
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community St. Francis of Assisi October 6, 2018 Presiders: Elena Garcia ARCWP and Janet Blakely ARCWP Music Minister: Linda Lee Miska

Left to right: Janet Blakeley ARCWP and Elena Garcia ARCWP co-preside at Liturgy

Theme: Radical discipleship, single mindedness, compassion

Gathering Song: The Canticle of the Sun #422 verses 1, 2, 5

Presider: We come together in the presence of God who is the Source of all Being, of our brother Jesus, and of Spirit Sophia, our wisdom. 

ALL: Gracious God, grant that by walking in the footsteps of St. Francis, who lived a life of simplicity, poverty and humility, we may experience our own mystical oneness with all of creation, including everything that is simply “not us”.  May we cherish every amazing day, conscious of your presence in and around us. Like St. Francis, may we recognize your goodness and beauty in everything everywhere in the cosmos. May we respond with the same compassion and understanding.

(Let us pause briefly while we reflect on our need to grow in love for one another)

Presider: We know how we are called to live in right relationship to God and to all creation. We ask God for forgiveness for all the times we have not lived up to those messages from the Spirit and not opened our hearts welcomingly to her presence.

                                    (With a raised arm over the community)
All: Loving Jesus, we ask for the grace to acknowledge our continual need to grow in understanding, compassion, and care for ourselves, for others, and for our planetary home. We ask you to instill in us the virtues of pardon and peace, so that we may, in turn, learn to be forgiving; to our brothers and sisters, whoever and wherever they may be. Give us the courage and strength to extend your merciful presence that is your gift, through us to all those with whom you graciously share your unending love. May this be so, without exception. Amen

Presider: Let us give glory to our loving Creator

Glory to God, glory, O praise God, alleluia. Glory to God, glory, O praise the name of our God. 3x          

First Reading: Francis of Assisi                                       Response: Amen
Psalm 27: “I believe that I shall see the good things of Yahweh in the land of the living”
Second Reading: Canticle of Brother Sun (Laudato Si) St. Francis   Response: Amen
Gospel acclamation: Alleluia (Celtic Version)
Gospel: Mt.:6 26-33  Response: Glory and Praise to Jesus the Christ

Homily Starter for celebration of Feast of St. Francis of Assisi

On the 27th week of Ordinary Time

Recently, Radical discipleship, Single mindedness and Compassion provided food for meditation which I was able to identify in the life of St. Francis whose feast we celebrate today.
The concept of Radical speaks to me of being Extreme. And discipleship  struck me as being a two part word. When I broke it down, I stared at disciple and the first thought that came to mind was the concept of follower. Free association of “ship” had me visualize Jesus, the unpredictable sea, travel to new and unknown parts, casting the net again and again. When I put them back all together I arrived at an inexplicable urge to follow someone or something, somewhere not clearly mapped out.

As I moved on to meditate on single mindedness. I envisioned a childlike determination to conquer a new skill, like climbing up onto a chair unassisted for the first time. Knowing that a loving parent is nearby to encourage and rescue, if necessary, is comforting. Yet nevertheless, that child chooses to deal with all obstacles, the height of the chair, the limited length of the legs,  until reaching the goal. That child refuses to be distracted from its task.

Most of us know compassion as  the experience of  “feeling with”.  Further meditation has provided more information that includes the idea of charity, clemency, grace,  and mercy.

When we ponder and examine the life of Francis and other saints, those canonized and those saints who have lived among us and have become a part of the fabric of our lives, we would most likely be able to identify lives of radical discipleship, singlemindedness, and compassion.

What does Radical Discipleship mean to you?
In your experience, what does positive  Singlemindedness lead to?
When and how have you seen or experienced compassion on your life journey?

Shared Homily/Community Reflections


We believe in God, the fountain of life, flowing through every being. We believe in Jesus, the Christ, who reflects the face of God and the fullness of humanity. We believe in the Holy Spirit Sophia, the breath of God in the cosmos, who calls us to care for earth as the common home we share with all creation. We believe that every living being is our sister and brother and a reflection of God’s goodness in the circle of life.  Amen to loving actions on behalf of environmental healing and transformation.


Presider: Francis called Lady Poverty his bride;
All:  Free us from the lure of consumerism that we may live the simplicity to which the gospel calls us.
Presider: Francis found Jesus in the poor;
All:  Move us to action which seeks communion and solidarity with the poor, the humble, and the lowly.
Presider: Francis reverenced all creation as the reflection of the Creator;
All:  May we respect all forms of life, especially those living creatures which depend on our care.
Presider: We pray for environmentalist, recyclers, and those who till, care for and harvest the fruits of our earth.
All: May they be confirmed and supported in their efforts to preserve the earth for future generations.
Presider: Francis radiated seraphic joy born of love for God;
All:  May our hearts be inflamed and made big enough to embrace all as our sisters and brothers.
Presider: And for what else shall we pray?
Presider: Healing God, we trust that you hear our prayers. May we celebrate the beauty of nature and work to heal our Earth. We make this prayer through Jesus, our brother, in union with Holy Spirit Sophia.       All: Amen

OFFERTORY SONG: “In the Stillness" ” by Karen Drucker
PREPARATION OF THE GIFTS     (Please gather around the table)

Presider:    (Raise bread and wine)
Ever gentle God, as co-creators of our planet, we offer you the gifts of bread, wine, and our lives. May we celebrate our oneness with all creatures great and small in the family of God.
All:    Blessed be God forever.

Presider: Pray that as we recognize our call to use our gifts in loving service to our sisters and brothers we may become one with all in the Cosmic Christ,
All:    Blessed be God forever.

Presider:  We are gathered as a community to celebrate the gift of life pulsating around us in the glories of Nature everywhere.  As we recognize the presence of the Divine within each other, let us greet one another with the word that signifies that recognition.
All:  Namaste! Namaste! Namaste!

Presider: Our loving God who speaks to us through wild flowers, butterflies and our beloved animal companions, dwells on Earth,
All:  and in every living being

Presider: Lift up your hearts.
All:  It is with joy that we lift up our hearts to our Creator and to all creation!

Presider: Let us give thanks to the Source of life.
All: It is right, with hearts full of joy, to give thanks and praise to the Living God!

Voice One: Gracious Wisdom, we bring these gifts to this banquet table that they may become the Christ Presence.  Through your love and compassion, we are connected to each other,,,,,,, the young and the old, the least and the last. ,,,,,, everyone, everywhere, no exceptions.

All: WE ARE HOLY, HOLY, HOLY (You, I, We) –Karen Drucker

Voice Two:  Holy One, we thank you for the gift of Jesus of Nazareth in history- and the gift of Jesus in faith. His life was moved by his consuming vision of your presence in himself and in his mission. He extended that vision when he also recognized your presence in every person he met. He showed us through his example, not only how we should live, but also for what cause we may consider as worthy to give up our lives.

Voice Three:  When his time on earth had come to an end, Jesus, aware of and accepting his destiny, gave up his life as a witness for the values that he deeply believed, lived and taught, and his conviction that love is stronger than death. He then opened wide his arms,,,,, and died. The Spirit that lived in Jesus raised Jesus to new life.  This same Spirit of resurrection will raise each of us to new life.
All:  On the night before he died, while at supper with his friends, Jesus took bread, said the blessing, broke the bread and gave it to them saying, “Take this, all of you, and eat. This is my body. Do this in memory of me”  (Pause)
In the same way, Jesus took the cup of wine. He said the blessing, gave the cup to his friends and said, “Take this all of you and drink, Do this in memory of me.”

Presider: Jesus who was with God “in the beginning of creation” is with us now in this bread. The Spirit of whom the prophets spoke of in history, is with us now in this cup. Let us proclaim the mystery of faith.

All:  Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ lives in us and loves through us in the world today.
AMEN (Sung)

Voice Four: Christ of the Cosmos, we thank you that there are 18 galaxies for every person, that our bodies are made of stardust and that every place we turn You are present, loving us. You call us “beloved” and invite us to join the dance of creation, one with all living things in your divine embrace.  We rejoice that our beloved animals speak your words of living presence to us each day.

Presider: Let us join hands and raise our voices as we sing the prayer Jesus taught us.
All:  Our Father and Mother……….

Presider: Deliver us, God of Love, from every evil and grant us peace in our day. In your mercy, keep us holy in your sight and protect us from all anxiety and fear. We watch and wait, discerning signs that you are continually with us.
All: Amen

Presider: The peace of Jesus Sophia is always with you.
All: And also with you.

Presider:  Let us reach out to each other as we sing “Let There be Peace on Earth”
(Change father and brother to: God as creator, family all are we.)

Presider: Christ of the Cosmos,         All: May we live our oneness with you and all creation.

Presider: Christ of the Cosmos,       ALL: May we work for healing of the earth.

Presider: Christ of the Cosmos,        All:  May we celebrate justice rising up in a global communion everywhere.
All: When we share this meal, we who have always been worthy, commit to living your teachings, dear Jesus, and to tell your stories that allow Spirit to rise up within us and empower us to bring the kin-dom of God to this world. This is the good news of salvation.

Presider: This is the Cosmic Christ in whom all creation lives, moves and has its being. All are invited to partake in this banquet of love and to celebrate our oneness with all living beings on the planet.
All: We are the Face of God

Presider: Let us share and spread this good news.         All:  Amen
When sharing the consecrated bread, we say “YOU ARE THE LOVE OF GOD IN THE WORLD”
When passing the consecrated nonalcoholic wine, we say “YOU ARE THE PEACE OF GOD IN THE WORLD.”

Instrumental (Music Minister Choice)
Post Communion: “I See You Everywhere” by Jan Phillips
(Words are on the last page if you wish to sing along.)

Presider: Almighty, eternal, just, and merciful God, grant us the grace to do for You alone what we know You want us to do, and always to desire what pleases you. Thus, inwardly cleansed, interiorly enlightened, and inflamed by the power of Holy Spirit Sophia, may we be able to follow in the footsteps of Your beloved Son, Jesus, our Brother. And by your grace may we attain union with You in time and eternity.       All: Amen


All:  May we live and work for compassion and peace, justice and non-violence in our hearts and in all those we meet.
May we learn to bless, honor and hold in reverence all creation, the earth and one another.
May the gospel of Jesus be the guide for our actions – as it was for St. Francis whom we honor today.
May we always remember, with gratitude, that we are the face of God to the world. Amen.

Presider: As we leave here in the peace of Jesus, let us be the sacred people that God created us to be. Let our service continue!
All: Thanks be to God; Let it be so.

CLOSING HYMN: Prayer of St. Francis #531
Verse 1,  Lord becomes GOD
Verse 3  Master  becomes GOD
I Feel You Everywhere by Jan Phillips

I feel you in my heart. I feel you in my hands.
I feel you in the stars. I feel you in the sand.
I feel you everywhere, inside every cell.
There is no place here that you do not dwell. I feel you everywhere.

I feel you in my arms. I feel you in my feet.
I feel you in the eyes of everyone I meet.
I feel you everywhere, inside every cell.
There is no place here that you do not dwell. I feel you everywhere.

I feel you in the clouds. I feel you in the storms.
I feel you in the cold. I feel you in the warm.
There is nowhere I can go and not find you.

I feel you all day long.  I feel you late at night.
 I feel you in the dark.   I feel you in the light.
There is nowhere I can go and not find you.

I feel you when I sing.  I feel you when I cry.
I feel you breathe in me.  I feel you when I sigh.
I feel you everywhere, inside every cell.
There is no place here that you do not dwell. I feel you everywhere.

I feel you in my words.  I feel you in my love.
I feel you all around. I feel you up above.
I feel you everywhere, inside every cell.
There is no place here that you do not dwell. I feel you everywhere.

I feel you in the clouds. I feel you in the storms.
I feel you in the cold. I feel you in the warm.
There is nowhere I can go and not find you.

I feel you all day long.  I feel you late at night.
I feel you in the dark.   I feel you in the light.
There is nowhere I can go and not find you.

I feel you in my womb.  I feel you in my breast.
I feel you in the east.  I feel you in the west.
I feel you everywhere, inside every cell.
There is no place here that you do not dwell. I feel you everywhere.

I feel you in the earth.  I feel you in the clay.
I feel you when I work.  I feel you when I pray.
I feel you everywhere, inside every cell.
There is no place here that you do not dwell. I feel you everywhere.

I feel you in the clouds. I feel you in the storms.
I feel you in the cold. I feel you in the warm.
There is nowhere I can go and not find you.

I feel you all day long.  I feel you late at night.
I feel you in the dark.   I feel you in the light.
There is nowhere I can go and not find you.
There is nowhere I can go and not find you.

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