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Katy Zatsick, ARCWP, co-presiding at MMOJ Liturgy on Sept. 27, 2015 |
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Katy and Charlene, co-presiding at MMOJ Liturgy |
Inclusive Catholic Community
What have we learned from those unlike us?
What have we learned from Pope Francis this week?
September 26, 2015: 26th Sunday in Extraordinary Time.
Charlene Englerth, Katy Zatsick RCWP Presiding
Mindy Lou Simmons, Music Minister
Standing People In Heart Shape Stock Image
Gathering Song: Mindy will lead us in "Swimming to the Other Side."
Presider: In the name of God our creator, Jesus our brother, and Sofia our
All: Amen.
Presider: God is with you. All: And also with you.
Opening Prayer. All:
O Loving God, hope of all who trust in you, you created us into a world
endowed with all that we need, but greed has governed our stewardship of the
earth. Every year marks more clearly the division between rich and poor.
Send your Holy Spirit to guide us in the way of integrity and justice. Free
us to live as your children revealing your goodness and mercy. We ask this
through Jesus our Brother Amen.
First Reading: Numbers 11:25-29
Psalm response: #128 All: Your precepts, Adonai, they gladden our hearts.
Second Reading: James 5:1-6
All: sung Alleluia
Gospel: Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48
All: Response: Glory and praise to our Brother Jesus Christ!
Shared homily
Questions for reflection:
"When have I found common cause with someone surprisingly different from
"When have I learned from others-for a spiritual surprise for myself?
"What has Pope Francis taught me this week?"
Profession of Faith. All: We believe in God, the fountain of life, flowing
through every being and all creation. We believe in Jesus, the Christ who
reflects the face of God and fullness of humanity. We believe in Sofia, the
Holy Spirit, the breath of God in the eternally evolving cosmos, who calls
us to love and serve without counting the cost. We believe in our global
communion with all in the circle of life especially those most in need.
Amen to loving actions on behalf of justice, healing, compassion and
equality for all in our world!
Prayers of Intercession from the community
Presider: We have listened to the words of Pope Francis this past week, we
offer our prayers for guidance and healing for all people and the earth
Our response is "Loving God hear our prayer"
Presider: We thank you, O God, for hearing our prayers brought to you by
Mary Mother of Jesus, those spoken aloud and those in our hearts. All: Amen
Collection and Procession of Gifts to the table.
Song: #361 Seed Scattered and Sown, verses 1&3
Presiders: (raise bread and wine) Ever Gentle God, we offer you our gifts of
bread, wine and our lives. May we love tenderly, do justice and walk humbly
with our God. We ask this through Christ Sofia, the wisdom of God. All:
Eucharistic Prayer. We invite all to gather around the table for our
community meal.
All: sing: We are holy holy holy (x3) We are whole.
You are holy (x3) You are whole.
I am holy (x3) I am whole.
We are holy (x3) We are whole.
All: We ask you to awaken anew in our hearts the empowering grace of your
abundant Spirit, who infuses these gifts of bread and wine with the
transforming energy of your life to nourish and sustain us in our time of
Presider: We remember Jesus.
All (hand extended in blessing):
On the night before he died, while at supper with his friends, Jesus took
bread, said the blessing, broke the bread and gave it to them saying, "Take
this, all of you, and eat. This is my body which will be broken for you."
In the same way, Jesus took the cup of wine. He said the blessing, gave the
cup to his friends and said, "Take this all of you and drink. This is the
cup of my life-blood. Do this in memory of me."
Voice 1. Remember, gracious God, your Church through-out the world. Make us
open to receive all believers. We join with all God's people, with Bridget
Mary and all our bishops, and with Francis our Pope.
Voice 2. In union with all people, may we strive to create a world where
suffering is diminished, where justice and peace are restored, and where all
people can live in health and wholeness.
Resting your hand on the shoulder of the person to your right
All: May the Spirit rest on us, converting us from the patterns of this
passing world, until we conform to the shape of Jesus whose food we now
(Presiders lift up the bread and wine)
All: Through Christ, with Christ, in Christ, in union with the Holy Spirit,
all glory is yours, gracious God.
All: Sing Amen
Prayer of Jesus Sing "Our Father and Mother" while holding hands
Presider: Jesus offered his peace to the disciples in the Upper Room after
his resurrection. Pope Francis asks that we offer peace to all our brothers
and sister through out the world. Let us offer each other a sign of peace
knowing that we extend the Peace of Jesus to the world and to the earth
Sign of Peace: Mindy will lead us in "I wish you peace" as we offer a sign
of peace to each other.
Presiders: (Holding up the bread and wine) This is the Christ of the Cosmos
who is present in all creation's Oneness of Being with all diversity of
life. This is Jesus who liberates, heals and transforms us and our world.
All are invited to partake of this banquet of love.
All: We are the Body and Blood of Christ for our world.
All sing: Holy gifts for holy people; come, you hungry, and believe. Come
and take Christ's body offered, come and be what you receive. (x2)
The bread and cup are passed around the circle
During Communion: Instrumental music (Mindy)
Prayer of Thanksgiving, Didache (Instruction), 100 CE
Voice 3: For the thanksgiving, give thanks this way: First, for the cup: We
thank you, Abba God, for the sacred vine of David your son, whose meaning
you made clear to us through our brother Jesus, yours ever be the splendor.
Voice 4: And for the bread fragment: We thank you, Abba God, for the life
and wisdom whose meaning you made clear to us through Jesus, yours ever be
the splendor.
Voice 5: As this fragment was scattered high on hills, but by gathering was
united into one, so let your people from earth's ends be united into your
single reign, for yours are splendor and might through Jesus Christ down the
Prayers of Thanksgiving and gratitude
Community blessing for healing - Sally Brochu before surgery
Final blessing (please extend hands over each other, please sing) All:
You are the face of God, I hold you in my heart,
You are a part of me, You are the face of God.
You are the face of God, I hold you in my heart,
You are my family, You are the face of God.
Presiders: Let us go in the peace and mercy of Jesus our Brother, may our
service to our brothers and sisters and the earth continue! All: Let it be
Closing song: #379 "City of God" verses 1-4
Please replace "the Lord" with "our God" Please replace 'his" with "your"
Please replace "him" with "you"
Sept 26
Katy's homily starter
Our readings today concern people who shouldn't be doing things according to
the "insiders" In the Book of Numbers, Moses will not stop those different
folks who are prophesying. He replies, "If only all of God's people were
prophets." In the Gospel, asked to do so by his disciples, Jesus will not
sanction those who are healing in his name. Pope Francis challenged us this
week to reflect on the callings of our Roman Catholic faith and to build the
Common Good, the kindom of God.
For myself I have learned from many different people in my life.
Thanks to Pope St John the XXIII, the theologians and bishops who created
Vatican and wrote the documents as I began my adult life as a Roman Catholic
Christian. Thanks to Pope Francis challenging Americans, Catholics through
out the world, and all the Peoples of world to continue on our evolutionary
path to be fully human as our Cosmic Christ lives and calls us to be.
Thanks to Pope Francis as he calls us to strive for the Common Good.
Thanks to the professors at Wayne State University, an inner city university
in Detroit. I found my love of learning and wanting to achieve even as I
was a single parent of a pre-schooler. I was given the first scholarship to
a woman in the School of Business by the Chrysler Corporation. I achieved
two Masters Degrees, first in my family to do so.
Thanks to my hospice patients of different belief-Christian, Catholic,
Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish, atheists who taught me the love of God is
expressed through many belief systems or given to each individual. That
grace is available to all, that love and faith are found in all the peoples
of the earth.
Thanks to all the mothers, fathers, families at WRAMC who taught me to
forget my own deep hurts and wounds and to give unselfishly to another in
pain and sorrow.
See www.captjason.blogspot.com
Thanks to the co-presiders (only one ordained) of The Herald Inclusive
Catholic Community-IEC in Chicago who educated me in liturgy preparation
from 1996 to 2009. This community of ordained, laity, and Sisters also
taught me justice and peace ministry and supported me when I was at Walter
Reed. They taught me how to be a priest with the People of God.
Thanks to the women and men of ARCWP a very diverse group of followers of
the Way of Jesus who continue to challenge me to grow spiritually,
emotionally, mentally and organizationally. Thanks for the gifts given to
the ARCWP by our newly ordained bishops.
Thanks to Ford who as my sponsor never hesitated to challenge my ego, my
perfectionism, my rationalizations until I surrendered my life and will to
the "God of my understanding" and serenity blossomed in my soul. Thanks to
my AlAnon meeting giving my experience, strength and hope to grow into who
God calls me to be.
Thanks to the Vatican II theologians and those who followed Matthew Fox,
Ilia Delio, Hans Kung, Sr Miriam Therese Winter, Thomas Berry, Sr Joan
Chittister, Diarmuid O'Murchu, and others for opening my eyes and heart to
new ways of understanding and experiencing God and our Unbearable Wholeness
of Being.
And a very special thanks to you, the members of MMOJ who are teaching me to
live within an inclusive RC faith community of the Discipleship of Equals.
I will always be deeply grateful for your friendship and the work and
ministry we do in living the inclusive community of our God of Evolutionary
wholeness, complexity and diversity.-presiders and leadership from and with
our beloved community.
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