we look,
the Holy One is there, looking right
No matter what storms batter and
buffet us, let us not lose heart,
for we are One with All and life
holds us firmly in the palm of its hand.
The Word of Jan Phillips
Psalm 113: 1-9: God restores joy and gladness of heart.
Acclamation: ALLELUIA! (sung)
Bridget Mary Meehan
I combined two passages in today’s Gospel
In Mark 2 Jesus said: “new wine must be poured into
new wineskins”
In Mark 3: Jesus said: ‘who is my mother? Who is my
family? Anyone who does the will of God, that person is my sister, my brother,
my mother.”
In his worldview, Jesus knew that beyond all our
differences, family, race, gender, status, we are one divinely connected in God
and to one another.
His words were not a put down of Mary or his brothers
or sisters, but rather, a mind-blowing, expanded consciousness that in God’s
family everyone belongs. We are one spiritual family.
This means that every person everywhere- including all
created beings- are my sisters and brothers- even the sometimes doves who nest
in my bay window.
This means that the children who are wrenched from
their parents’ arms when they seek asylum at our borders are our family.
This means that hungry children in Sarasota County and
the homeless I meet on a daily basis – Randall and Charlie- who do not have
enough to eat and who suffer drug, alcohol and mental issues are our family.
Jesus’ message today is clear- everyone is family, and that we need to treat
them with the same love that we are called to show to our families of origin.
In his book, A Bigger Table, John Pavlovitz
reminds us that we need to see the beauty within everyone. It is not our
theologies, or doctrines, but our love that matters.
He writes: “The idea of universal family or kinship is
at the core of Christian faith too, of all, of all people made in the image of
God, all creations of the same Creator, all equally flawed, all equally worthy
of compassion. The beauty of the bigger table is that it creates proximity the
way Jesus did. It destroys distance between people, and distance - whether real
or imagined- is the enemy of relationship...Our labels are never large enough for
unique image-bearers of God…and will always shortchange the beauty within them.
We’ll also be satisfied viewing them from this safe distance of our
self-righteousness and shouting through bullhorns or shaking tambourines.
Ouch! I can remember seeing a few of those
demonstrations and counter demonstrations! And participating in a few such demonstrations!
“The kind of
intimacy shared by Jesus only comes through the redemptive relationship forged
when we are willing to sit across from people who believe differently than we
believe,” Pavlovitz writes, “willing to get close enough and stay long enough
to see both their unique humanity and their inherent divinity. Jesus’ call to
embrace love as theology isn’t merely a sugary surface platitude. It’s the most
difficult, time- consuming work of reflecting Christ to the world around us.”
( A Bigger Table, pp. 120-121)
This can be a tall order on days that my homeless
friend, is obviously drunk, speaking loudly and exhibiting obnoxious behavior at
McDonald’s. Yikes!
My sisters and brothers, let’s be honest this is one
of the major challenges we all face today in our present milieu.
But, I am hopeful because we are companions on this
journey in this struggle together. We offer insight, good humor and perspective
to each other – which I really appreciate.
Let’s affirm the ways that we are the face of God’s
love to each other and to our sisters and brothers who seek an open table in
the Catholic Church.
We are a warm hearted spiritual family who welcomes people to
a bigger table. We offer hugs and kind words to each other and to the visitors
who come through our doors. In our shared homilies, we listen to each other
with mutual respect even if we don’t always agree.
As Bishop Michael Curry said at the royal wedding of
Harry and Megan when love is the way we treat each other like family. “With love,” he said, “poverty
will become history” and “the earth will become a sanctuary.”
I may be an over the top optimist, but, I believe that
we are new wine and what we are doing is being poured into new wineskins. The
Spirit dwells in each of us and all of us- in our humanity and divinity-as we
evolve- liberating, healing and transforming us one tiny step and one day at a
As we continue to reach out to those who don’t share
our beliefs or theology, we will live Jesus’ message in today’s Gospel that
every person is a member of our family whom we are called to love as we love
ourselves and as God loves us.
Shared Homily
Share an example on how we can share Christ’s love with those with whom we disagree.
Profession of Faith: ALL: We believe in God, the creator and lover of
all. We believe in Jesus, the Christ, who shows us how to live in the fullness
of God’s love. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the breath of God, who empowers
us with spiritual gifts for loving service of our sisters and brothers. We
believe in Shekinah, God’s dwelling among the people. We believe in Sophia,
Holy Wisdom, leading us to justice, and equality. We believe in Christ Sophia, nourishing us
with abundant life as the Body of Christ at the table, on the table and around
the table at the Banquet of love.
Presider: Let us rejoice together in the dance of creation.
That we may care for the cosmos in
which the Holy One is revealed, we pray
Response: We will pour new wine into new wineskins
Presider: That those in leadership in our church may
let go of fear of the new and wholeheartedly join in the dance, we pray
Response: We will pour new wine into
new wineskins
R. Presider: That theologians may have courage to respond
to the rhythm of truth in spite of condemnation, we pray...
We pour new wine into new wineskins
Presider: That the dead may dance forever in God's
presence, we pray...
R. We pour new wine into new
(Other Intentions)
Presider: Blessed are you, God of all life, through your
goodness we have bread, wine, all creation, and our own lives to offer. Through this sacred meal may we become your
new creation.
Blessed be God for forever.
Presidere The
Holy One dwells within you. ALL: And loves through you.
Presider: Lift up your hearts.
ALL: We lift them up to the Great Spirit dwelling
in all creation.
Presider: Let
us give thanks that we are co-creators of a new heaven and earth
ALL: It is right to proclaim our oneness with All.
Voice One:
God of amazing surprises, Creator of
tiny bugs and awesome planets, Designer of earth's wonders, Giver of life and
laughter, we praise your passionate love hidden, yet revealed, everywhere in
the cosmos.
Voice Two:
Source of being, from the
beginning, all creation joined in in the holy dance of life in your Divine Presence. In you, with you and through you, we jump for joy
in an explosion of grace that resounds through the universe.
Sing: We are holy, holy. (Karen Drucker)
Voice Three:
We affirm the women and men
through the ages who have danced Love's cosmic dream of communion with hearts
ablaze. We pause now to remember those who have shown us how to step lightly on
the path to holiness, pouring new wine into new wineskins. (Time for
spontaneous remembrance)
Voice Four:
Heart of Love, we are grateful for
this festive banquet that we share- the Bread of Life and New Wine of Unending
Delight- that nourishes us and makes us more deeply one as your beloved family.
(please all extend hands as we
recite the consecration together)
On the night
before he died, Jesus gathered for the Seder supper with his friends. At this
meal, he took bread, gave thanks, broke the bread, gave it to them and said:
Take and eat. Whenever you do this, you remember me
At the end of the meal, Jesus took a
cup of wine, gave it to his friends and said:
Take this, all of you, and drink of the everlasting
covenant. Every time you do this, you remember me.
Let us proclaim the Sacred Mystery:
ALL: Your love moves through us to make a more
compassionate and just world.
Voice Five:
Although we come from diverse
backgrounds, we are one body, for we all share in this one bread. And so, as we
join with one another in the cosmic dance, Creator God, as we celebrate your
holy presence in every living thing.
Voice 6:
Let us live as a new body, brought
to birth by the Spirit of the Risen One in acts of forgiveness, healing, and
justice. Let us support all who suffer and work for peace in lands torn by
violence and hatred.
ALL: Through Christ, with Christ, in
Christ, in the resurrecting power of Divine Love forever evolving everywhere, all
glory and praise is yours, O Gracious God, forever.
ALL: Our Father and Mother…
. Presider:
May the peace of Christ Sophia be always with you. ALL: And also with you. Presider: Let us sing peace is flowing like a river as
our prayer for peace among all God’s family.
ALL: Loving God, You
call us to speak truth to power, we will do so. Loving God, You call us to live the Gospel
of peace and justice, we will do so.
Loving God, You call us to be Your presence in the world. We will do so.
Presider: Let us share the Body of Christ with the Body
of Christ! All are welcome. ALL: Amen
Presider: Creator of the cosmos, divine dancer, you
have lifted us up and swung us around to see your beauty in nature's awesome
gifts everywhere and in everyone. May we continue to move together to the
divine rhythm of harmony and peace, dancing joyfully in love with all created
beings forever. You guide us to new life and inspire our work and play with
creativity and joyful enthusiasm. We are new wine in new wineskins! ALL:
Presider: Christ Sophia is within you
ALL: and within all people and all creation everywhere.
(everyone please extend your hands in mutual blessing)
May we go forth as dancing prophets and mystic visionaries of our cosmic
communion with all life, in the Name of the Creator, in the Name of our brother Jesus, and in the name
of the Divine Spirit dancing with us .
Presider: Go in the peace of Christ Sophia. Let us live as new wine in new wineskins! ALL:
Thanks be to God.
CONCLUDING HYMN : In the Name of All
That Is- Jan Jan Novotka
Bridget Mary Meehan
Association of Roman Catholic Woman
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